My Italy

Chapter 385 Garibaldi-class launch

As one of the most technologically advanced shipyards in Italy, the Venice Naval Shipyard covers an area of ​​46 hectares, has nine docks and more than 4,000 skilled workers. Although there are not many docks in Venice, they are very technological, and most of the various equipment are the latest.

The Venice Shipyard is currently very busy, and there are many busy figures on the dock. Among them, two warships have almost been built and are just waiting to be launched into the water and outfitted.

These two battleships look very distinctive. The Gundam's battleship is too simple and has an obsessive-compulsive central axis layout, both of which tell you that this is an Italian battleship. Of course, the powerful two main guns at the front and two at the back will tell you how powerful the firepower is. The most obvious signs are the command tower and the wide chimney behind the rail. This kind of layout that combines several flues is currently only found in Italy. Doing this.

"Admiral Cervera, please look at this. This is the command tower of the Columbus. Its ring-shaped design is very convenient for observing the surrounding conditions. In addition, the command tower's maximum 200 mm thick armor can also withstand enemy fire attacks."

On an unfinished warship, Cuniberti, the chief designer of the Venice Naval Shipyard, was introducing the warship at his feet to a group of naval officials.

Wait, the Columbus that Cuniberti called just now?

Yes, this ship is indeed called Columbus. Together with the Francisco No. 2 in Dockyard 2 next door, it forms the new core of the Spanish Navy.

Yes, these are the exact words of Admiral Cervera, the Spanish Minister of Navy, said at the simple welcome ceremony just now.

Admiral Cervera came here mainly for the launching ceremony of the Columbus. The Columbus, which has been under construction for 16 months, will be launched soon. For these two brand-new and powerful warships, the Spanish Navy cannot pay too much attention to them when looking at the garbage they are still serving.

One more thing, these two warships are also the first time that Spain has warships of more than 10,000 tons, and they have strong historical and commemorative significance.

"Look, everyone, this is the battleship's firing control room."

Above the command tower, in a semi-developed pendant-style building, Cuniberti was introducing the Spanish officers with puzzled faces.

"Fire control room?"

"Yes, this is a command room set up to coordinate artillery firing. Because these two warships have eight main guns, the firing frequency must be coordinated. I don't think I need to remind you of the power of the salvo, right?"

Cuniberti's last words made the Spanish officer who asked the question blush from ear to ear. Admiral Cerveira saw it in his eyes, and an idea in his heart was confirmed.

And Cuniberti continued to introduce. "Because of our experience in previous naval battles, in addition to designing the firing control room to be semi-open, the 40x large-scale low-light telescope on the lookout post on the top of the rail pole can accurately observe objects 25 nautical miles away, such as the opponent is a warship. Or a merchant ship.”

"Everyone, please look, this is..."

Later, Cuniberti took Admiral Cervera and his party to visit the power room, sailor's rest room, dining room, captain's room and other facilities. The Spanish side, listening to Cuniberti's introduction, kept taking notes in a daze. Even Admiral Cervera took notes from time to time to write down important information.

This visit lasted from morning to evening, and even lunch was eaten on the boat with bread.

After disembarking from the ship, Admiral Cerveira and his party took a short rest. It was indeed tiring to wander around the ship.

"Colonel Martin Vargas, Colonel Sirio Valente, you two stay, everyone else should disperse."

After taking a short rest, Admiral Cerveira immediately called out the names of two of the officers.

In the envious eyes of others, the two colonels stood in front of General Cervera.

Before these two people could speak, Admiral Silvera spoke first. "how do you feel today?"

"Very good, this is a powerful battleship." "Yes, it is very powerful. At least there is nothing in the world that can compete with it."

The two people's answers were not echoed by Admiral Cerveira, who only spoke. "Since these two battleships are currently the best in the world, you should also know why we spent a lot of money to buy them."

"Yes, Cuba and the Philippines are not at peace, and some people are peeking at the Spanish colonies."

Facing the two people's answers, Admiral Cerveira was very pleased. "You are right, that's why the kingdom spent a lot of money to purchase these two warships. And you were carefully selected by me from the kingdom's navy, so you need to take on the heavy responsibility of commanding two warships. Are you ready?"


The energetic and unanimous answers made Admiral Silvera nod with satisfaction.

"Very good. Next, you will work with your subordinate officers and soldiers to get familiar with these two battleships. Go down."

After sending away the two excited new captains, Admiral Cervera looked out the window at the brightly lit night scene.

"Hopefully it's not too late."

Two days later, the Venice Shipyard was decorated with lights and decorations, and a large number of people gathered in front of the Columbus. Needless to say, today is the day when the most powerful cruise ship in the world is launched.

Witnessed by hundreds of naval officers and soldiers from both countries and guests, Admiral Cerveira raised a bottle of champagne and smashed it against the bow of the ship.

With a crisp "bang" sound, the champagne was smashed to pieces.

Then, driven by the roaring turnaround, the Columbus slid into the sea, and stopped steadily next to it after a wave.

Then a burst of cheers sounded, and people cheered for the launch of this huge ship.

Admiral Cerveira looked at the launching battleship with relief.

"Admiral Cervera, congratulations on the launch of your battleship."

As an Italian representative attending the ceremony, Admiral Yagier, Minister of the Navy, personally came to congratulate him with full sincerity.


Facing the congratulations from Admiral Yagir, Admiral Cerveira would certainly not be rude, not to mention that he happened to have something to ask for.

"Admiral Yagir, thank you very much for coming."

"It's nothing. Your two countries have a close relationship. The navies of our two countries should move around more."

"It should be so, it should be so." At this point, Admiral Cerveira had an idea. "Admiral Yagir, tell me to move around a lot. I have an idea and I wonder if we can discuss it."


"It's like this. The officers and soldiers of our navy have not experienced combat at sea for many years, and your country has experienced a lot of combat in recent years. So I would like to ask if your navy can exchange experiences with our navy. If our country's two new warships It would be best if we could conduct actual combat exercises with your country’s warships.”

Well, Admiral Cervera wants to make the two patrol ships into combat effectiveness as soon as possible, and he plans to ask the Italian Navy for help.

However, this task is not easy to help at all. You must know that money is needed for warships to go to sea. The provisions, fuel and ammunition of all officers and men on the ship need to be consumed. These are not small amounts of money, especially if they must be able to cooperate with two new-style patrol warships, then only Turin class and Venice class. The five Durios and the improved class cannot cooperate at all. Just the difference in speed of 8 knots between the two is a big problem.

"Well, there is no problem in exchanging experiences. As for the joint training of battleships..."

“Don’t worry, we’re willing to cover half of the cost.”

As expected, people are poor and have short ambitions, so this can only contribute half of it. Faced with Admiral Cerveira's stingy behavior, Admiral Yagir's heart moved. "No problem, our Italian Navy will not embarrass your country. Three Turin-class ships can be mobilized to cooperate with you."

The conversation between the two admirals and even the launching of the Columbus was a major event for the Venice Shipyard. Of course, the major event could not stop other work at hand.

This is not in the No. 3 dock. Most of the Italian Navy's first warship of the same type has been built. Several shipyard workers have just painted the ship's name on the side of the ship.


The name of national hero Garibaldi is emblazoned on it.

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