Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's cry of surprise, everyone in the laboratory gathered around and focused on the display screen of the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer.

The winding map above may be just a bunch of meaningless curves and data to ordinary people, but in the eyes of professionals like Xiao Ran, it is as exciting as discovering a new continent.

In solar cells, photogenerated carriers diffuse due to concentration gradients in the space charge region. If they encounter a suitable location, they will recombine with the corresponding electrodes, thereby generating current.

This is called the charge recombination phenomenon, and it is also an important factor affecting the efficiency of solar cells. Therefore, studying how to reduce the charge recombination rate is one of the important ways to improve the performance of solar cells.

In previous experimental studies, Xiao Ran and others discovered the different molecular aggregation behaviors between donors and acceptors in TTO and TTI through systematic studies of density functional theory calculations, temperature-dependent absorption, and active layer morphology. and miscibility will present different molecular planarity and electrostatic potential, which results in different efficiencies of charge transport and charge recombination.

The reason why Lin Xiaoxiao was so surprised was that the spectral charts of TTO-21 and TTI-12 showed specific peaks and patterns that they expected.

This means that among the new Cl-regioisomeric units TTO and TTI synthesized by Xiao Ran, these two samples were successful, and their molecular structures and vibrational modes of chemical bonds matched their theoretical predictions.

This also means that compared with TTO and TTI from other samples, TTO-21 and TTI-12 have better molecular coplanarity, stronger crystallinity, and appropriate phase separation morphology in the blend.

Briefly, other samples exhibited significantly reduced crystallinity and aggregation behavior compared with TTO-21 and TTI-12, and resulted in poor charge transport and severe charge recombination due to excessive miscibility.

This is also the reason why Xiao Ran's previous experimental progress, the highest energy conversion rate only reached 9.6%.

But now, things are obviously different.

"Is this true?" Kong Jiyuan rubbed his eyes and muttered in disbelief. He turned to look at Xiao Ran and saw the latter's face was calm, as if all this was expected.

"The characteristic peaks of TTO-21 and TTI-12 seem a bit special?" Yang Xiaoxi said in an uncertain tone.

Tang Wenbin pushed up his glasses. Although he tried to stay calm, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "Yes, according to this spectrum chart, the performance of TTO-21 and TTI-12 should far exceed the previous samples. What we are going to do next All we have to do is verify this.”

Director Tian stood aside and watched these young people looking at each other in disbelief. Although he was not an expert in the field of chemistry and had never studied organic solar cells, he could tell from the expressions of several people. Something is wrong.

"Xiao Ran, what's going on?" Lao Tian couldn't help but ask.

A smile appeared on Xiao Ran's lips: "Teacher, it's obvious that our research has made new progress."

"New progress?" Lao Tian had a strange look on his face, and he could not help but murmur in his heart. He had just persuaded Xiao Ran to give up the project, but then there was new progress in the research.

Not so evil, right?

"What do you expect the energy conversion rate to be this time?" Lao Tian pushed up his glasses and asked seriously.

Xiao Ran looked at the spectrum chart and compared it with the data in his mind, and replied casually: "I can't give an exact number on how much it can achieve, but it is not a problem to far exceed the previous highest record."

After hearing this, Lao Tian raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Xiao Ran's tone and demeanor at this moment clearly showed that this new progress seemed to be more than just a small improvement.

If it's bad, it won't really make this guy famous, right?

Lao Tian's expression became even weirder, but after thinking about it, he felt that this seemed impossible.

Teams from many top universities at home and abroad have the most advanced equipment, the best talents and the most sufficient funds. Even so, they can only increase the energy conversion rate to about 17%.

How is it possible for Xiao Ran and others to reach this number!

It is estimated that the energy conversion rate is around 12%, which is as high as the sky!

Thinking of this, Lao Tian calmed down a little.

Xiao Ran naturally didn't know what Lao Tian was thinking. After the spectral data came out, he turned back to the experimental table and continued to prepare for the next experiment.

When Lao Tian saw this, he had no choice but to withdraw his thoughts and watch Xiao Ran's every move intently.

Seeing this, Lao Tian couldn't help but widen his eyes again. He saw that Xiao Ran's technique was extremely skillful, and every step seemed to have been carefully calculated and was accurate.

Are you telling me that he is just a freshman?

It's efficient, accurate, and pleasing to the eye. Without spending many years in the laboratory, I wouldn't be able to do it so easily.

Lao Tian felt a little numb. What kind of little monster was Xiao Ran?

You say that he has a strong talent for mathematics, which he can understand. After all, this thing is really unreasonable, but doing experiments is different. Doing experiments is one of the few academic jobs where hard work can compensate for weakness. To put it bluntly, this thing does not require using your brain, it is completely It’s just that practice makes perfect.

No matter how smart you are or how brilliant your brain is, if you have not been exposed to training in this area, no matter how smart you are when you first enter the laboratory, you will be no different from other newcomers.

Even an old man with two years of experimental experience can perform experiments at a speed that is faster than that of a newcomer.

But what's going on with Xiao Ran? He has only been doing experiments for a few months. How come his proficiency is similar to that of having done experiments for more than ten years?

"Xiao Ran, have you really never been exposed to experiments in this area before?" Lao Tian looked at it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Ran kept moving his hands and said without raising his head: "I have been studying organic chemistry on my own before, so I am more proficient."

Director Tian couldn't help feeling speechless after hearing this. Of course he knew about Xiao Ran's self-study, but the problem was that self-study and actual operation were completely different things. No matter how rich the theoretical knowledge is, it is useless without practical experience. But looking at Xiao Ran's attitude, how does he look like a novice without practical experience?

At this time, Kong Jiyuan also came over, looked at Xiao Ran's skillful operation, and sighed: "Junior Xiao, your technique is simply more professional than Senior Liu!"

Xiao Ran smiled and said nothing more.

That’s the beauty of the system, boy!

After preparing the terpolymer composed of TTO-21 and TTI-12, the organic solar cells can be produced next.

A typical cell device area is 0.04 mm^2, which is defined by a metal mask with apertures aligned with the device area.

Meaning, the coated glass is first cleaned with ultrasonic stirring in acetone, detergent, deionized water and isopropyl alcohol, and then plasma treated for 30 minutes

Finally, EDOT polymer dissolved in methanol at a concentration of 3 mg/mL was spin-coated on the active layer, and 100 nm Ag-7 Tor was deposited in a 10 nm vacuum chamber.

After several hours of work, the organic solar cell was finally produced. Xiao Ran held this small cell piece with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Then it's time to verify the energy conversion rate." Xiao Ran muttered to himself and put the battery slices into the testing equipment.

A few minutes later, the test results came out.

When they saw that number, everyone was stunned.

Lao Tian's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw. He pushed up his glasses and stared closely at the numbers on the test equipment. His lips trembled slightly, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Kong Jiyuan opened his mouth wide with an expression as if he had seen a ghost. He rubbed his eyes and looked closer to make sure that he was not dazzled. Then he turned to look at Xiao Ran and stammered: "Junior Xiao, Are you serious about this energy conversion rate?"

The expressions of the other people at this moment were not much better. When the shocking energy conversion rate figures appeared on the test equipment, Yang Xiaoxi and Lin Xiaoxiao subconsciously covered their mouths, their big eyes full of difficulty. A look of confidence.

There was silence in the entire laboratory, with only the slight sound of equipment running and the rapid breathing of everyone.

After a while, Lao Tian finally came to his senses. He swallowed and asked in a slightly trembling voice: "Xiao Ran, what is the energy conversion rate?"

Xiao Ran looked at everyone's shocked expressions and couldn't help feeling a little proud. He smiled slightly, pointed at the number on the test equipment and said: "20.46%."


Just hearing this number, Lao Tian felt dizzy and almost couldn't stand still. He held on to the experimental table and took a deep breath to calm down his excitement.

Seeing Lao Tian's reaction, Xiao Ran seemed to have guessed what Lao Tian was thinking, and couldn't help joking: "Teacher, haven't you always hoped that I could return my focus to mathematics research? Now it seems that I may have to study chemistry. The field has also made a breakthrough.”

Lao Tian blushed, and he coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment: "Well, Xiao Ran, I didn't mean that. I mean, you are already very talented in the field of mathematics, there is no need to get involved in other fields. Of course. , if you are really interested in chemistry, then I won’t stop you.”

Xiao Ran:.

Change of face so quickly!

At this time, the others finally reacted. Kong Jiyuan jumped up excitedly and shouted excitedly: "Fuck! That's awesome! Junior Brother Xiao!"

Tang Wenbin couldn't hide his excitement: "20.46%! This should be the highest energy conversion rate in the world! I didn't expect that we really did it!"

Lin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at Tang Wenbin, "I don't know who is complaining behind my back during this period that the experiment is boring and a waste of time."

Tang Wenbin sneered: "I am blind."

As he said that, he immediately patted his chest to express his loyalty: "Brother Xiao, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to catch dogs, I will never chase chickens. In one sentence, I will do whatever Brother Xiao orders from now on, and I will never complain!" "

Yang Xiaoxi pursed her lips and smiled softly, and Xiao Ran was also a little bit dumbfounded.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Xiao Ran sat at the desk smelling of alcohol and began to edit the paper on the computer.

The research on organic solar cells went very smoothly. In order to reward everyone, Xiao Ran held a celebration banquet in the evening, at which Kong Jiyuan and others drank a lot of wine.

The noisy celebration party didn't end until half past eight. As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Xiao Ran sat down in front of the computer to write a paper.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Ran typed the title of the paper in English: ternary polymerization and regioisomerization strategies to construct efficient ternary polymer donors to achieve high-performance organic solar cells.

【Abstract: This article combines ternary polymerization and regioisomerization strategies to develop new polymer donors to overcome the difficulties in improving the performance of organic solar cells. via random copolymerization]

He already knew the paper on organic solar cells and the experimental process by heart, and the data were irreversible, so his writing was natural and smooth.

After spending two full days, Xiao Ran finally finished writing the paper and checked it from beginning to end to confirm that there were no major problems.

As for the choice of journal for submission, after careful consideration, he finally chose "Nature Materials" as the target for submission.

This is a sub-journal of Nature, and its content covers a wide range of fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences.

It has a high reputation and influence in the scientific community and is regarded as one of the most important scientific journals in the world.

Of course, Xiao Ran also considered whether to submit it to the journal "JACS", which is one of the top journals in the field of chemistry and has a very high influence and reputation in the chemical academic community.

But after weighing the pros and cons, Xiao Ran still chose natural science. Although the "JACS" journal is more professional and more favored and recognized by chemical researchers, if he is engaged in research in the field of chemistry, then choose "JACS" 》 is undoubtedly more suitable.

Natural science is an interdisciplinary research. Although it is not as professional and deep as "JACS" in chemistry, its overall influence is much greater than "JACS".

After deciding on the journal to submit to, the next step is to distribute the paper cake.

For a top-ranked SCI paper, the two most important positions are the first author and the corresponding author, which are also the most valuable positions.

According to common sense, the corresponding author is generally the person in charge of the project, while the first author is the person who has made the greatest contribution to the paper, the person who performs the front-line operations and the person who collects and processes the original data, and who writes the first draft of the paper. people.

In this team, there is no doubt that the corresponding author is Xiao Ran himself.

As for the position of the first author, Xiao Ran decided to give Kong Jiyuan a quota, and he and Kong Jiyuan would jointly serve as the author, which could be regarded as reciprocating the favor.

After all, Lao Kong was willing to work with him when there was nothing in his laboratory. As the veteran of the laboratory, he should be given some preferential treatment no matter what.

As for the identity of the second work, Yang Xiaoxi and three others were given.

After allocating the cake, Xiao Ran re-checked the paper until no errors or omissions were found. Then he logged into the submission website, filled in his personal information, and clicked to upload.

After submitting the paper, Xiao Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the review process of natural science journals was always very cumbersome and there should be no news in a short period of time. He just had to wait quietly for the next few days.

However, he is not worried about this. He still has full confidence in his research results.

During the waiting days, Xiao Ran was not idle. Taking advantage of this time, Xiao Ran obtained the patent for organic solar cells.

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