My Italian

Chapter 288: new naval gun

What is the Navy doing now that Carlo is talking about?

Admiral Gorek, who is currently the head of the navy, is inspecting the Taranto Naval Arsenal with a group of people.

The Tabuto Naval Arsenal was newly built after the reunification of Italy. Although it is not as good as the Genoa Naval Arsenal, as an arsenal that mainly develops new naval artillery technologies, the Tabuto Naval Arsenal is still very capable. Every year, the Navy allocates tens of millions of lire to invest in technology research and development, and Tabuto receives millions of funds every year, which also shows its status in the Navy's mind.

The Navy comes to inspect the factory every year, and this time, Admiral Gorek and his party have the same mission.

Under the leadership of Mr. Gregor, the director of the arsenal, and Mr. Eori, the chief technical expert, the group came to an artillery experimental site.

Here, a brand new cannon appeared in front of everyone.

"Look, everyone, this is our newly developed 240mm naval gun."

Gregor, the factory director, pointed to this new type of artillery and introduced it to the whole crew of the Navy.

"The naval gun adopts a new type of tube retraction technology, which can not only increase the rate of fire, but also crush the old naval guns in terms of range and power."

The words of the factory director, Gregor, made everyone in the navy shine.

Someone asked impatiently. "What's the gun data?"

Faced with this question, Eori, who is a technology researcher, answered immediately. "The gun is 240/40L, with a weight of 25.6 tons, a total length of 9.8 meters, a bore length of 8.91 meters, and 1.5 rounds per minute. It uses a new type of smokeless propellant. The maximum elevation angle of the gun is 30 degrees and the maximum range is 16,900 meters. Muzzle velocity 690 meters per second, the armor-piercing projectile weighs 140 kilograms, and the grenade weighs 148 kilograms."

Hearing Eori's introduction, the navy team was very pleasantly surprised. Although this is the data of the proving ground, the actual data on the battleship will be much lower and it is impossible to have this effect, but it is still much stronger than the 256mm naval gun currently equipped by the Italian Navy, and of course the weight is also higher. out a lot.

"Why is the rate of fire so fast? Are you just using the tube retreat technique?"

Everyone in the navy at the scene knew a little bit of technology. As soon as they heard Eori's introduction, someone raised this point.

"Your Excellency is right. At present, all countries are moving closer to the tube retreat technology. As the main naval gun provider of the navy, of course we cannot give up the advanced technology of tube retreat."

In fact, Eori still has some things to say. The development of this naval gun is actually not easy. The Tabuto Naval Arsenal was established in early 1988, and it was not until today that the prototype gun was produced. These four years of hard work have finally come to fruition. Of course, among them, the Tabuto factory also received technical support from Keppen and Skoda, and they did not suffer, and Italy also exchanged their own expertise in exchange.

"Take a shot first, let's see."

Following the words of Admiral Gorek, the staff at the test site immediately distributed earplugs to everyone. Then, after a busy time, with a deafening cannon, everyone took off their earplugs.

Admiral Gorek, who could still feel the roar in his ears, looked at the prototype gun being cleaned out with satisfaction, and praised it. "You can tell from the sound that the power is indeed much more powerful than the previous naval guns."

Admiral Gorek's words welcomed the approval of other people. They were all people who had fought with naval guns for half their lives, and naturally they had developed a set of skills to distinguish naval guns by listening.

The new naval guns are outstanding in every aspect, and it is not an exaggeration to praise them.

"Then our new armored cruiser should also use this gun as the main gun."

These words suddenly came out, making the scene quiet for a while.

When it comes to the construction plan of the new armored cruiser, it is definitely a very important key issue for the Navy.

It has entered its ninth year since the appearance of the Venice class (an improved class in late 1885, which should be regarded as a class). Although the Venice class is very good, as a cruiser designed nine years ago, it should also arrive It's time for an update.

Within the Admiralty, there are various debates about the new type of patrol. After deducting other disputes that do not occupy the mainstream, there are mainly two opinions at present. Among them, the more radical point of view is to integrate various new naval technologies into the new type of patrol, whether it is the power and layout of naval guns, the best ones are used. The warships built in this way will inevitably make the Italian cruiser lead the world trend again. Of course, this cost may also lead the trend and achieve better results.

As for the conservatives, the Venetian-class cruiser is considered very good. Although it does not seem to be the most advanced batch at present, it can be proved by the use of these years that the ship is still very good. You can use this as a template, add some new technology upgrades, and make the most optimized and most suitable for the Italian Navy.

Of course, the cost will be much lower.

However, the two views were debated endlessly in the navy, and neither persuaded the other. Fortunately, the navy is a technical service, and both sides are civilized people, and they both talk and do not do anything.

Among them, the radical faction is mainly composed of cutting-edge officers in the Navy and designers of major shipyards. They believe that since the Navy is a technical service, new technologies are very important.

Conservatives, mostly officers, believe that the Navy also needs to consider costs and actual needs, and cannot blindly raise technical requirements.

So this is the reason why the scene is quiet, after all, this may lead to a new round of debate.

"There is no rush to install the new patrol. I heard that Krupp is developing new armor We can wait a little longer. In addition, in terms of communication and other aspects, we also need to implement it before starting construction. So now Don't worry, let those ship designers track the new technology first."

Fortunately, Admiral Gorek was very experienced, and immediately dismissed everyone's thoughts.

"Since the new 240mm naval gun has been developed, then your factory will make persistent efforts and continue to challenge larger calibers."

Although Gorek's words had no other intentions, Gregor, as the factory manager, could not help but think a lot, is it to prepare the main guns of the new battleships?

"Please rest assured, our factory will definitely step up research and development, and we will not let the new large-caliber main gun fall behind others." Speaking of which, factory director Gregor suddenly asked. "Admiral, can you ask whether the next step in research and development is 280mm or 305mm?"

In the face of Director Gregor's question, Admiral Gorek replied casually. "Let's focus on 305mm."

Alright, now many people have a bottom line in their hearts.

And no matter how much anyone thinks about it, Admiral Gorek doesn't care about them, because he's getting ready to retire.

That's right, Admiral Gorek, who has worked hard for the Navy all his life, wants to retire. Of course not to retire now, he will not leave until Admiral Yagier is familiar with the Admiralty.

That's right, Admiral Argyle was his chosen successor. In the competition to succeed the post of Admiral, Argyle, who was promoted to admiral, won.

Of course, it can also be seen that compared with Admiral Gorek, the army leaders are really abominable.

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