"Take it slow. Maybe he has too little experience and doesn't understand love yet." The housekeeper shook his head and signaled the lady not to be anxious.

"I hope so." Feihu stood at the window and looked at the two people below.

Jiang Che hugged Tuantuan, and the two looked at the moon above their heads together.

Tuantuan also took the opportunity to cast an illusion on Jiang Che. It was called an illusion, but it was actually a video call that only he could see.

In Jiang Che's sight, Ding Ning's figure was reflected under the full moon and appeared in front of him.

"Wife!" Jiang Che stood up excitedly.

Ding Ning smiled and saw Jiang Che. This was a skill she had studied in the past two days. With the help of the full moon, she created an environment for Jiang Che to connect to the dungeon.

It was an encrypted version of a holographic video call.

Ding Ning stepped forward and took Jiang Che's hand. He and Tuantuan returned to the lawn again, and the family of three snuggled together.

"I can't come out to find you in this hunting ground for now, but there should be a chance later." Ding Ning leaned her head on Jiang Che's shoulder. Although it was just an illusion, she was still very satisfied.

Jiang Che looked at Ding Ning leaning on his shoulder. He didn't feel anything real, just an image leaning on him. He didn't dare to move.

Ding Ning looked at Jiang Che's cautious look for fear of disappearing, and didn't say anything. She liked Jiang Che like this, very cute.

"I saw their report saying that the two worlds may merge together in the future..." Jiang Che was very curious about what it would look like if the two worlds merged together.

"Yes, if it goes on as it is now, it shouldn't take much time."

"According to the information I have learned, whether it is humans or evil spirits, there are black hands pushing all this." Ding Ning shook her head. She didn't hide this information from Jiang Che.

"Then can we be together forever in the future?" When Jiang Che heard about the fusion of the two worlds, the first thing he thought of was that he could see his wife every day.

"Yeah, but the fusion of the two worlds may not be so beautiful." Ding Ning sighed. If it was just a simple fusion, it would be fine.

Now both sides are making a fuss about this matter.

It's not that she didn't tell Jiang Che about this specific thing, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Don't worry, I will protect you and won't let them hurt you." Jiang Che wanted to hold her hand, but he saw through the holographic shadow.

"Well, I will protect you too." Ding Ning was not optimistic about the future of mankind. Dark Star might have been calculated by humans, but they had more than one SSS-level lord like Dark Star.

If Dark Star died, others would divide his territory, and his strength had gradually weakened over the years, so even if he died, it wouldn't have much impact.

Ding Ning leaned on Jiang Che's shoulder and turned his attention to the outside world.

Tonight is the hunting ground. Because of Tuan Tuan, many evil spirits sensed the breath here and didn't approach.

But the city Jiang Che just went to is now full of blood and killing.

Jiang Che saved Zhou Ang and his mother, and did not stay in the city, nor did he see the blood and killing over there.

Ding Ning's face darkened. If possible, she hoped that Jiang Che would never know these things.

The struggle over the years has made the two worlds two completely hostile camps.

Once the two worlds merge, such killing will be more intense.

Ding Ning's face was gloomy, "If we are still like this in the future, and we can only see each other once every ten days, will you miss me?"

"I will miss you every day."

"I learned a lot of things today and ate a lot of delicious food. Next time you come..." Jiang Che was stunned when he said halfway.

Before the hunting ground was formed, he ate a lot and played a lot.

But after the hunting ground came, he originally intended to take Tuantuan to the city to play.

But after going there, he found that no one set up stalls, no one opened shops, and the colorful lights on the street became weird. The lights on the street, the lights in each building, and the lights in each room were all turned on.

The nights in the past few days were not like this. It was also the first time he saw a night as bright as day.

The lights were bright, but there was still no way to dispel the suppressed fear in the city.

Turning on the lights, turning on all the lights, seemed to have become a way for humans to dispel fear.

Jiang Che realized that if his wife came to see him next time, it would be the time when the hunting ground came.

If they went to eat at that time, they would encounter the current scene again.

There was panic everywhere, screaming everywhere, no one set up stalls, and people were running away everywhere, and some teams were hunting evil spirits.

Jiang Che closed his mouth. He wanted his wife to come, but he was afraid that his wife would be disappointed here, because this place was not as fun as he described.

Jiang Che couldn't help thinking, if the two worlds merged, would it be better?

Everyone was used to the existence of evil spirits, so he could take his wife to try all kinds of fun and delicious things.

The sky gradually became brighter, and the huge silver light of the full moon turned gray.

The moon was getting smaller and smaller, and it was about to become normal size.

Jiang Che felt that the illusion of Tuan Tuan and You Dingning around him was about to dissipate.

He walked out of the villa holding Tuan Tuan and headed towards the city.

Just a look, he wanted to take his wife to see the scenery of the city and the world.

"Miss, Master Jiang is gone." The housekeeper went to Feihu's room to report the news.

"Did he leave on his own?" Feihu looked up at the moon that was about to dissipate, the hunting ground was about to end.

"He left with the little girl by burrowing into the ground, one of the skills he acquired in the dungeon."

"It should be that the little girl is sent home when the day is almost up. It's good that the child is gone, hum!" She didn't imagine that the little girl would take Jiang Che to watch the stars and the moon for the whole night.

119. Chapter 119 I want to be in the same copy with him.


Jiang Che was very fast, and he quickly came to the city that was all white last night.

When he saw the light radiating from the whole city last night, he was also shocked at the first time.

He thought of taking his wife to see it before the end, but when he came, he found that this city was not bright at all.

The afterglow was still in every corner of the city, but many houses and buildings had turned off the lights.

It was not closed actively, but destroyed.

Collapsed buildings, cracked ground cracks, and blood all over the ground.

Jiang Che had only heard of the hunting ground and only came to take a look last night, but that look was just to take Zhou Ang and his mother away.

The sidewalk next to it was already full of corpses covered with white cloth.

In addition, there were some corpses of evil spirits, exposed on the ground, with countless wounds of all sizes. In addition to the fatal wounds, many people held knives in their hands and stabbed the corpses repeatedly, venting their inner hatred.

The humans in the hunting team did not stop ordinary people from whipping the evil spirits, but just stood by and counted their spoils.

Jiang Che turned and left, he just felt chest tightness and shortness of breath and was very uncomfortable.

Has the human and the evil spirit really reached this point?

Ding Ning did not speak either, she was brought to the suburbs by Jiang Che.

Jiang Che stood in an open space, "I'm not here to see these..." He waved his hand in a panic.

"I know." Ding Ning's projection leaned on his arms.

The scene just now further confirmed Ding Ning's idea. No matter what other lords planned to merge the two worlds, she decided to stand in the same camp with the rabbit people to prevent the fusion of the two worlds.

Although other people's killings were none of her business, nor were they Jiang Che's business.

But Ding Ning knew that as a lord, many evil spirits under her would also take the initiative to participate in the hunting ground, just to hunt humans.

The best solution now is to disconnect the connection between the two worlds.

In this way, the disputes between the two worlds will gradually decrease.

Jiang Che did not speak. Before, he thought that he should listen to his wife, survive well, and avoid all dangers.

But just seeing the corpse of the evil spirit with countless wounds, he panicked.

He made a decision to go to the dungeon with Feihu and others and become stronger! !

Only by becoming stronger can he have the possibility and strength to protect his lover and his family.

"I'm leaving." Ding Ning tiptoed, and in the illusory projection, her thin lips fell on Jiang Che's lips like a dragonfly touching the water.

"Goodbye, Dad! Tuantuan will come to see you next time!" Tuantuan also waved his arms.

Jiang Che stood in the wilderness outside the suburbs. He looked at his wife and daughter who disappeared into starlight fragments, and then looked at the slowly rising sun in the east.

The desire to become stronger has never been so strong. The image of the hunting team just letting ordinary people whip the evil spirits lingered in his mind.

Jiang Che picked up his mobile phone and called Feihu. "When is the next dungeon?"

"Two days later, I have the information of two A-level dungeons, one with a stronger energy magnetic field and one with a weaker one." Feihu's voice was a little excited, "Which one do you want to choose?"

"The stronger one, so that I can become stronger."

"I'll come back to find you and take a look at the information by the way." Jiang Che hung up the phone after saying that.

He hoped that the two worlds would merge, and he even thought of a solution.

If he was strong enough, the two worlds would merge together, and he would have enough strength to stop both sides from fighting.

Just like Uncle Xiong said, it would be fine if both sides were defeated together.

When Feihu saw the sun coming out, he let down most of his vigilance. The sun coming out meant that the hunting ground disappeared and the world returned to peace.

"Uncle Zhao, he agreed to go to the dungeon with me." Feihu's voice was a little brisk.

"Uncle Zhao, can you help me call Zhou Ang over? I have something to tell him."

Uncle Zhao nodded. He was also happy to see his young lady and Jiang Che have the next step.

That boy has no background and is the best choice for the young lady's son-in-law.

Zhou Ang just woke up and got the news that his mother would be sent to the family area after breakfast. If there is a copy in the future, the people of the Flying Tiger Group will organize everyone to take refuge.

"Master Zhou Ang, have you had breakfast?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Zhou Ang hadn't eaten yet, but when he saw that Butler Zhao came to ask him in person, he immediately said yes.

"The young lady has something to ask you."

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