Chapter 77 You Cry It Also Cries, You Laugh It Also Laughs


The sharp knife smashed into the mirror in the living room, and fine cracks appeared on the originally smooth mirror surface. What's even weirder was that there was blood seeping out of those cracks!

The mirror placed in the center of the living room of 1074 seems to have life!

The scarred man didn't expect that with his full blow, he just smashed a few cracks into the mirror, and he didn't have time to make the next move.

An arm holding a sharp knife stretched out from the mirror, just like the scarred man slashed the mirror with a knife blade, that arm slashed the knife into the scarred man's body severely.

The most terrifying thing is that it's not over yet. When the scarred man was struggling to push the mirror down, countless gray arms stretched out of the mirror, as if trying to tear him apart.

The blood was flowing, and the scarred man kept screaming for help, but Han Fei and the other outsider secretly started to move towards the door as if they had negotiated.

The two of them thought of it together, but unfortunately the man with scars only supported him for less than two seconds before being completely dragged into the mirror by his gray arm.

The cold breath came from behind, and Han Fei stopped honestly.

"This can't be done! Two 'human' lives have been won for just over a minute in total!"

Four people came in, and in less than three minutes, two died. This seemingly ordinary hidden mission had a strong murderous intent behind it.

Only Han Fei and Feminine Man remained in the mirror, and as they imitated more and more movements, their figures in the mirror became clearer and clearer.

Looking at the figure in the mirror with an increasingly lively expression, Han Fei even had an illusion, as if the person who was really locked in the mirror was himself.

Rubbing his eyes, Han Fei noticed that the surrounding room became a little blurry.

He also rubbed his eyes in the mirror, with a hideous smile on his face.

"This hidden mission is called the game of the Mirror God. Does the Mirror God refer to the mirror in the living room? It imitates living people to make itself more human, and then locks the living and ghosts in the mirror?"

After Han Fei imitated his movements in the mirror, he took a step back, trying to get closer to the door.

The feminine man next to him also saw what Han Fei was thinking. He moved faster than Han Fei and came to the door of the room one step ahead.

After imitating his movements in the mirror, the feminine man grabbed the door handle and opened the door.

According to the rules of the game, it should be his turn to act in the mirror, but the feminine man didn't stop. When he saw the door opened, he immediately ran out without hesitation.

At the moment when he violated the rules of the game, arms stretched out from the mirror at an absurdly fast speed!

The feminine man was caught as soon as he ran out of the room. He slashed desperately with the knife in his hand, but to no avail, he could only watch himself being dragged back to the room.

Originally, the feminine man was standing at the door of the room, but now he was dragged directly in front of the mirror by those gray arms.

But instead of dragging him into the mirror this time, the gray hands made him stand face to face with the one in the mirror.

"The gray hand only appears when the rules of the game are violated, playing the role of game manager and punisher, but the gray hand has a different attitude towards the femininity and the scarred man."

"The murderer who wanted to destroy the mirror was killed by the mirror, and the murderer who wanted to escape the room was dragged by the mirror to the nearest place to the mirror. The mirror in the living room seemed to know how to think. It shouldn't be doing this game entirely for killing people, it keeps imitating The behavior of 'people' may be to make themselves 'people'."

He didn't know what kind of ghost was hiding in the mirror. He seemed to want to use this method to get rid of the shackles and regain his freedom.

"There are really all kinds of neighbors in this building."

Han Fei originally thought that the neighbor who kept the room as a pet was enough, but he didn't expect to meet another neighbor with a mirror.

"No wonder there are no living people on the seventh floor. I guess no one wants to. When I woke up, I found myself locked in a mirror." Thinking of this, Han Fei even had an even more terrible guess: "There may have been other people living on the seventh floor. People, but those people have been locked in the mirror."

When the gun hit the first bird, Han Fei decided to honestly complete the hidden task first.

When it was his turn to do the action, he decisively threw the knife in his hand outside the door.

"I'll throw all the sharp things out for you later."

If he in the mirror wanted to hurt himself with a knife, he would first have to pick it up, but if Han Fei threw all the knives outside the door, he would have to leave the room if he wanted to pick up the knives.

Han Fei had a good plan in his heart, but the next scene made his forehead sweat.

The feminine man who was caught by the gray arm in front of the mirror also guessed the rules of the game. Instead of struggling as hard as his companions, he played the game in front of the mirror extremely obediently.

When it was his turn to move, he tried to take a step back.

He also took a step back in the mirror, and then he made a crazy move in the mirror.

Lifting his finger, he stabbed his finger directly into the eye socket.

Looking at the terrifying scene, both Han Fei and the feminine man were taken aback.

Han Fei was fine, but the femininity man's face completely lost its blood. He slowly raised his fingers, but he couldn't calm down.

Fifteen seconds passed immediately, and gray arms stretched out from the mirror, as if the feminine man had fallen into the snake's lair.

Under the enormous pressure, the femininity man finally made a decision.

The rules of the play stabbed his fingers into the sockets of his eyes.

Hearing the voice coming from the other party's face, Han Fei felt his scalp tingle.

The feminine man was in great pain, and he subconsciously covered his blinded eyes.

The figure in the mirror showed a weird smile. He covered his blinded eye with his left hand, and then blinded his other eye with his right hand. Only two blood holes were left on his pale face.

Without eyes, he can't see, and he has no idea what the person in the mirror will do next. Feminine man thinks that the ghost in the mirror just wants to kill him.

There was no retreat, and he no longer hid. He pretended to poke his other eye and then fled backwards again.

The result was doomed. His desperate struggle finally angered the mirror, and strips of gray hands dragged it into the mirror.

The only remaining eye of the feminine man radiated vicious light, he stared at Han Fei, and finally let out an unwilling scream.

"Look at what I'm doing? I'm also a victim!"

Han Fei is now a little fortunate that the three murderers came in with him. These three people spent half the time helping Han Fei with their lives.

The room fell silent, and only one figure remained in the mirror.

"Before the hidden task is completed, I first have to obey the rules of the game, and secondly, I have to slow down the pace of the game."

Compared with the three murderers, Han Fei's performance can be described as being well-behaved. He has been cooperating with the mirror, and he will do whatever the other party asks him to do.

However, Han Fei was also thinking about countermeasures in secret. He didn't think about escaping or destroying the mirror, but wanted to make actions that would be difficult for the ghosts in the mirror to imitate.

Ghosts are mostly wrapped in negative emotions and bound by despair and pain, these guys have a hard time understanding joy and happiness right now.

Han Fei started from this point. He didn't do a lot of movements, just by mobilizing his facial muscles and using superb acting skills, he kept making happy and warm expressions full of positive energy.

Recommend the new book of the city god Lao Shi:

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