She was very lucky. She was just on the top floor and saw several castles outside the realm of evil spirits at a glance.

When she saw this castle, Xiaoya couldn't stop her heart from beating wildly.

Humans don't know much about Copy No. 9, but they don't know much about it.

Just like that old castle, it is the only place in Dungeon 9 that is most similar to the environment where humans live.

Everyone suspects that the exit is there, but people who go to that area die inexplicably.

Xiaoya was very excited. She didn't expect that it was so close to the castle!

Jiang Che followed her excitedly, adjusting his clothes from time to time.

He tried his best to think of his wife's appearance, but he couldn't remember it at all. All the information was very vague.

Just like his parents before, it's just a dark shadow lingering in his mind without a face.

Before Jiang Che left, he took his suitcase with him, which also contained the gifts he had prepared before.

Xiaoya had been watching from the side when Jiang Che was packing the box. She thought it was some kind of treasure inside, but after seeing the things inside, she couldn't help but show disdain in her eyes.

The suitcase looks like high-end goods, and the dolls and jewelry inside look very expensive.

It was obvious that Jiang Che went to a wealthy area and stole it.

She looked at the robe Jiang Che was wearing and the bracelet on her wrist.

It was really a waste to have these two things on Jiang Che.

It would be nice if you got it yourself.

The corners of her mouth couldn't help but turn up. She was very lucky. When she entered the dungeon, she was with Zhao Qi and Wang Bing.

Having a companion by your side when entering a dungeon is a lucky and unfortunate thing. Fortunately, it can increase your chances of survival. Unfortunately, she is the kind of cannon fodder that is sacrificed to increase the survival rate of others.

But now, the corners of Xiaoya's lips curled up.

Wang Bing died, and so did Zhao Qi.

The only fool Jiang Che was left with was two top-notch props.

It is said that the mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind. She thought she was the cicada, but she did not expect that she would turn out to be the oriole.

Along the way, Xiaoya could see human corpses lying on the roadside from time to time. She looked up with sympathy.

Broken limbs and broken arms could be seen everywhere. She glanced at Jiang Che. The sky had turned dark, and the silver full moon above her head made Jiang Che's white doctor's robe even more dazzling.

She had already begun to envision herself using Jiang Che's two props to win the reward for the first pass of the dungeon.

"Jiang Che, I'm a little cold~~" Xiaoya hugged her arms tightly, rubbed her nose and sneezed.

The bracelet can take its time to figure it out, she has to get the dress now.

She followed Jiang Che nervously along the way, for fear of encountering other evil spirits.

Night was a good time for hunting, and Xiaoya didn't think they were lucky.

It could only be because of the doctor's robe Jiang Che was wearing.

It hides his human aura and disguises him as an evil spirit.

And he was regarded as Jiang Che's prey.

"I'm just right~" Jiang Che was in a happy mood, and his tone couldn't help but rise.

He felt the temperature drop as soon as the sky began to darken, and the cold wind stung the skin on his face. Fortunately, he was wearing a doctor's coat.

He only now understands the warmth of adding clothes when the weather is cold.

When I was in the mental hospital, I could only hide in my room when it was cold and didn't dare to go out.

The hospital prepared winter clothes for them, but they were not very warm.

When the cold wind was blocked by his clothes, Jiang Che finally understood the meaning of a sentence he had heard before,

The thread in a loving mother's hand, the clothes on a wanderer's body.

He quickened his pace. He couldn't bear to leave home and didn't want to leave.

But my wife hasn't come back yet.

If he wants to reunite his family, he must find his wife and reunite his family. This is what he must do as a man in the family.

"I'm a little cold~!!" Xiaoya stamped her feet angrily. Could this mentally ill person not understand her?

Didn't he know how to take off his clothes and put them on her?

"Then what can we do? It's not like we can't leave." Jiang Che frowned. It's not like he hasn't been cold before.

The temperature has only dropped a little, and apart from some shivers, it doesn't affect movement at all.


Xiaoya couldn't help but swear in her heart. She finally understood that this mentally ill person couldn't understand her hint at all.

"Can you put your coat on for a while? I'll give it back to you when the cold stops." Xiaoya folded her arms and looked at Jiang Che's pitiful opening.

The audience in the live broadcast room was staring at Xiaoya's clothes for cheating Jiang Che.

[They didn’t expect that there were three people in the group, and the two strongest men died. In the end, this little nurse took advantage. 】

[Look at them walking so far at night without encountering danger. These clothes are obviously effective, and this little nurse is also smart. 】

【Grab it. 】

[It should be impossible to grab it, and it will also arouse Jiang Che's vigilance. Psychopaths are very strong, their heads are stunned, and their strength is very strong. 】

[I agree with cheating, there is no need to use force. 】

[This little nurse has some luck. She has survived to this day. If she gets this dress, she might be able to come out of the dungeon alive. 】

No one thought that what Xiaoya did was wrong, and everyone was even discussing how to do the best thing to trick the clothes away from Jiang Che.

Jiang Che frowned when he heard her words. He reached out and touched the buttons of his coat. Just when everyone thought he was going to take it off and give it to Xiaoya,

He quickly buttoned up the rest of the buttons, "I'm cold too."

Chapter 16 Escape once! Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

Looking at his movements, Xiaoya's movements holding her arms became stiff.

For a moment, she really couldn't tell whether this mentally ill man really had a problem with his brain or if he was pretending to have a problem.

"I'm really too cold. Girls really can't bear the cold. I've already started to have a stomachache." Xiaoya squatted on the ground holding her stomach, with a look of pain on her face.

"You don't want to find your wife, right?" Xiaoya squatted on the ground, burying her face in her knees and said leisurely.

Seeing Xiaoya's move, the audience exclaimed.

From the information Xiaoya said before, we can know what kind of mental illness Jiang Che has.


This is caused by different causes, such as biological, psychological and social environmental factors acting on the brain, destroying the relatively stable functional state of the brain within a certain range, leading to abnormalities in mental activities such as cognition, emotion, and volitional behavior.

The severity and duration of the abnormality are beyond the range of normal fluctuations in mental activity.

Although I don’t know the cause of Jiang Che’s illness, I just need to know why he became ill.

In other words, Jiang Che usually has no problems and can communicate normally, but as long as he understands his mental obsession, he can be controlled.

This is also a method used by medical staff in hospitals to make mental patients obedient.

Even with coaxing and deceiving, it is really no longer possible to suppress them with force.

[Psychotic brains are a little paranoid. This kid is like a humanoid treasure house. This time, he completely fell into the hands of this little nurse. 】

[I feel like the evil spirit of the nurse has also done some trick on the clothes, and now it might be a hot potato to trick them into wearing them. 】

[Concerned about this and that, if I don’t wear it now, I might die soon. If I wear it, I can at least live a little longer. 】

[But where is she going to find a wife for this guy? 】

[Looking at this kid’s mental state, maybe if you just point out an evil spirit and say it’s his wife, he’ll rush towards you like crazy. 】

This is what the audience thinks, and Xiaoya also thinks so. Although she is also afraid that the clothes have a positioning function, she is more afraid that she will die without the clothes to conceal her aura.

People are most likely to die at night, and she knew that this kid still had a bracelet. She heard the nurse in blood clothes mention it during dinner and told Jiang Che not to take it off.

Based on this calculation, if Jiang Che was in danger and had a bracelet to protect him, he would definitely not die immediately. She was not going to let Jiang Che die.

She was alone, and she had no chance of surviving.

She is just a little nurse, no matter who she meets, she is no match. Now the only one she can take advantage of is Jiang Che.

Jiang Che couldn't help but frown when he saw her squatting motionless on the ground. He had indeed heard about girls being afraid of the cold before.

"Your wife is also a girl. You definitely don't want her to know that you ignore the people who helped you find a wife, right?" Xiaoya continued to threaten his unfounded wife.

"Besides, you have a daughter. If your daughter needs help outside, you don't want others to be as cold-blooded as you, right?" Xiaoya began to continue to output and started moral kidnapping.

She previously only used the information of "wife" to control Jiang Che. She only said that she had a child, and did not tell Jiang Che that she was a daughter.

But now, she realized that saying she was her daughter would make Jiang Che more obedient.

If she hadn't had to get the doctor's robe from Jiang Che, she would have put her "daughter" as a killer in a place where Jiang Che had to die to save her life.

Jiang Che's brain felt as if he had been hit hard. There was an image of his whole family deep in his brain.

Before that, there were only the shadows of my parents.

Ever since the shadows of his parents turned into a bloody massacre couple, he had images of his wife and children in his mind, but they were blurry.

But now, at this moment in the image of the young son, the hair begins to grow longer and the clothes evolve into skirts.

The slender arms holding the woman look soft and waxy, with the sweetness of a girl.

He squatted down and covered his head. The shadow turned into a girl and appeared next to his wife. She held his wife's hand and stood in the mist.

His brain was constantly tearing apart, and the blurry shadows in his mind began to solidify.

Xiaoya squatted on the ground, raised her face slightly and looked at Jiang Che with the corner of her eyes.

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