My immortal cultivation game has come true

Chapter 170: Manna from heaven, a Taoist miracle!


Throughout the scene, there were many people who knew something about special effects, and they subconsciously raised their heads.

But the empty sky told them directly that there were no steel cables or helicopters. This Heavenly Master just floated up in his physical body!

With a pulpit several meters high and various live broadcast screens, even the believers in the last row can see what is happening.


Extremely quiet!

In the entire Wanfa Sect altar, no one among the thousands of people spoke up, and everyone held their breath.

The pulpit, which was several meters high, floated directly up.

He didn't even tap his toes. This cannot be explained clearly by science or even martial arts.

Not only the people at the scene were shocked.

In the live broadcasts on all major platforms, the barrage also disappeared at the same time.

In front of the mobile phone screen, those who were eating noodles stopped using their chopsticks, those who were peeing in the toilet peed their pants, and those who were riding in the bus forgot to get off.



All kinds of unscientific words were swirling in everyone's minds. They never expected that they would see such an astonishing scene during a live broadcast hosted by the Heavenly Master.

It was at this time.


A clear and sweet wooden fish tapping sound sounded.

Everyone woke up from a dream.

"Damn it. This, this Heavenly Master can fly."

"Is there really magic in this world? Isn't this an urban world?"

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling and looking at my phone."

Countless barrages came in like a tide in an instant, and they used actions like sending barrages like crazy to express the shock in their hearts.

Compared with the excitement on the Internet.

The scene at the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar was still unusually quiet.

Everyone had just woken up from the shock, but they were obsessed with the tapping sound of the wooden fish.


The tapping sound of the wooden fish became faster and faster, and finally approached a rhythmic sound.

Old Taoist Jingde spoke.

"The sound of the spirit is everywhere, extinguishing crime and eliminating misunderstandings. When the treasure name is announced, it will help people in danger and rescue them. There will be a lot of irony."

The Four Classics!

It is actually the most basic four-level sutra of Taoism. This is a sutra that every Taoist disciple must learn. It is also known as the "Tai Shang San Yuan Sutra of Blessings, Forgiveness of Sins, Relief of Misfortune, Elimination of Disasters, Prolonging Life and Preserving Life."

When chanting scriptures.

Jingde Taoist used his own magic power to concentrate in the throat according to the techniques he learned from Xuanqing.

The vibrations of the recited words will produce the same vibration, forming a special resonance, which can achieve the effect of transmitting the sound into the secret.

If the magic power is increased, it will even have a hypnotic effect, and will amplify the emotions expressed by the chanter along with the chanter's thoughts.

The Fourth Level Sutra has a lot of content, including praying for blessings, admonishing good deeds, exorcising evil spirits, etc.

The Jingde Taoist priest chose to recite these two parts: praying for blessings and admonishing good deeds.

High in the air.

Xuanqing stepped on the auspicious clouds and saw that the old Taoist Jingde had begun to chant sutras, so he also took action.

I saw a Qi Gathering Bead filled with incense appearing in his palm.

Throwing the Qi Gathering Bead into the air, he swept it up with the whisk in his hand, pulling out the incense inside the Qi Gathering Bead.


Accompanied by a low shout.

The power of the incense in this Qi-gathering bead condensed into a fine drizzle, falling downwards.


Tick ​​tock.

I don't know when it started, but a drizzle of light rain started falling from the sky. It fell on everyone's bodies, but it did not wet their clothes. Instead, it blended into their bodies.

"The Heavenly Lord expounds the sutra. If you recite this sutra, drink water and offer flowers according to your strength, you will be blessed. Your family will have this sutra."

The verses have been recited to the end.

The nectar transformed by the power of these incense is still flowing down, nourishing the believers on the entire Wanfa Sect altar.


Something even more magical happened.

among the crowd.

An old woman with eye problems discovered that a different color appeared in the gray world.

Another old man in a wheelchair, his legs with atrophied muscles regained their vitality and regained consciousness under the nourishment of nectar.

Some believers with minor illnesses, such as back pain, acne, myopia, etc., were cured on the spot.

As time passes.

Everyone finally woke up from the scriptures.

A young man wearing glasses found that his eyes were swollen and painful.

He took off his glasses and planned to rub his temples, but was surprised to find that he could see very far and regained the vision he had when he was a child.

"Hey, why is my myopia gone?"

"What's going on, old man, my waist doesn't hurt anymore?"

"Head of the family, Lao Liu~ I... I feel like I have some feeling in my legs."


It's okay if one or two of them are abnormal, but when this happens to everyone, there is only one possibility.


Everyone was shocked, and they all asked family members, friends, or strangers around them to share their status.

After a while.

The reporters at the scene also reacted, stood up with great excitement, and rushed towards the outermost crowd.

"Brother Zhang, hurry up, come up with your camera!" The reporter took the microphone and ran, but found that the cameraman behind him did not follow.

"Where are the cameramen and people? We must get first-hand information."

"The miracle has reappeared. It's big news. The Taoist sect has done something big this time."

Countless reporters left their seats and greeted their colleagues, their faces becoming more and more crazy.

The crowd was also surging, and the crowd was excited.

Something was going to happen!

Thousands of people, if all of them were excited, I'm afraid there would be a stampede.

The heart of Jingde Laodao sank.

The Taoists beside him didn't care about the shock of the previous shock, and looked at the excited believers below with some anxiety on their faces.

If there was a major accident, not to mention how the higher-ups would hold them accountable, even their own consciences would not be able to get through it.

"Go quickly, Xuan, Qing, under fifty, go and maintain order for the old Taoist!"

A Taoist with purple cuffs, who was the vice president of the Jiangcheng Association, shouted to the young Taoists beside him.

At this anxious moment.



The word "quiet" seemed to come from all directions, echoing in the entire Wanfa Zongtan Square.

In an instant.

Everyone calmed down. Although they were still excited, their rationality was awakened and magnified.

They understood that no matter whether a miracle had occurred or not, they should not be so crazy. Even if the Taoist sect was blessed by gods, the gods would not want to see them in this situation.

"Infinite life and blessings!"

An older man, with moist eyes, controlled his excitement and crossed his hands to hold the yin-yang fish.

"Infinite life and blessings!"

"Infinite life and blessings!"

With the first call of Infinite life and blessings, it seemed to have caused a chain reaction. Everyone in the Wanfa Zongtan Square shouted the same slogan in unison.

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