My Italy

Chapter 408 Chance Encounter

The bombardment of the Newport News Shipyard and Hamilton Harbor continued until noon, and then the Spanish fleet sailed away, leaving behind a mess of messes and bitter-looking American soldiers and civilians.

As for the Spanish fleet, the officers and soldiers were in high spirits. How could they not be happy about such a successful attack with no casualties.

Sorry, it's not nothing. Two people sprained their feet during the battle, and one person hit his head. Three people in the Spanish fleet were injured.

The happiest things here are the two Garibaldi-class and three Maria Theresa-class armored ships. The Spanish officers and soldiers on the ship cheered and cheered. As for the three Turin-class ships and the two Venetian-class ships, the Italian officers and soldiers on board are all veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time. Although they are happy to be shooting at fixed targets, they are not so happy.

The difference between the two can be seen from the reactions of the officers and soldiers on both sides. Of course, the Spanish officers and soldiers will be like the Italian officers and soldiers after experiencing the baptism of several naval battles.

"This battle has greatly improved the morale of the officers and soldiers!"

On the flagship, the original Turin, now the Empress Isabel Spirit, the fleet commander, Vice Admiral Cedella, looked at the calm Italian mercenary officers and soldiers, and said to Colonel Leifer next to him with envy.

"Yes, no one expected that the U.S. Navy would have no defense at all. I find it incredible. Although their warships are not strong enough, even if they come out, they will be useless, but they will cause us a lot of trouble. But this does not count What surprised me most was the lack of coastal defenses, which made me think that the next battle was full of hope."

As he spoke, Colonel Leifer took out the chart and pointed at it. "We are currently off the coast of Newport News, which is only more than 400 nautical miles away from New York, the largest port in the United States. Considering that even Newport News's coastal defenses are so poor, New York will not be too high."

Liefer's words made Lieutenant General Sedra's eyes shine.

Obviously these words moved Vice Admiral Sedra. If the Spanish fleet did the same thing in New York, it would definitely shock the whole world. Moreover, three battleships are being built at the Brooklyn Shipyard in New York, which would be a huge blow. American confidence. It is possible that the Americans would cease the war and admit defeat.

Don't think that Lieutenant General Sedra is just thinking nonsense. It goes without saying that New York is important to the United States. The largest city in the United States is also the largest trading port and a financial center. If this city was bombarded, you can imagine the shock to the United States.

Of course, New York's defense is not comparable to that of Newport News. Its coastal defenses alone include 6 shore defense guns with a caliber of 200 mm or more, and 18 with a caliber of 100 mm or more.

In addition, the fleet's attack on Newport News has exposed its whereabouts, and American coastal cities must be on standby. It is simply impossible to conduct a raid again. Moreover, the United States also has a fleet in the north. Although its combat effectiveness is not as high as that in the south, if there is the cooperation of coastal defense batteries, it will still cause trouble to the Spanish fleet. It is also difficult to successfully perform the task.

Perhaps Lieutenant General Sedra didn't know that the U.S. North Atlantic Fleet he was obsessed with was not far away from him.

In the Atlantic, a fleet flying the flag of the United States Navy was sailing south. This fleet consists of the battleship Iowa, the cruiser New York, and the protected cruisers Atlanta and Boston. The fleet, led by Colonel Lorante, is sailing to the Jacksonville Naval Port.

The reason is very simple. Didn't Major General Samplin discover traces of the Spanish fleet before? In order to enhance the strength of his fleet in order to fight with it, he sent a telegram to recall the fleet that had been sent to the northern part of the east coast.

Of course, it was not easy to recall him, and it took a lot of wrangling before he could make the trip.

"Send a telegram to Hamilton Naval Port to tell them we are approaching and have the Texas prepare to rendezvous with us."

On the flagship USS Iowa, the commander, Colonel Lorante, issued the order.

Now that they were only forty nautical miles away from Hamilton Naval Port, it was just right to send a telegram to the Texas in advance.

"As you command, Your Excellency!"

After a while, the communications officer came back with a constipated look on his face.

"Colonel, we sent a telegram to Hamilton Military Port and there was no response."

"Send it a few more times."

"Colonel, I have sent it several times, but there has been no response from Hamilton Military Port. I tried sending a telegram to Newport News, but no one responded."

After hearing the communications officer's answer, the commander, Colonel Lorante, asked with a hint of doubt. "Did our telegraph machine break down again?"

"I have also checked. The telegraph machine is running normally and there is no fault. I wonder if it is due to the influence of the weather, which may cause the communication distance to be insufficient?"

The communications officer didn't think too much about his failure to make contact. Instead, he considered the weather.

This is not surprising. This radio communication originally received more interference factors, and the most common interference was weather effects. This is also very possible given the weather changes at sea. But I just don’t know how bad the weather is at Hamilton Military Port, which can actually affect the Marconi N-3 transceiver with a communication distance of 100 kilometers.

That's right, Marconi telegraphs are currently used by maritime ships in various countries, and this N-3 model is the latest model launched by Marconi last year. The maximum communication distance can reach 100 kilometers, and 120 kilometers under good weather conditions. can be achieved.

The latest radio transceiver in the world is the N-5 model, which has not yet been launched by Marconi Company, and can reach 150 kilometers.

Colonel Roland didn't think much about the fact that he couldn't contact Hamilton Military Port. He would always be able to contact him if he continued sailing south.

But not long after, the watchman shouted. "There seems to be something ahead, like a fleet of ships."

The plume of smoke that appeared at the junction of the sea and the sky forced the lookout to give a warning.

"Don't worry, it should be the merchant navy."

The officer didn't think much about it. After all, the east coast was busy with trade, and it was very normal to encounter a fleet.

"But this plume of smoke looks a bit strange, and it moves a bit fast."

Watching Hand, who was unwilling to give up, wanted to defend himself.

"Okay, Loew, don't make a fuss. This may be a fast merchant ship transporting high-value goods. What are you worried about?"

Observer, who had been taught a lesson, stopped talking.

However, as the distance got closer, the opponent's fleet also appeared, and it was heading towards them at high speed.

"Why does this figure look a bit like a warship?"

Something feels wrong with the observer hand.

"No, there is a warship coming towards us."

The observers who reacted immediately loudly reported their findings.


The officer looked closely at the high-powered telescope and saw that it was indeed a warship.

"No, a warship is approaching."

The officer who came to the conclusion immediately sounded the alarm, and at the same time, other ships also sounded the alarm, announcing the news of the approaching warship.

"what happened?"

Colonel Lorante, alerted by the siren, immediately came to the command room.

"Report to the colonel that a warship is approaching us."


Shocked by the news, he immediately raised his telescope and looked over.

Before he could understand, he heard shouts from the observation post. "No, it's a Spanish battleship, the enemy's fleet, three Turin-class battleships, two Garibaldi-class cruisers, two Venetian-class cruisers, and three Maria Theresa-class cruisers. What are they doing? At this?"

"Why are they here?" This is what Colonel Lorante wanted to ask. But now he can't care about this problem. Now he needs to consider what to do next, fight or flee, this is a difficult multiple choice question.

"Sir, what should we do?"

"Sir, other warships are questioning us."

"Sir, make your decision."

Colonel Laurent had never felt that it was so difficult to make a choice, but looking at the increasingly clear enemy ships, he said with difficulty. "Order each ship to retreat. Each ship will evacuate on its own and return to New York. Tell them that the Spanish fleet is coming."

When Colonel Lorante ordered the retreat, on the Spanish fleet's side, Vice Admiral Cedela looked at the American fleet that appeared in front of him and showed ecstasy.

God must have heard his prayers, otherwise how could he send an American fleet to him. Although the enemy was turning to escape, how could they be allowed to escape under such circumstances.

"Order all ships to pursue immediately. The three battleships will target the USS Iowa, Columbus and Francisco. The target priority will be the USS New York, and the other ships will choose their opponents in turn."

In fact, it wasn't just him, all the officers and soldiers on the battleship had the same expression. Even Colonel Leifer, who had always been very steady, changed his expression.

Although Lieutenant General Sedra was ambitious and wanted to capture all the opponent's battleships, he still carefully chose to capture the most threatening targets first, which were the battleship Iowa and the cruiser USS New York.

Among them, the Iowa's top speed was only 16 knots, while the New York's top speed was 20 knots, the Turin class was as high as 18 knots, and the two Garibaldi classes were as high as 23 knots. In terms of speed, it was determined that they could not run away. The only hope was to wait until sunset and use the cover of night to escape pursuit.

As for now, you can only wish for yourself!

This chapter is also called, Encountering Love Around the Corner

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