My Italian

Chapter 212: 2nd Macedonian Army

Tirana is the core city of Albania, but the city is very young, founded by a Turkish general in the early 17th century. He built mosques, bakeries and baths to attract immigrants. With the development of traffic and the increase of caravans, Tirana has gradually become the core city of Albania.

In the face of such a city, the Ottoman military certainly did not want to hand over it to Italy. Although the city was only more than 20 kilometers away from Durrës, it still sent two divisions to defend it in Tirana.

Some people may ask why the Ottoman army only sent so many troops. Isn't the Macedonian Second Army more than 80,000 people?

At first glance, I know that I have no understanding of the military. It is necessary to know that the two armies are facing each other, especially in modern times, the supply line is very important. The location and terrain of Albania was determined, and the Ottoman army must not fight against Italy in the plain terrain. The reason is very simple, the Ottoman army supply line is longer than Italy.

And the supply line of the Ottoman army, because the sea power is on the Italian side, basically can only go on land. To transport the supplies over the Dinara Mountains, which is 1,000 to 2,000 meters away, the Ottoman army just costs for the transportation of supplies. Ten times more expensive than Italy. After all, Italy can transport supplies by convenient sea routes, which is comparable to the Ottoman transportation line that requires energy storage.

The transportation distances of the other two are also different. Although Ottoman has combat readiness warehouses in Skopje, Thessaloniki and other places, where a large number of guns and ammunition are stored, these materials were initially prepared for war with the surrounding small countries. supplies, that can be compared to the Italian war.

Now the Ottoman Empire will transport a large number of military supplies from Istanbul to the Macedonia region. Supplies were transported from Macedonia to wherever they were needed. This supply line, which stretches for nearly 1,000 kilometers, has caused many people to worry. So for the Ottoman Empire, choosing a battlefield is very important.

The battle-hardened Minister of the Army, Marshal Nuri Pasha, is also well aware of this, so his battle plan is to rely on the favorable terrain of the Dinara Mountains to consume the Italian army, and when the time is ripe, Ottoman is on the defensive.

I have to admit that this plan fits the actual situation of the Ottoman army very well. But this will also lead to strategic abandonment of the Albanian coast.

Considering that it would be unfavorable for the Ottoman Empire to give up directly like this, so letting go after a limited amount of resistance became the only option.

This is also the reason why Major General Ataturk's 21st Division chose to retreat after seeing the Italian army's fierce offensive. Of course, this retreat did not come without a price. When the 21st Division retreated, except for the guns in hand and a few light artillery pieces, other equipment was left in Durrës.

In addition, when the 21st Division broke through, there were more than 8,000 people, and now there are only 6,000 people left? Although some of them can be returned later?

You must know that when the 21st Division was stationed in Durrës, there were 13,000 people? Coupled with the recruits from the local signs? At the peak, it reached 18,000 people. This loss is really big.

Of course, the casualties of the attacking Italian army were not small? According to his estimate, it should be more than 3,000. Don't think that's too little, to know that the Italian army has warships to help? Crush them in firepower.

This is also why the Ottoman army? There is only one division in Durrës.

In addition, I have to say that the current strength of the Second Macedonian Army has exceeded 80,000. After receiving reinforcements from the 24th and 33rd Divisions from Central Thrace, the total strength of the army exceeded 100,000.

But when it comes to the 21st division? Now the remaining officers and soldiers of the division, under the leadership of Major General Ataturk, have just arrived at the key town of Wola in the Burze Mountains.

And stationed in the town is the first brigade of the 16th Division, after receiving them. Barracks and food were immediately arranged for food and rest for their allies who had fought against Italy.

As for Major General Ataturk, there is no need to worry, because he has a better place.

After swallowing the last bite of bread in his hand, Ataturk opened his mouth and thanked the brigade commander of the 16th Division 1st Brigade who accompanied him. "Colonel Abuliz? On behalf of the 21st Division, I would like to express my gratitude to your Excellency for your help."

During the breakout, the officers and soldiers of the 21st Division did not rest at all? They ran all the way from Durrës to here, and they were naturally tired and hungry? Therefore, it was very important for the 21st Division to be able to get food and rest time at this time.

In the face of Major General Ataturk's thanks? How could Colonel Abulizi accept it? He waved his hand and said. "Is this a trifle? I have great admiration for the resistance of the 21st Division on the front line."

Having said that, Colonel Abu Lizi wanted to say something else when he heard a hurried knock on the door.

"Come in, what's the matter?"

Faced with this knock on the door, Colonel Abu Lizi was a little unhappy. Didn't you see that he was entertaining Major General Ataturk? He didn't have any eyesight.

It's just that the words of the young officer who came in made him immediately correct his attitude. "Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha, let Major General Ataturk rush to Tirana, where he is waiting for His Excellency Major General."

Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha in the mouth of the officer is the commander of the Macedonian Second Army and their superior.

"Lieutenant General Javad Pasha is in Tirana?"

These words not only came from the mouth of Colonel Abu Lizi, but even Ataturk asked. The reason for the two to ask is because the news is very sudden. You must know that the headquarters of the Second Army is located in the small town of Badr located in the Dinara Mountains, from there to Tirana is nearly 60 kilometers away.

"Yes, according to the messenger, it was Tirana just last night."

Facing the unanimous inquiries of the two commanders, although the officer felt a little weird, he answered truthfully.

After listening to the officer's words, Colonel Ablizi said with a smile. "Unexpectedly, as soon as Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha arrived in, he thought of seeing you."

Of course, he did not expect that the news that the 21st Division had returned to Tirana more than an hour ago would lead to Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha to personally summon the parties concerned.

Facing the words of Colonel Abu Liz, Ataturk also said helplessly. "I didn't expect it either."

But no matter what, when the lieutenant general summoned him, Ataturk had to rush over.

"I'll have people prepare the horses, you can go faster on this road."


Everyone is a soldier, and it is wartime, so everything is kept simple.

So after just a few words, Ataturk followed the incoming messengers, mounted the prepared horses, and set foot on the road to Tirana.

As for the officers and soldiers of the 21st Division who stayed here, there is no need to worry, because the officer system in the division is complete, and he also does not need to worry.

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