My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 239: The dust is settled [Next] First!

The Country of Dawn, Caihai Academy.

The sky is still sunny, swaying heat.

A huge Caihai academy was completely covered by the hot sun, and the temperature exceeded the human body temperature. I don't know how many degrees it is.

Fortunately, the buildings of Caihai Academy are all air-conditioned. Otherwise, in such weather, I believe that no one will have the spirit to study seriously.

Probably because neither students nor teachers are willing to be exposed to the sun in this weather, resulting in the voices of people in the buildings in the Caihai Academy, but outside the buildings are terrifyingly quiet, even There is no cicada's voice.

No matter how high or low the temperature is, this seems to have nothing to do with that month.

The students under the podium are complaining that the air conditioner is also very hot, but Nangong was wearing a black lace gothic dress as usual, and it seems to be very thick, even if it is worn in winter. .

Changed a person to wear such clothes, then must have been drowned in sweat at this time.

But that month was like no one, with a face that did not fluctuate at all, and looked around at the students who were also looking at themselves under the podium, and there was a trace of imperceptible seriousness in their eyes.

This is the last lesson in this plane that month!

After all, she is about to leave the world with Nagato. I am afraid that she will not be able to return in a short time.

No way, the devil is about to leave this world.

As one of the two pillars of the Witch Legion, Nangong that month is indispensable.

Although in the following days, that month will still be engaged in the profession of teacher.

But I am afraid that they are no longer the teachers of these students. Similarly, she cannot watch them grow up step by step.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, all bells rang.

At this time, that month did not immediately announce the end of class, but still moving his eyes there, sweeping the faces of these students one by one, it seems that he wants to remember the last students in this world.

Such a move made the students underneath a little strange, looking at each other face to face, his face full of doubts.

What is wrong with this teacher who has incredible majesty?

No wonder they think so.

These students have never seen that gesture that month.

Perhaps it was the strange sight of the students, that month finally recovered his gaze and raised his head.

"Don't forget to review your homework after going back!"

"Also, the preparation of the new homework can not be dropped. Last time because of the war in the Middle East, there were a few days of classes stopped here. You must remember to find some time to make up for these courses. Do n’t waste your time."

Like a teacher about to retire.

That month, contrary to the usual practice of leaving the classroom directly after class, the nagging instructions began.

In the past, this was simply impossible.

"No need to ask!"

In the end, as if knowing the questions in the students ’minds, he replied that month," This is how life is, there are scattered and scattered, I hope that when I come back in the future, I can see your growth. "

Having said that, regardless of the students ’reactions that month, he went straight out of the classroom. Strolling in the corridor, the month also looked at the surrounding campus environment reluctantly, where there are traces of the month from small to large, when it fell into an eternal sleep, that Yue's faith is maintained in this campus.

It's just that it's finally time to leave.

At this time, the holy annihilation ended a month.

The calamities that claim to be able to destroy the times have also passed.

The whole world has also entered a new era, but this so-called new era has made many people unhappy.

It is because the major forces all over the world have been caught by dawn.

When the people at dawn brought their spoils, surviving strongmen from different forces, and Cain and Abel to return to the island of the string gods, or should be called the dawn islands, the whole world was completely boiled.

In addition to the forgotten war king and the chaotic queen, all the surviving strong men are no exception.

However, this is no wonder!

The strong man of his own organization took part in the holy annihilation war for the sake of justice, but became a captive after victory, and anyone will be angry.

As a result, the people at dawn encountered various inquiries and encirclement along the way.

According to the instructions of Nagato, the people at dawn are not afraid of offending people, and they directly explain their evil intentions—

Lao Tzu is just doing his last thought in the holy annihilation!

Then, the members of the major forces in the siege were suspended.

Then again, the world is quiet.

The senior leaders of various organizations understand one thing. After losing the core masters of the organization, they are all extremely vulnerable in the face of the dawn empire. They can exist safely, but also thanks to the ambition of no expansion of dawn.

However, even if dawn did not show ambition, the senior leaders of these organizations could not rest assured.

Therefore, they dormant.

Study the new power with all one's heart and accuracy in order to break the huge pressure brought by dawn.


"Everything is just in the middle of the day and under the arms."

"When various technologies in this world have developed to a certain degree, it is time for the dawn headquarters to come here and come to harvest!"

Such thoughts flashed in my heart, and I had already walked out of the school gate that month.

"Goodbye, my alma mater!"

Finally, saying that, at the foot of that month there was a space magic array at dawn, and the whole person instantly appeared from the gate of Caihai Academy, on the top of the central building of the artificial island. Here, the long gate and the girls have been waiting there .

"Sorry, I'm late."

Seeing this scene, Nayue bowed slightly towards the long door and said softly.

"It doesn't matter, we just have to leave!"

Nagato also knew that month's feelings, just shrugged slightly, and then looked at the quiet destroyer Xian Guyong who was standing beside him. "Later, this plane organization will be given to you."

"Observe, my king!"

Xian Guyong saluted respectfully, and when she looked up again, everyone in the Nagato was already in glory and left this plane ..

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