"Who is this!" The beautiful girl with dyed brown hair took her companion's hand and left cursing.

Just give me a treat and give it a discount. Is this what a person can say?

You don’t have any gentlemanly spirit at all, but you still drive a Ferrari, bah!

It can't be rented!

Watching the other party leave, Xiao Ran shook his head and said, "If you don't V me 50, let me see your strength. How do I know if you want to deceive my feelings?"

"Today's little girls are not even willing to spend money on a meal to chase handsome guys. How will you find a boyfriend in the future!"

"Hello sir, welcome to the Entertainment Hotel. Do you have an appointment?"

"Ms. Fang's reservation for box number 8."

"Okay, please follow me!"

After entering the hotel, he reported the seat reserved by Fang Qinya to the front desk. Under the guidance of the waiter, Xiao Ran met Fang Qinya in a quiet private room.

After not seeing each other for several months, Fang Qinya is still as beautiful as ever.

Wearing a white shirt with a vest, her long light brown wavy hair draped casually on her shoulders, she just sat there quietly, exuding a cool and elegant atmosphere.

At this time, she frowned and looked down at her phone. On it was a WeChat message sent to her by her agent Xu Xiaosha.

"Xiaoya, where are you now? Go back to the company right away. There is a commercial to be shot at eight o'clock in the evening, and you have to catch a flight in the early morning. Don't forget it!"

Fang Qinya's fingers stopped on the WeChat reply on her phone, her red lips pursed slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"What are you looking at, so absorbed?" Xiao Ran walked over and asked casually.

Noticing Xiao Ran's arrival, Fang Qinya's fingers trembled slightly, and then she naturally tucked a few strands of hair hanging down behind her ears.

"It's nothing." After saying that, he put away the phone silently, raised his head, and stared at him with eyes like autumn water.

"You came?"

The soft voice is gentle and charming, like an oriole's cry in the valley, sweet and moving.

It can only be said that she is worthy of being a new little queen in the music world. Just listening to that beautiful voice is an ultimate enjoyment, making people feel like taking a shower of spring breeze and drinking sweet wine.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long."

As he spoke, he pulled up his seat and sat down.

"No, I just arrived." Fang Qinya shook her head, then seemed to remember something, took out a carefully wrapped gift from the seat behind her and handed it to Xiao Ran.

"I haven't congratulated you yet, you are the top scorer in the college entrance examination!"

At this moment, her eyes were smiling, and her eyes shone like bright gems under the light.

Looking at Fang Qinya's soft eyes, Xiao Ran's heart suddenly beat faster for some reason.

Damn it, isn’t this just love at first sight?

He couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing!"

Xiao Ran shook his head. At this time, he calmed down completely and re-examined his heart.

love at first sight? Pooh! Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran, stop thinking of yourself as too innocent!

You are just looking for sex!

call! Fortunately, my friend thought he was in love!

Xiao Ran felt relieved instantly and took the gift from Fang Qinya's hand, "Uh, thank you!"

What an old scumbag!

"No, when it comes to thanking you, I should be thanking you." Fang Qinya looked at Xiao Ran's eyes sincerely, "If it weren't for your three songs, I wouldn't have completely stabilized my popularity now." At this, she suddenly smiled playfully.

"Thanks to you, I've been so busy with commercials, variety shows, and announcements lately that I'm so busy all day long that I can't even squeeze in a break."

"This has nothing to do with me. In the final analysis, you are strong enough. My three songs are the icing on the cake at most. Even without those three songs, with your strength, it is only a matter of time before you reach the next level." Xiao Ran smiled. He smiled and said.

"Okay, there's no point in thanking you here. Let's order first and we'll talk while we eat."

"Well, it's up to you." Fang Qinya smiled knowingly and pressed the ringtone button on the desktop.

Soon, the waiter came to the two of them with a dining cart, obviously having prepared the dishes.

This entertainment hotel specializes in French cuisine, and French meals are particularly famous for their exquisite dishes. On a white porcelain plate with a silver rim, the steak brushed with crimson liquid exudes a creamy aroma and color. Gorgeous and beautiful, full of presentation.

"Cheers, congratulations on becoming the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Magic City." Fang Qinya poured a glass of red wine, clinked the glasses with Xiao Ran, then picked up the goblet and took a sip with her sexy red lips, her delicate red lips passed by the red wine The moisture makes it appear moister, like fresh cherries with an attractive luster.

Putting down her wine glass, Fang Qinya was about to say something, but the sudden ringing of a cell phone interrupted her words.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was her manager Xu Xiaosha. Fang Qinya frowned subconsciously, her face a little tangled.

Pursing her lips, she still chose to refuse the answer. This time she was going to turn off the phone directly.

"It's a call from your agent, Xu Xiaosha. Why didn't you answer the call?" Xiao Ran's words made Fang Qinya pause.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Xiao Ran had no choice but to say: "She must be looking for you for something urgent. I think you'd better answer it."

Fang Qinya was silent for a moment and whispered: "How do you know?"

"Since I came in, I saw you staring at your phone with a frown on your face, as if you were worried about something. Then suddenly you got a call. I thought you had some plans for the evening."

"At eight o'clock in the evening, I have a commercial to shoot." Fang Qinya bit her red lips and whispered.

Xiao Ran scratched his head, "In that case, why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry back to the company?"

"I originally wanted to celebrate with you." Fang Qinya's face showed an aggrieved expression for the first time.

Hearing this, Xiao Ran's body couldn't help but stiffen, and then he immediately returned to normal and said with a smile: "You can celebrate this kind of thing anytime, it's not something important. You go and do your business first, your career is important."

Fang Qinya was silent for a while, with a hint of apology on her face: "I'm sorry, Xiao Ran. I'll make it up to you next time."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xiao Ran said cheerfully, "Do you need me to see you off?"

"No, you're drunk and it's not safe to drive. I'd better call Sister Sha to pick me up."

"Then walk slowly and be careful."

With a gust of fragrant wind blowing by, Fang Qinya finally disappeared into the box.

Xiao Ran, who was alone, looked at a table of exquisite French meals and suddenly felt a little boring.

"Forget it, let's think of something happy!" Xiao Ran said to himself: "Look how much the reputation value has increased during this period."

As he spoke, he opened the personal panel of the system.

Reputation: 1,750,000

Not bad, an increase of 320,000.

Seeing so many reputation points, Xiao Ran's depressed mood finally improved a lot.

"System, ten draws in a row!"

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring professional-level chess skills]


Seeing this reward, Xiao Ran's body was shocked!

He hasn't forgotten how he was tortured with chess by the two old guys last time at Lao Lu's house.

very good!

Xiao Ran geared up, with a ferocious smile on his face.

Two old men, I will let you know what cruelty means next time we meet!

Read on.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a bottle of energy capsule]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a bottle of energy capsule]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a set of genetic beauty masks]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the song Dandelion’s Promise]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the song and confession balloon]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the song Acacia]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a set of genetic beauty masks]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a lucky dice (you can get a luck bonus, the larger the number thrown, the greater the luck bonus)]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the method to prove Kratz’s conjecture! 】

Damn it!

Xiao Ran was stunned again and stared at the last reward in stunned silence.

Dude, the Fields Medal is here!

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