My immortal cultivation game has come true

Chapter 333: Refining the Blue Water Star into a seed!

Tongue-Pulling Hell!!

These yin-attributed treasures suspended in the air, under Xuanqing's control, are like dancing elves.

Soon, a special building appeared in this gray space.

The densely packed crosses are neatly arranged, with buckles for fixing the limbs installed on them, and matching iron clamps are placed on the side!

Anyone who stirs up discord, slanders and harms others, speaks slickly, argues with clever words, lies and deceives others, and causes serious consequences will be thrown into this tongue-pulling hell after death.

It is fixed on the cross, and a professional yin messenger pries open the mouth of the evil spirit, and then clamps the tongue with iron clamps and pulls it out alive, not all at once, but stretches and pulls slowly until the tongue breaks.

This kind of injury directly acting on the soul will be very painful. Even if the tongue is broken, it will grow out quickly under the nourishment of yin energy, and then continue to repeat the previous pain.

On the side.

Huai Qingyun shuddered when he saw this scene. In his mind, he could already imagine what kind of horror those evil souls in hell would suffer.

After building the first layer.

Xuanqing did not stop his actions. He waved the whisk in his hand, continued to control these natural treasures, and began to build the second layer.

Scissors Hell!!

Originally, this layer was mainly used to punish those who instigated widows to remarry or those who acted as matchmakers for widows.

But considering different regions and different times, there should be different customs.

As long as it is not an extramarital affair, or the evil of Ximen Qing, but just a dead husband and remarrying. It is reasonable.


Xuanqing modified this layer of scissors hell to seduce married men, cuckold their husbands or wives, and cause serious consequences, and those who will be punished by this punishment.


The third layer of iron tree hell. The fourth layer of evil hell. The fifth layer of steamer hell. All the way to the eighteenth layer of knife and saw hell!

Xuanqing made some modifications to each layer of hell according to the local conditions and customs of Shuilanxing.

After all.

The original eighteen layers of hell were originally based on the game world, similar to the ancient feudal society.

If it is not modified and directly applied to modern society, it is obviously inappropriate.

For example, in the second layer of the Scissors Hell, those who are widows who remarry, or those who persuade widows and match them up will suffer such punishment, which is really unreasonable and irrational.

Especially the eighteenth layer. Knife and Saw Hell.

Xuanqing specially modified it to: in addition to the original basis of cutting corners, deceiving superiors and subordinates, and selling inferior goods as good ones, another one was added. Anyone who maliciously destroys their living homes will also go to this knife and saw hell.

Of course, like the previous seventeen layers of hell, those who cause serious consequences will go to this layer.

Otherwise, just setting up a street stall and shortchanging others, although it is hateful, it is not a crime.

The main goal is to deal with major events such as "certain excessive milk powder" and "certain fake vaccines".

Anyone who is involved in such major events will not be able to escape, and will be sent to the eighteenth level of hell to suffer the pain of continuous cutting by knives and saws.

The eighteen levels of hell have been established.


It is to add time rules to it, so that it can be put into operation, and he has already selected the first batch of prisoners.

"The first level will follow a time flow rate of ten to one, and each additional level will increase the ratio by ten!"

Xuan Qing made a decision in his heart.

The next moment.

His left eye became black and his right eye became white, and the black and white represented the yin and yang law.


The whisk in his hand swept across, and the black and white light circle, like the yin and yang fish, shot towards the first level of scissors hell.

As the yin and yang light circle swept across, the time flow rate of this level, based on the time of the human world of Shuilan Star, has a ratio of ten to one.

In other words, one day in real life has passed, and ten days have passed in this first level of scissors hell.

During this period, the tortured ghosts will not die, and they will be constantly nourished by Yin Qi during the torture.

In a sense, this can be regarded as an alternative way of achieving immortality!

After the first layer is completed.


The second layer. Change the time ratio to 20:1. One day in the real world will pass 20 days here.

The third layer: 30:1, the fourth layer: 40:1, the fifth layer: 50:1

When reaching the eighteenth layer of hell, the time ratio with the real world of Shuilan Star has reached a terrifying 180:1.

In other words, 180 days of torture in the eighteenth layer of hell, only one day has passed in the real world.

The biggest reason why the time ratio difference with the real world is greater as you go down is that the deeper the sin, the longer the torture.

In this case, if the time ratio is not set higher, I am afraid that when the world explodes, the evil souls will still be tortured.

Keep perfecting the time flow rate of the eighteenth layer.

"Huh~" Xuan Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

The continuous change of the time flow rate, especially the high ratio of 180 days to 1 in the last one, even now he couldn't help but feel a little tired.


Xuan Qing glanced at the shivering boy beside him and called out in a low voice.

"Here" Huai Qingyun shuddered.

This terrifying eighteen levels of hell, the punishments in each level are so terrifying, it really scared him, a simple tree spirit.

Human beings are so terrible. How could they come up with such horrific criminal laws!

"This eighteenth level of hell will be under your control from now on. After a while, Pindao will send a batch, and you will place them in the eighteenth level of saw hell."

Xuan Qing said calmly.

As for who will be sent? Haha, it goes without saying.

"Oh~" Huai Qingyun nodded repeatedly, and seemed to have thought of something, so he quickly asked, "Master, how many years in prison should we give them?"


Xuan Qing chuckled and simply said two words!

"No time limit!"

No deadline?

Huai Qingyun was startled, wondering how long the time limit was, and then realized that since there was no time limit, it was hard to be certain that he would be detained forever.


He nodded seriously and said solemnly: "Master, I understand, and I will definitely serve these people well."

Hear this.

Xuan Qing nodded with satisfaction, and then his body turned into dots of starlight and dissipated into the netherworld.

"Congratulations, sir!"

See this scene.

Huai Qingyun quickly saluted and watched his master leave.

This way.

The universe of stars is empty and quiet.

There is only one huge star, emitting its own huge energy, bringing light and heat to the surrounding planets.

The space fluctuates slightly, creating ripples.

Xuan Qing's figure appeared here. After he left the netherworld, he traveled through space and came to the starry sky between the Aqua Blue Star and the moon.

"The gate to!"

A building like the Nantian Gate suddenly appeared in the starry sky. Through this gate, you can enter the heaven.

Take one step!


A copycat version of Jinqueyun Palace.

Cang Qingyu was lying on the chair, holding an ordinary flat peach in his hand, eating it one bite at a time.

In front of him, there was a TV set. The picture on the screen was a huge light dome, and the little people inside were panicking and collapsing.

On the screen of this TV series, scenes from the Book of the Islands were actually playing.

"Hmph, you deserve to be allowed to destroy Aquablue Planet's ecology!"

While eating peaches, he shouted and cursed.

A gloating expression appeared on Cang Qingyu's face.

To know.

As the incarnation of the rules of the world before Aquamarine, he is composed of the entire ecosystem of Aquamarine.

For him, those little books on the archipelago that wantonly destroyed the ecology of Aquablue Star were undoubtedly drinking his blood and eating his flesh.


It means that he is no longer the rule of the world of Aqua Blue Star. Otherwise, even if the master doesn't take action, he will take action to teach the archipelago a severe lesson.

First, a few earth dragons will turn over, and then a few super-large tornadoes... you can't miss the super-large tsunami, everything must be arranged.

Cang Qingyu had a silly smile on his face.

When he didn't notice.

The space in the room rippled slightly, but there was already a young Taoist wearing Taoist robes, wearing cloth shoes, and holding a whisk that emitted a shimmering light.


"Ouch~ Oh my god"

Cang Qingyu was shocked.

He was startled by the sudden sound. His hand shook and he couldn't hold the peach firmly. It fell to the ground and rolled several times, and finally stopped after hitting a cabinet leg.

"Old...Master, you are here!"

Cang Qingyu rubbed his eyes, quickly made a gesture with his fingers, raised his head high above the head of the whole country, and gave a salute to his master.

"Yes." Xuan Qing nodded slightly, and then said calmly: "I am here to perfect the time rules of the heaven."

Hear the words.

Cang Qingyu nodded, and then asked curiously: "Master, what do you need from your disciples?"

"You don't need to do anything, just watch!" Xuan Qing shook his head.

The reason why he came to tell Cang Qingyu was just because he was worried about scaring him, a boy like himself. With his current cultivation level of Zhengdao Daluo, he naturally did not need any help from the other party.

"Pindao will take action soon, Qingyu, don't panic!"


Xuanqing's figure flashed and disappeared into Jinqueyun Palace.

When he appeared again, he had reached the first level of heaven.

In the game world, the first heaven is mainly used as the location of various fairy grass and spiritual plants. Even the peach garden is built in the first heaven.

at this point.

Xuanqing did not intend to change. He decided to move the peach sacred tree and ginseng fruit tree on the moon here.

after all.

The current moon has been developed for mining, and it is very noisy with people coming and going. It is no longer suitable for growing peach trees and ginseng fruits.

"Yang Time Rules Amnesty!"

Xuanqing waved the whisk in his hand, creating a circle of yin-yang fish light.

Waves rippled in all places that came into contact with the aperture of the Yin-Yang Fish, and the movement rules of the most basic particles that make up matter have quietly changed.

"One day in the sky and one year on the earth are equivalent to the movement speed of the original particles in this heaven. Compared with the water blue star, it must be slowed down 365 times!"

With the continuous waving of the fly whisk, under Xuanqing's control, the flow rate of time in this first level of heaven gradually tends to be one day in the sky and one year on the earth.


The so-called difference in the speed of time is also relative. In the heaven itself, one day is still one day. It is only when compared with the human world that there is a difference.


The second layer. The third layer. The fifth layer. The thirty-sixth layer!

Under Xuanqing's control, the speed of time in the thirty-six layers of the entire heaven is modified to a level of one year more than one day compared with the water blue star.

When the time speed of the last thirty-sixth layer is completed.



The space around the entire water blue star seems to have a huge shock. The original rules of heaven and earth are also replaced by the rules of the three cultivation worlds of 'heaven, earth and man' at this moment.

"Finally, I can devour and refine the origin of the water blue star!"

Seeing this scene.

Xuanqing smiled.

Then, his figure flashed and disappeared in the heaven.

Qingping Mountain.

The space rippled slightly.

Xuanqing shuttled through the space and returned to his own dojo.

He spent about two hours in the night time rules of the heaven.

According to the time rule that one day in heaven equals one year on earth, two months should have passed on Water Blue Star.


The time on Water Blue Star was almost the same as when he went to the Heaven. He spent two hours in Heaven and two hours on Water Blue Star.

This does not mean that the time rule of Heaven has failed, but Xuan Qing had already placed himself outside of time when he modified it in Heaven.

In fact.

The entire Heaven and the Netherworld were created by him. As long as he wants, no matter what the time ratio of these two places changes, as long as he does not want to, he will not be affected by the time flow rate of these two places.

Just like the Jade Emperor in the game world, every time he uses the Haotian Mirror to patrol the three realms (spying on Xuan Qing), he also separates the time flow rate of his space from the one-day-one-year ratio of the Heaven.

Otherwise, according to that ratio, I am afraid that the picture in the Haotian Mirror is like playing at 365 times the speed all the time.

Although with the cultivation of the Jade Emperor, he can see it even if it is played at a speed of ten thousand times, but it is not pleasant to see!

"Next, it is to refine it into the seed of "Swallowing Heaven Holy Art"!"

Xuan Qing looked up at the sky.

If you want to practice "Swallowing Heaven Holy Art", you must first find a world, refine it into a seed, and then use this seed to continuously devour the origin of other worlds, so as to strengthen the seed and produce qualitative changes.

No doubt.

For the goal of refining into a seed, it is naturally the Blue Water Star. This is his hometown. Using his hometown as a seed to slowly grow, it will not only not destroy the Blue Water Star, but will make the Blue Water Star even more powerful.

"Swallowing Heaven Holy Art!"

Xuan Qing sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to operate the "Swallowing Heaven Holy Art"!

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