My Italy

Chapter 357 The small ups and downs of Pontianak

The great development of Pontianak began when it became an Italian colony more than ten years ago. After the first governor and former prime minister Cairoli selected it as the capital, funds from Italy and Nanyang Chinese made Pontianak quickly become a famous place in Nanyang. City.

At the same time, thanks to Italy's need to build it into a colonial model city, Pontianak is also very careful in planning. Roads, water and drainage systems, electricity and other facilities are also very carefully considered. To put it bluntly, Pontianak ranks among the top three in terms of supporting facilities, even compared with local cities in Italy.

There was no way, the colonial government had money, so it could do whatever it wanted. And it is precisely because of its supporting facilities that stand out among the rest in Southeast Asia that Pontianak has become a business card, a business card showing Italian style. Of course, in addition to this, Pontianak has also attracted people from all over Southeast Asia to settle here.

European and Chinese-style buildings are dotted throughout the city, and Southeast Asian-style buildings are dotted among them, giving Pontianak a charming charm.

Today, Pontianak has a population of 480,000, ranking among the top three in Southeast Asia. If economic factors are taken into account, Jakarta in the hands of the Dutch is even better than Singapore in the hands of the British.

Governor Ambik will never tire of seeing such a fascinating city.

“What a charming city.”

His Excellency the Governor, who was standing on the balcony of the Governor's Palace watching the sunset, drank the red wine in his glass in one gulp and handed it to the servant.

Ambik was very satisfied with being able to become the Governor of Borneo. Compared with the previous East African colonies, which were all deserts, Borneo is simply a paradise. With abundant output, docile people, and a rapidly growing economy, it was simply a perfect colony.

Being able to serve here, Ambik believes that it is His Majesty and the Cabinet, because he has stayed in East Africa for several years and eaten sand. rewards given.

"Your Majesty the Governor."

Just as Ambik was intoxicated by the scenery, he saw his secretary walking over quickly.

"What's up?"

Facing his secretary, Umbik asked directly without looking back.

"Sir, those people agreed to your request. In addition, they want to ask you if they can buy a stake in the Balikpapan oil field?"

The secretary whispered something in his ear.

The secretary's words made Umbik turn around. He waved and waited for the servant to retreat before speaking. "Do these people have too much appetite? The oil in Balikpapan is the heart of the oil company, and I don't even dare to interfere."

Facing the words of his own governor, the secretary thought for a while and said. "Perhaps they don't know enough about the oil field and don't know what the oil companies are doing."

"Maybe so."

After listening to the secretary's defense, Umbik continued. "But their behavior must be stopped. Italian Petroleum is a joint venture between the royal family and the government, and its status is no weaker than the State Grid. Tell them directly, it is impossible. Also tell them, I will add 5% Profit, if they don’t agree then I’ll find someone else.”

"As you command, my lord."

After the secretary left, Umbik continued to watch the afterglow of the sunset.

The thing that Ambik asked the secretary to do, which seemed mysterious and mysterious, was actually nothing. It was to acquire the properties of several families.

The root of this matter still lies with Yuan Shikai. At that time, because there were not enough officers in the new army, Master Yuan set his sights on Italian Chinese officers.

Many Chinese officers were dazzled by Master Yuan's high-ranking officials and generous salaries, so they became officers of his new army. Regarding this matter, although Italy did not say anything, there was something wrong with it in Borneo.

In the view of the Borneo colonial government, these Chinese officers who joined the Qing army simply lacked loyalty to Italy. Since it lacks loyalty, its family must be punished. Of course, considering the actual impact, the colonial government also imposed small punishments and large warnings. It only needed to divest some industries and did not intend to uproot them.

If you want to acquire the properties of some Chinese families, the best white gloves are of course those Chinese families who still show loyalty. As the top official of the colonial government, it is reasonable for Governor Ambik to reap a little benefit.

After all, it was very hard for Governor Ambik to come to Pontianak across a distance of half the world, so what could be wrong with earning some money to make up for the governor's busy schedule. Even Prime Minister Antonio, who is known for his strength and integrity, brought back millions of liras when he returned from Borneo.

After Angbik's request was sent to the Liu family, Liu Enguan, the head of the Liu family, immediately called everyone to discuss the governor's request.

After telling Umbik's request, Liu Enguan asked. "What do you think of Governor Ambik's request?"

"How else can we look at it? Can we not give it? I said, don't be jealous of Balikpapan's oil. Just open your mouth and you will lose 5% of the profit."

"What are you talking about? Song Yusheng raised his hand to vote, but I saw you also raised your hand. Why did you complain when you were defeated?"

"He Qing, which of your eyes saw me raising my hand? Don't talk nonsense."


Suddenly a sound of slamming on the table interrupted the two of them.

"Song Yusheng, He Qing, you want to move me to another place. Are you planning on having a fight over that bit of land?"

After all, Liu Enguan had been the commander-in-chief of Lanfang before, and the heads of the major families still had to give him a little less favor, so he calmed down.

"I made a mistake in proposing to invest in the oil field this time. I originally thought I could get involved in the kerosene business, but I overestimated our strength."

"General Liu, what are you talking about? Aren't you doing this for the sake of the big guys? Don't mention this matter again."

Seeing someone offering steps, Liu Enguan also borrowed the slope to get off his donkey. "That's fine. We won't mention this matter anymore. What about the Governor's request for an additional 5%?"

"What else can we do? Can we still be evil to the Governor?"

"That's the case. You really can't offend the governor."


The continuous echoes are enough to explain the problem. Of course, there are also different voices.

"Would it be bad to target the Lin, Zhang and other families in this way?"

Faced with the doubts raised, someone immediately refuted it. "What can be wrong with this? Everyone knows the situation of these families. Since they want to bet on the imperial court, this person must take action. Do they want to have two boats? The colonial government is not allowed to do something."

"I didn't mean that. I just wanted to say that if I come forward, how will the people below think?"

"If you feel bad, you can let me go."

Yes, this sentence immediately silenced the other voices. After all, this benefit is so attractive that it is easy for everyone to refrain from taking action. Isn’t it true that my family will be isolated?

After seeing that no one had any objections, Liu Enguan continued, "Then this matter has been decided. Everyone should pay attention to it next."

Now that the decision was made, everyone naturally dispersed.

Liu Enguan called the housekeeper. "Tell that Dr. Sun that I, Mr. Liu, do not care about his position in the United States of China and ask him to leave as soon as possible."

"Okay, sir."

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