My Italian

Chapter 278: Sabha Iron Mine (Part 2)

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The Shati River, 50 kilometers north of Sabha, is an ancient river that has long since dried up. However, since no underground water sources have been found here, no one lives here at all.

The gravel and sand on the ground are the present here, and even the dead wood is nowhere to be seen, and it is a place where birds don't poop. Only the stones of various colors make this place different from other places.

In today's Sati River, however, things are a little different. Dozens of riders show up here. It was Major Carlsson who took the lead, and Lieutenant Steele was telling him something next to him.

"I was shocked when I saw it. It was definitely the most spectacular sight I've ever seen. You can imagine that iron ore is scattered all over the place, and it's so exposed. It's such a fascinating sight. , I believe that the kingdom will give us enough honor and reward for this."

Well, this last sentence should be his voice.

However, for Carlsson, he had not studied geology, so he could not understand the mood of Lieutenant Steele at that time. But he knew that what he saw today must be very beneficial to him.

However, in order to confirm it, he followed Lieutenant Steele to confirm it.

"Lieutenant, are you saying that there is iron ore here?"

"Yes, I can be sure."

Carlsson, who was confirmed, continued to ask. "So how big do you think the scale is?"

"I can't confirm this due to lack of tools and time, but I believe it should not be low, at least tens of millions of tons, right?"

At the end of the day, Lieutenant Steele was a little underwhelmed. It's not that he doesn't dare to say more, but that the knowledge he has learned is learned, but he has not practiced much.

Besides, geology is a bit of metaphysics in this era. Maybe what I see in front of my eyes is all the amount of this iron ore, and there may be more iron ore hidden underneath. But no matter what, this iron ore must not be less, and 10 million tons is based on the low number. Of course, if the government is interested, it can send a more professional exploration team to conduct a careful exploration.

And according to his preliminary investigation, the iron content of the iron ore here is not low, it should be between 35% and 55%, which is enough to meet the needs of most of the Italian steel industry.

Of course, it is not up to him, the little lieutenant who discovered iron ore, to decide what to do. And there is another problem that is very troublesome, that is, it is 500 kilometers away from the Libyan coastline, and the poor water resources here are also not conducive to large-scale mining.

But what to do, let the government solve it. For him, reporting his findings to the top is the limit of what he can do.

And Karlsson also had the same idea. Of course, after seeing Lieutenant Steele’s explanation at the same time, he felt that he might be able to do something more.

Looking at the exposed iron ore in front of him, Carlsson said immediately. "Lieutenant Steele, since you discovered this iron ore, I have an idea."

Having said that, Karlsson looked at Lieutenant Steele in front of him.

"Sir, please order."

The lieutenant, who didn't understand, could only agree first.

"Very well, I want you to stay here and continue to explore the scale and quality of this iron ore. In addition, you need those equipment and manpower, and I will find them for you as soon as possible."

It is clear that Carlsson intends to leave him to continue the exploration of the iron ore, and send personnel to lay the foundation first in the country.

Of course, he did this for a reason. As a middle-level officer, Carlsson knew that the kingdom currently had a desire for various minerals, especially iron ore, so he had a bold idea.

"As the major, I will write down the equipment I need and let you know."

Although he was left behind, Lieutenant Steele had already prepared for this, so he agreed to the major's order.

The two then stayed here for a while until Carlsson had returned to Sabha in the afternoon.

As soon as he returned to his headquarters, Carlsson immediately began to write, he wanted to report the news of the iron ore discovery in Sabha to his superiors.

"Respected General Brinin, my advance team has arrived in Sabha..."

After first telling about the current situation of the advance team, he only talked about the discovery of iron ore in Sabha.

However, when writing the estimated reserves, Carlsson paused for a while, and then he wrote a figure of 50 million to 100 million tons of iron ore reserves in the report he reported.

Yes, this is Carlsson's bold idea.

Because if you write it according to what Lieutenant Steele said, although 10 million tons seems to be okay, considering the location and environment, it is unlikely to attract attention, even if it is 30 to 50 million tons, the same is true.

The main reason is that it is too desolate and the distance from the coastline will increase the difficulty of its development. Even if this is an open-pit iron mine, the cost of development and transportation still needs to be considered.

If you want the government to pay attention to this place, then its reserves must not be less, and only large iron ore with more than 100 million tons will attract enough attention. And Carlsson, who found this mine, naturally has a huge credit. Although there are risks involved, after all, when a more professional exploration team comes, everything will come to light. However, as Lieutenant Steele said, the scale of this iron ore can only be estimated now, and even if there is a gap at that time, it can be dealt with by estimation errors.

However, compared with the benefits after success, the risk is not high. At most, I will be reprimanded, but I can also use my heart for the country to prevaricate the past.

After making up his mind, Carlsson called a messenger after writing the letter and handed it over to him.

"Arrange a squad of to send letters to Tripoli."

"Yes, Your Excellency Major."

When the messenger left, Carlsson needed to consider the next goal of the advance team. Sabha, where they are currently located, is not the final destination. Next, they will follow the ancient commercial road through the Merzug Desert and head to the south of it, which is more barren, but there are Zamus Well, Mus well Shulujing, etc. as a place to stay.

Of course, this also requires a guide who is proficient in the place, and Karlsson and the others have such a guide.

However, considering the safety of the back road and the problem of supplies along the way, this time he only intends to bring more than 200 cavalry. Because according to the guide, the population there is more sparse, and it is already a big place to gather a thousand people.

Carlsson's report appeared on the table of Governor Georgie more than half a month later. The discovery of hundreds of millions of tons of iron ore was enough to make him attach great importance, but he could not decide such a major event, so he could only take a communication ship to Rome two days later.

Finally, after nearly a month of delivery, it appeared in front of the Prime Minister.

For Prime Minister Depretis, since there are hundreds of millions of tons of large iron ore, there must be a professional exploration team. As for the rest of the decision, we must wait for professionals to explore and make clear.

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