My Italy

Chapter 468 The light before dawn

The night in Catania today is very charming, and a full moon hanging in the distance is both quiet and charming. Outside the harbor, a cargo ship docked quietly under the cover of night. After seeing the ship docking, dozens of people who had been waiting here put out their cigarettes and immediately came over.

"Quick, signal."

The leader immediately ordered.

I saw one of them taking out a flashlight and shining it three times in a row, and then waved it in a circle. The cargo ship also shined three beams of light and waved a circle, and the joint code was correct.

Then the people on the boat picked them up and brought them all the way to the warehouse.

"These are your goods."

A sloppy middle-aged man wearing a sailing cap pointed at the long cargo box in the cargo ship and told them.

And his words immediately caused the people who picked up the ship to separate into two people, pick up the crowbar on the side and pry open a cargo box, and a brand-new rifle brushed with butter immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"One box contains twenty Lebel 1886 rifles, a total of two hundred and fifty boxes. The other one million rounds of ammunition are over there."

As his words fell, the shining bullet was revealed in front of everyone. Then several cargo boxes were opened randomly one after another, either guns or ammunition.

"Be prepared to call someone to move it."

The leader said with satisfaction.

The person next to him nodded and walked out of the cabin. After a while, dozens of people came from the dock, and these people also brought dozens of carriages.

The subsequent relocation work was carried out in an orderly manner under his command, and boxes of guns and ammunition were loaded onto the carriage.

In just one hour, the cargo in the cabin was emptied, and the leader immediately left the dock with the large group of carriages after briefly shaking hands with the people on the ship. Everything seemed to have never happened, except that there was a batch of cargo missing from the cargo ship.

After all the people waiting to pick up the goods had gone away, the slovenly middle-aged man wearing a sailing cap returned to his captain's cabin.

"The goods were moved?"

In the captain's room, someone was surprisingly there. He was sitting here leisurely drinking coffee and looking at the sloppy captain who came in.

"Yes, it's not like you can't see the people coming. They have moved all the guns and ammunition away."

"I saw it, but I just wanted to ask."

The tone of this answer made the captain feel itchy in his hands, but thinking of the other party's identity, he could only let go.

"You can let me go now, I have done as you asked."

It seems that the captain was also forced to do this illegal activity.

But when faced with the captain's words, the man who was sitting steadily looked at him and shook his head. "Captain Golas, a well-known figure in the smuggling world, wants to stay out of the matter. Do you think it's possible? You have just smuggled five thousand rifles and one million rounds of ammunition into the Kingdom of Italy. According to the law, you will be sentenced to hanging. ”

Hearing what the other party said, the sloppy Captain Goras became a little anxious. "But you asked me to do this. How could I be so shameless? If I hadn't been caught by you, I wouldn't have done this."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Next, you will send a batch of arms, and we will let you go."

When he heard that a batch of goods was about to be delivered, Captain Goras' face turned unpleasant. But now, I am a Daozu (zǔ), and I am a fish and meat, so there are some things that I cannot help myself with. Even though he knew that the next step would be more dangerous, he could only bite the bullet and continue.

"Tell me, what will I give you next time?"

Seeing the resigned Captain Goras, the man immediately replied. "Actually, according to the regulations, I can't tell you in advance, but after thinking about it, I decided to tell you and send cannons next time."


Captain Goras looked shocked, we can put it down first. The carriage team that received the goods has now arrived at a manor on the outskirts of Catania. At this time, many people in the manor are waiting here.

"Viscount, the goods have been shipped back."

Among the people waiting here, the leader was Viscount Solanas who had held a meeting in Naples before.

The viscount walked to one of the carriages and waved. Immediately, someone opened the two cargo boxes on the carriage, one long and one short. The brand-new rifles and bullets contained inside immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Have you counted it?"

Looking at the rifle and bullets in front of him, Viscount Solanas asked casually.

"It has been unpacked and inspected. The long box contains rifles, twenty per box, and the small box contains bullets, one thousand rounds per box."

"Very well, move all these weapons and ammunition to the underground warehouse."

Following his order, people in the manor immediately became busy.

Viscount Solanas then looked at the busy scene and spoke to a middle-aged man next to him. "Ferro, you should have seen my sincerity, so are you interested in returning to Sicily and taking revenge on the black men who drove you out of here?"

The Ferro mentioned by Viscount Solanas is the mafia who was expelled from heaven and earth by the National Socialist SS. These mafias who cannot survive in Italy, although they have left Italy, they still care about this land. .

That's why after Viscount Solanas summoned them, a representative was sent to take a look. After all, this viscount had secretly helped the Mafia in the struggle with Heipi, so it was good to explore the situation first.

"Your Majesty the Viscount, I cannot give an immediate answer to this question, but according to my own wishes, of course I want to return to Sicily and let those black men feel our anger."

Viscount Solanas was not surprised by the answer of the mafia in front of him. The mafia was just an outside move, and whether it could succeed or not would not affect his plan.

So after all the goods were unloaded, Viscount Solanas left the manor. The next day, the housekeeper came to Solanas quietly. "Viscount, the French guest is here."

"Invite him in."

After a while, the French guest mentioned by the butler arrived.

"Viscount Solanas, have you received our sincerity?"

The French guest was not polite at all. He picked up the wine bottle on the side and poured himself a glass of wine.

"Received, very good."

Viscount Solanas turned a blind eye to the guest's casualness. In fact, the Viscount is a very talkative person. As long as it can benefit him and be useful to him, he is quite generous.

Naturally, the reason why this French guest is so casual is because it can bring him benefits.

"By the way, Viscount Solanas, may I ask, when do you plan to take action?"

Faced with this problem, Viscount Solanas became vigilant. "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"Nothing, it's just that the country wants to help you with some equipment, such as artillery that can attack fortresses."

These words made Viscount Solanas's eyes light up. This was a big killer, and he had no reason to refuse the other party's kindness.

"Send it over within a month, we will need it just in time."

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