My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 246: End of the trial [on] the first more!

"Sister Lias, it seems that you are ready?"

When Lias secretly made up her mind, Sakagami Sakagami, who read the war of intent from her expression, couldn't help but reveal a smile of expectation and asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready!"

Hearing this, Lias stepped back slowly, making a fighting stance.

The red magic circle emerged in the hands of the girls

In fact, if Lias is willing, whether it is Zhi Dai or the long door being watched on the seventh floor, will let her continue to rest for a while.

But with the pride of Lias, how could it be that you want this little bargain!

The previous suspension was just to confirm the situation.

"So, here I come!"

Seeing that Lias was ready, the Zhi generation who had been eager to try instantly moved!

I saw that the girl twisted her left foot violently and stepped the ground out of a spider-like crack. The whole person turned into an arrow out of the string and rushed towards Lias.

In an instant, Lias felt a sharp wind breaking toward her.

Startled in my heart, the girl retreated instinctively, but with her toes, the person just jumped into the air, and the heroic figure of Zhi Dai suddenly appeared behind her, directly a side kick!

"So fast!"

A surprise flashed in my head, and the magic circle of Lias' left hand started spinning!

As the inheritor of the magic of destruction, at least for now, Lias does not need any more powerful attacking methods, because the young girl has been studying auxiliary magic very hard since these days.

At this moment, the achievement of the girl for the first time in several months!


A huge earth wall suddenly appeared, blocking Zhi Zhi's body, while at the same time, Lias herself disappeared in place instantly, and moved behind Zhi Zhi's body.

The magic circle of the other hand spins, turning into a sword of destruction, blasting down!


At this juncture of crisis, the Zhidai was extremely calm.

I saw that the girl instantly changed into kicking, and then exerted force on her right foot. After kicking over the earth wall in front of her, by the way of reaction force, she directly avoided the bombing of Destructive Sword.

At the next moment, a very violent grudge broke out from Zhi Dai!

The whole person rushed to Lias again and punched!

If it was at the beginning, Lias could still fight against Zhi Zhi with the preparations before the battle, but now, the girl found that Zhi Dai's speed is too fast, so that it is difficult for him to react in time.

In desperation, Liya Si can only immediately support the enchantment!


Under the punch of Zhi Dai, Lias' enchantment shattered.

At the next moment, Zhi Dai directly bullied himself, and various attacks of fists and toes were used one after another, sending a stormy attack on Lias.

Fortunately, although the enchantment was fragile, she still got some time for Lias. The girl directly opened the wings of the demon and evaded sensitively.

Just keep forever

Soon, Li Yasi was still seized by Ji Dai with an opportunity, a side kick directly bombarded Li Yasi's abdomen, blasting it to a surrounding wall.

"boom!!!" The whole person was inlaid on the wall, and Lias could n’t help but groan.

Fortunately, the body of the demon noble is still very strong.

Less than a moment later, Lias stopped the pain and came out of the wall she was inlaid. After falling to the ground, Lias looked at her complexly not far in front of her, and was slowly coming. Zhidai.

To be honest, Lias is really hard to imagine:

A few months ago, the young girl full of strong man's breath was just an ordinary junior high school girl with no artifacts and no special blood.

Lias also saw that the girl in front of him was the same as Seraug.

They do not have any special abilities, and even the magic power is not much, however, they temper their own fighting spirit into endless fighting spirit by tempering their own bodies.

If any difference is to be said, it is Serraog ’s main strength.

The main attack of Zhidai is speed!

However, it is very unfortunate that Lias is also good at power, and unlike the elder brother who is good at manipulating various magic bullets, Lias just blindly increases the power of destroying magic bullets.

In this way, Zhidai is, in a way, just her nemesis—

After all, no matter how strong the power is, it makes no sense to fail!


"In this case, it is even more impossible to admit defeat!"

Stubborn eyes narrowed, and a huge magic circle unfolded behind Lias. While the girl's face was gradually pale, huge magic bullets condensed from the magic circle.

At this time, Zhidai also burst into endless grudge, rushed over!

"Keng !!!"

The clear sound of the knife reverberated suddenly.

I saw the girl in a simple kimono turned into a residual image, flashing through the countless magic bullets, and the sharp knife light beheaded the magic bullets.

The next moment, the girl appeared directly in front of the owner of the magic bullet.

The blade pointed at the neck of the master of the magic bullet!

"Give up!"

The dark-haired girl whispered that the next moment, the magic bullets behind her exploded one after another, and the shock that spread from the center of the explosion raised the girl ’s long hair.

This scene suddenly made the already fierce girl show a bit of heroic coolness.

"Can I say no?"

Looking at the blade less than a centimeter away from him, and the looming murderous intention on the opposite girl, a slight bitter smile could not help flashing on Rosewisser's face.


The murder of the dark-haired girl starts to rise!

"Then I surrendered!"

Feeling all this, the silver-haired Valkyrie immediately said.

"it is good!"

Hearing Rosewisse ’s words, the dark-haired girl could n’t help but close her knife, revealing a faint smile. This smile suddenly hid the various rhombuses on the girl ’s body.

In an instant, the girl was transformed into a Yamato Fuzi by a fierce female swordsman!

After seeing this scene, the Valkyrie couldn't help but feel a bit dull and curious, and then she asked: "Hello, my name is Los Vyasser, that, what's your name!"

"Gui Yanye, please advise!" ..

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