Looking at the two people running ahead of her, the nurse was more determined to find Jiang Che.

If she couldn't find Jiang Che, she would be the one to take the blame next time she encountered danger.

Jiang Che didn't walk fast. The three people were not far away and caught up with Jiang Che in a few minutes.

"Friend, wait a minute." The man in the suit quickly stopped Jiang Che, "You can't walk here so swaggeringly, it's very dangerous here!"

As he said that, he pulled Jiang Che into an abandoned room next to him without saying anything.

He was relieved when he entered and left the sticky feeling on the ground.

Although he guessed that there was no danger when he saw Jiang Che walking outside, he felt very uneasy as long as he walked outside.

The other two followed closely behind. After entering the room, everyone gasped for breath to calm their restless hearts.

"Friend, my name is Zhao Qi, this is nurse Xiaoya, and this is brother Wang Bing." He pulled the two people around him and began to introduce them.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Che." Jiang Che saw the two people and responded politely.

He only felt that he had seen this nurse before, but he didn't have a deep impression of her. She probably seldom came to the ward and looked at her from a distance. Most of the time, she was in the stable area. ,

Jiang Che?

Nurse Xiaoya looked at Jiang Che and knew who he was immediately.

There were only a hundred patients in the hospital, and most of them were organ suppliers before the weirdness came.

The nurses and doctors in the hospital had to count the number of people every day to prevent patients from escaping, and to know the patients' conditions and avoid patients with mental illnesses that affected their bodies, such as self-harm or harming others by eating indiscriminately.

She knew Jiang Che, a better donor in the hospital.

In addition to looking for his family all day long, he would not harm other patients or self-harm.

"Jiang Che?!" Nurse Xiaoya was overjoyed. She naturally knew the patient Jiang Che. As long as you said something related to his family, he would be very obedient.

For a moment, Nurse Xiaoya immediately knew how to control Jiang Che.

"I know where your family is. Can I take you there later?"

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8. Chapter 8 Don't you want to find your wife?



Jiang Che turned his head and looked at her, smiling politely. "No, thank you. I have found my parents."

He was a little regretful that he didn't communicate with this nurse earlier when he was outside. It turned out that she also knew that her family was in the copy.


Nurse Xiaoya was stunned. She originally planned to use this to control Jiang Che and let him go with her and the others. Now he actually said that he found his family?

No, where can he find his family?

Zhao Qi winked at Xiaoya fiercely. Just now he was happy that Xiaoya was worthy of being a nurse in a mental hospital. She knew how to better control these patients with problems in their brains and how to quickly calm them down.

Who knew that this would go wrong immediately.

Hearing Jiang Che's words, Xiaoya also became anxious.

But now is not the time to think about this matter. She doesn't know what kind of family Jiang Che, a mental patient, has found. After all, the thoughts of a mental patient are completely unpredictable.

Seeing Jiang Che was about to leave, Xiaoya hurriedly said, "You found your parents, so have you found your wife and children?"

Jiang Che's steps forward froze, and he turned his head to look at nurse Xiaoya. He only had a very vague concept of family.

"Wife? Children?"

"Yes, where are my wife and children?" Jiang Che's eyes became more and more empty, and his expression became more and more weird.

Before finding his parents, there were always two phantoms in his mind, covering his brain. These two phantoms corresponded to the location of his parents at home.

After Xue Tu and the others admitted that they were his parents, the shapeless phantoms of his parents in his mind became the appearance of Xue Tu and the blood-clothed nurse.

Now when he heard her mention his wife and children, Jiang Che squatted on the ground with his head in his arms. The severe pain made him wail uncontrollably.

He felt that his brain was splitting, as if even his scalp was about to be torn.

His fingers kept scratching his scalp, as if he was thinking and recalling something.

Behind the shadows of Xue Tu and the other two, two black shadows were quickly generated. Not long after, two other shadows suddenly appeared, one large and one small. The large one was tall and graceful, holding a child in his hand.

"What's wrong with him?" Zhao Qi frowned as he looked at Jiang Che squatting on the ground with his head in his hands in pain, and was a little annoyed why he had a mental patient following the team.

"Can you find a way to make him shut up? He's howling like this, what if he attracts evil spirits?" Zhao Qi was a little impatient. If he wasn't afraid that the smell of blood would attract evil spirits, and he felt that this mental patient was still useful, he really wanted to cut him with a knife to make him shut his mouth permanently.

"Yeah, make him shut up quickly, otherwise we really have to leave here. Let's find a way to hide in other buildings first, and then come over when he stops howling." Wang Bing also looked out a few times with concern. For some reason, his heart has been uneasy since the beginning.

But he did not find any trace of evil spirits.

"I'll think of a way. Three minutes. If he can't shut up in three minutes, we'll go hide nearby and come back when he stops howling." Xiaoya squatted anxiously beside Jiang Che, patting his back to help him relax.

The other two looked anxiously at their watches, which had already started the three-minute countdown.

"Yes, don't worry, can we take you to find your wife and children?"

"It's very dangerous here now. Be obedient. Your wife is in another place. Can we take you there?" Xiaoya's voice was very soft, and she squatted next to Jiang Che's ear to comfort her softly.

"Where is my wife?" Jiang Che slowly raised his head despite the pain in his head. His forehead was covered with sweat and his eyes had turned red.

"In..." Xiaoya hesitated for a moment, but soon thought of something. "There is a normal area in the copy that looks exactly like the outside, and your wife is there."

"As long as you listen to us, we will take you over to find her." Xiaoya felt smart at her words, and she found that she was really too smart.

Zhao Qi and Wang Bing looked at each other. Dungeon No. 9 was very famous because there was no escape exit at all.

But because of this, everyone is very familiar with this area.

Because people outside are always analyzing where the exit of copy No. 9 is hidden.

In Dungeon No. 9, there are a total of 95 areas where the evil spirits release their respective domains. These areas range from large to small, and the evil spirits generally work independently without interfering with each other.

Each of the 95 areas has its own unique horror elements, but here is an area that is exactly the same as what Xiaoya introduced.

That place looked just like the outside world, very normal. There was no haunted house or blood on the floor. There were no strange spider webs or tentacles. It was as normal as a paradise.

Some people suspect that the exit is there because this place is so special.

Someone sneaks into it quietly, but as soon as they enter it, they will die inexplicably, and the live broadcast will be cut off directly due to the death of the survivor.

Now Xiaoya actually asked this mentally ill person to go there to find his wife. Before arriving at the destination, this mentally ill person was not under their control.

As for the wife?

The two turned their heads and snickered secretly. This was a strange copy, with evil spirits taking human lives everywhere. How could he have a wife?

The audience couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene.

[This weird copy is just like Shura Field, no one can believe it here. 】

[My companions who are traveling together cannot believe it either. They only want each other to protect themselves from harm when traveling together. Here they are all plotting against each other. 】

[A total of more than 300 people came in. In less than half a day, half of them were already dead, and a large part of the remaining ones were already being hunted and tortured. 】

[These three people must not know yet. This mental illness is also a time bomb. They want this mental illness to explore the way, but they don't know that having this mental illness around is like having two more evil spirits chasing them. 】

[Tianhu was suddenly beaten to the point of collapse by three people at the beginning. 】

[When you see a person walking alone, any fool will know that there is definitely something wrong with this person. 】

[I hope the three of them will see Xue Tu’s family, and Xue Tu will catch up in the end, huh? Why did my prey change from one to four? There will be mitosis, right? 】

The three of them naturally knew not to provoke anyone who dared to act arrogantly in the dungeon, but this time the situation was really special.

This man is a patient in a mental hospital and has a brain problem.

They have all come before you, and if you don’t use them, you won’t use them.

At this time, the four of them each had their own thoughts, but they did not know that not far away, an evil spirit was staring at their location.

From the very beginning, he felt that there was an additional prey in his area, and this prey bore the mark of a bloody massacre.

Just a prey, he didn't care at first.

Just give in.

But he didn't expect that this prey would actually come together with his own prey!

Chapter 9 I can’t travel far away

Calculating that they would not be able to leave his area in a short time, he planned to go to Xue Tu to explain things clearly.

Ask him what he means. It's okay to let his prey run around. Do you still want to occupy your prey now?

Jiang Che went crazy for a long time, and the three of them were frightened for a few minutes. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Jiang Che calmed down and no danger came.

As long as it doesn't make too much noise, in everyone's mind it's the same as - the risk is reduced.

"Let's go, let's take you to find your wife." Zhao Qi couldn't help but want to laugh. This was the first time he had coaxed a mentally ill person in such a serious manner.

As he spoke, he looked at Xiaoya beside him, "It wasn't easy for you before, you often had to take care of these people."

Xiaoya kept her mouth shut. Just now she suddenly realized that she had told these two people the method of controlling Jiang Che.

If he encounters danger, I'm afraid he will be the first one to be abandoned. Jiang Che might survive longer than himself.

There is someone around you who can be controlled and sacrificed at any time. When encountering danger, people who are difficult to control will naturally be eliminated first.

"There are many people like Jiang Che. Maybe we will meet many more on the road. When the time comes, we can draw them all into our team. As long as we control them well, they will be very useful chess pieces." Xiaoya He seemed to have thought of something and clapped his hands excitedly, but didn't dare to make a sound.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. Jiang Che could tell that in this weird copy, stupid people have stupid blessings. The more mentally ill they are, the harder it is to live longer than normal people.

On the way, they will probably encounter more mental patients. She knows the weaknesses of each mental patient, which is their obsession. She knows how to better appease the mental patient.

This also means that they will have an endless supply of chess pieces.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Qi and Wang Bing looked at each other.

The two did not speak, but walked out of the abandoned house one after another.

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