Since then, the app of Feihu Live Broadcasting Platform has changed. Perhaps because of the dungeon props, he can monitor all survivors participating in the dungeon and live broadcast their information the moment the dungeon is opened.

Now, Feihu looked at the eyes that monitored countless people in his territory. He admitted that the reason why he evolved these eyes was indeed influenced by the live broadcast prop.

After negotiating with the human masters, they agreed to rush towards the location of the new dungeon.

Before leaving, he sent another message in the group.

"I said, if you don't place anchors to form your own territory, what will happen to the millions of people in your territory who come to seek refuge with us if the dark forest grows while you are away?"

Feiying's worry is not without reason. The dark forest is growing very rapidly. The reason why these people are not moving now is because the dark forest has not grown.

If they leave, the Dark Forest will spread and grow rapidly, and millions of people will become the nourishment of the Dark Forest.

The lord's short-term departure will not affect the territory that has been formed, and the growth of the dark forest will automatically avoid this area.

Feiying's words silenced everyone in the group. They were indeed worried about this issue.

And they had to go to the newly formed copy.

This copy suddenly appeared in human territory, and they had to go there to find out the situation no matter what.

"It should be fine. The satellite shows that the dark forest is still far away from me, and the area between me and the dark forest has no human life. It should not expand so rapidly."

"I have sent people here to calculate its growth rate. The two reproduction and growth rates of living and non-living things as nutrients have been calculated. I should not be able to expand if I leave it for a short time."

After seeing a few people, Fei Ying didn't say anything more.

He just felt weird in his heart. You must know that after the dark forest began to expand and grow, humans had left the place where they lived before and went to the city where the most recent human masters lived.

After the strangeness came, human beings were reducing their numbers like crazy. There were very few surviving humans in various areas. This was the result of humans working hard to learn the strategy copy.

But the human base is too large. Even if countless people die in the strange copy, the ten cities designated by human masters are not enough to survive.

Nowadays, in these cities, both inside and outside, human beings are gathered together at a density that exceeds ordinary survival.

Various cities have also begun to divide classes. Those with connections, power, strength, and wealth can live in the inner city.

Those without strength and power can only survive in the outer city.

This survival model has already taken shape in several cities. Even in cities where anchor points have not yet been placed, as long as it is determined that the guardians there have such strength, so many people will still gather.

Humans have estimated the growth rate of the forest and the growth route of the forest, but will this dark forest really grow as humans calculated?

"According to our investigation, there are many forests growing in the copy of the evil spirit world. They have coexisted with the evil spirits for many years. These forests seem to only have the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and do not have their own wisdom." One person said.

"Actually, I have done tests near the dark forest. I found that if all life here is cleared, whether it is trees or animals, the expansion of the forest will slow down to the extreme."

"I have cleared all the grass and trees outside my city. In order to prevent snakes and insects under the land, I also burned a fire."

Hearing them give a series of solutions, Feiying breathed a sigh of relief.

Forests do have this shortcoming. Without life, they cannot thrive, or they grow very slowly.

The prerequisite for its rapid reproduction is that there are countless lives as nutrients.

Burning everything nearby does sound like a good idea.

While the forest hasn't grown over yet...

Feiying lowered his head and thought, and burned all the land on the periphery of the territory. This periphery should be able to accept more people in a short period of time.

175. Chapter 175 A familiar scene


At the same time, fierce wildfires burned in forests everywhere.

The smoke in the air has different smells, such as wet rotten leaves, giant trees, and the smell of burning animals...

Thick smoke got into the clouds, and then in the sky there was not only the sunset but also the blazing smoke.

The pungent smell floated in the air, and the whole world smelled of destruction.

Flames burned on the outskirts of the city.

What they blocked was the dozens of kilometers around the area outside the areas defined by the human lords in various parts of the city.

With the city as the center and outside the outer cities where humans live, all the grass and trees were uprooted. After a certain distance, a fireproof layer was drawn to prevent the flames from invading.

Humans who were not qualified to enter the city stood on the edge and looked at the red fire in the distance, and the flames continued.

The entire city was surrounded by flames. They were closest to the fire and felt that their internal bodies were burning, and the hairs on their bodies were smoothed by the scalding heat waves.

They pulled up the corners of their clothes and poured some water over their mouths and noses.

But under the blazing heat, the wet clothes will soon evaporate.

People on the outskirts of the city looked at the land and forests that had turned into black coal, and unconsciously became silent.

People in the inner city are watching the surveillance and live broadcasts on the outside.

Except for the city of Flying Eagle, where every move is monitored by the floating eyeballs, the rest of the cities also have traditional monitoring and live broadcast equipment.

The humans in the inner circle watched the flames that were enough to dye half the sky red. In the past, when encountering wildfires, humans would extinguish them regardless of sacrifice. Now everyone just watched everything calmly, watching the wildfire spread and the fire lasting.

In addition to live broadcasts of survivors' dungeons, Flying Tiger Live also has ordinary daily live broadcasts.

At this time, different perspectives in the major live broadcast rooms showed different red lights.

The barrage passed through the red screen at this time, but it was not so conspicuous.

[I feel like this scene is familiar. ]

[I always feel like I have seen it somewhere. ]

[It's so ironic. In the past, people were fighting wildfires, but now wildfires are set by humans themselves. ]

[To be honest, I really feel like I have seen this scene somewhere. ]

[You are right, because in the dungeons of major survivors, there are charred land and charcoal buildings everywhere, and now it is the same here. 】


Seeing this barrage, everyone was stunned.

The scenes and environments of each dungeon were vivid, and the land there was mostly black, corrupt, and lifeless.

When you step on it, you can feel the ground is dry and brittle.

It seems that it has been burned by fire hundreds of times, and every grain of soil has been burned to lose its activity.

Everyone was silent. They felt like they were walking the same path as the evil ghost dungeon, but they didn't feel it.

Jiang Che looked at the two people who were breaking through the level in the dungeon. He didn't interfere with the idea of ​​this group of people breaking through the level.

The rules will not change at all. They will not let them go just because they are human, nor will they change the location of the exit just because they are human.

Feihu looked at the live broadcast room. She didn't contact her father, but she knew from the barrage information that the human strongman was rushing here, bringing many men with him, preparing to attack Jiang Che's dungeon.

She didn't know what to do.

Tell them that this is Jiang Che's dungeon, the territory of humans, or don't tell them this information and watch humans die one after another in Jiang Che's dungeon.

The two people who were breaking through the level were already feeling desperate at this time. They found that they couldn't get rid of the spirits chasing them.

Although these spirits had no facial features and their blurred faces looked similar.

But they could also be seen from some details of their clothes that they were different.

They tried to get rid of these spirits, but finally found that once they got rid of them, these spirits would find other shortcuts to surround themselves.

In the process of escaping, the two had no time to think about taking the same road.

Although the passages were connected, the two had taken different roads.

"I feel like I can't hold on any longer. I have been injured three times, and the pain caused by each injury will be heavier." The man running in the front was pale and his legs were shaking, but he didn't stop.

He didn't deliberately try how inconspicuous the first injury was. A veteran survivor would not waste this error tolerance.

He thought that if he tried not to get hurt, he could resist for a long time.

But he still overestimated his strength. He didn't hold on longer than the first partner who died.

Almost at the same time point, he was injured for the first time.

It hurts a bit, but not too much, and he can bear it.

He didn't run far before he was hurt for the second time.

The second time, the pain was completely different from the previous one, like a heavy blow to his chest.

The second time, he was injured, but he didn't die.

The third time, he just felt that his internal organs were rolled over by a hydraulic press.

The fourth time...

He looked at the white spirit chasing him behind him, and he had a premonition that when it fell on him for the fourth time, it would be the time of his death.

The first partner who died died easily. He stopped after the first injury, and the next two, three, four, five, and six injuries came in an instant. The pain was only a moment, and this kind of death was also refreshing.

"The pain will be more severe each time. I don't know if my ability to endure pain will be stronger..."

"With my current strength, I guess I can only endure four times." Until the last second of his life, he was still sharing his experience with the audience.

"In this copy, the more blood crystals I collect, the more complete the map displayed in my mind, and the more accurate the navigation radar for the crystals."

He said as he turned a corner.

As soon as he turned the corner, he found that the white spirit in front of him was rushing towards him.

Looking back, he saw white spirits rushing towards him on the left and right sides.

At the last moment, he gave up struggling, chose a direction with the most white spirits, and rushed forward.

The continuous pain was too painful. He didn't know if he would die after the fourth time, but after that time, he would definitely not be able to hold on for long.

His best choice now was to suffer multiple injuries at once and die directly.

"Brothers, this copy is not as simple as everyone thinks."

"Goodbye." He wanted to say something at the end, but found that it was too late.

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