Ring ring ring~~

The pleasant ringtone of the mobile phone is particularly eye-catching in this quiet recording studio.

Fang Qinya took out her phone and glanced at the name displayed on it. She was startled for a moment, and then a trace of complicated emotions appeared on her pretty face.

He actually had the nerve to call?

The caller was a name she didn't expect but was caught off guard.

Subconsciously biting her sexy red lips, she just thought about it for a second and then chose to refuse to listen with some complexity.

"Who called?" Xu Xiaosha asked casually.

"It's not important, he's just a bastard." Fang Qinya didn't want Xu Xiaosha to worry too much about who the person who called just now was.

Changing the topic: "Sister Sha, I'll leave it to you for the title song of the new album! Make sure they pay more attention to it."

Before he finished speaking, the phone rang again.

Xu Xiaosha seemed to see something and asked tentatively: "Is that the person who just hit me again?"

Fang Qinya was silent for a moment and nodded helplessly.

Xu Xiaosha asked again: "Is it inconvenient for you to answer the phone while I'm here?"

"Sister Sha, you misunderstood. The person on the phone has nothing to do with me!"

What a liar. Is there no way I can know your personal mobile phone number?

Xu Xiaosha cursed in her heart, but she still nodded in agreement without revealing what she said.

"In this case, I will take away the song score first and let the company's musicians make changes to see if it can produce the effect you want.

If that doesn't work, I'll contact other musicians. "

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Sister Sha."

"This is my life. Who asked me to be your agent?" Xu Xiaosha joked a few words with a smile and left wisely.

The phone was still ringing.

Fang Qinya finally answered the phone with a cold face, but she did not speak first, but waited for the person on the other side of the phone to speak first.

The person opposite seemed to be waiting for Fang Qinya to speak first, or maybe they hadn't figured out what to say yet.

In short, the two of them just held the phone like this, and neither of them spoke.

For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely strange.

In the end, it was the interviewer on the phone who tentatively spoke first and said, "Hello?"

Fang Qinya still didn't speak.

The person on the other side suddenly muttered in confusion: "Is my phone broken and I can't hear the sound? As expected, foreign brands are not very reliable! Apple 14pro max! My evaluation is not as good as a certain one!"

"If you are calling me just to sell mobile phones to me, then you can hang up!" Fang Qinya said expressionlessly.

The person on the other side was silent for a while, and then said with some embarrassment: "It doesn't seem to be a problem with the mobile phone."

"Really, thank you for reminding me. If you didn't tell me, I would have been kept in the dark."

Real chat genius!

The person opposite was obviously choked by these words. After a long while, he said helplessly: "Uh! Qinya, I am Xiao Ran."

Fang Qinya nodded noncommittally: "It's a very familiar name. If nothing happens, I'll hang up."

Xiao Ran: "Wait a minute! Are you free now? I have something to ask you!"

Fang Qinya: "I heard that people in the industry have been spreading rumors recently that you are suffering from mental illness. If you are looking for me to help you contact a mental hospital, I think I will be happy to help."

This bitch is so aggressive!

Xiao Ran said helplessly: "It's business! It's also good for you!"

Fang Qinya was silent for a moment, then opened her red lips and slowly uttered a few words: "I'm at Xingyao Media, call me when you get there."

Then he hung up the phone.

Xiao Ran looked at the hung up phone and scratched his head in distress.

This bitch has a big opinion on me!

It’s a bit difficult!

But it seems that she can't be blamed.

After all, anyone who knows that he is just a fish in the scumbag's fish pond, one of the few boats he rides on, will not have a good look towards him.

"Fortunately, I have only been dating Fang Qinya for a few days, and the relationship has just been established. If it were other ex-girlfriends who have already eaten and eaten, I really wouldn't dare to call." Xiao Ran comforted himself. road.

Otherwise, if a love-killing joke is made, it will be too big!

"However, if three songs are sold for 20 million, she probably won't refuse."

Xiao Ran was also a little unsure.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about this. Let's go over there first."

Xiao Ran no longer hesitated and immediately drove all the way to Xingyao Media according to the address given by Fang Qinya.

Turn off the engine and get out of the car.

Xiao Ran was half leaning on the door of the Ferrari, squinting at the building in front of him, a high-end office building with a height of thirty floors.

The entertainment company that Fang Qinya signed is here.

Xiao Ran took out his mobile phone and called Fang Qinya, telling her that he had arrived.

Fang Qinya's voice was very cold, and she spoke with precious words.

He just said yes and said I understand and then hung up.

After a while, a beautiful figure walked out of the office building. He looked around and found that Xiao Ran was the only one around.

He quickly trotted towards Xiao Ran.

"You must be Xiaoya's friend, I am her agent, you call me"

"It's you!" Xu Xiaosha trotted all the way to Xiao Ran. Before she could stop, she raised her head and saw that it was Xiao Ran, a scumbag!

For a moment, the expressions on her face were full of surprise, confusion, embarrassment and even a hint of disgust.

What happened to Xiao Ran in the past few days was widely circulated on the Internet, and she naturally heard about it.

She never expected that the person Fang Qinya asked her to come out to pick up would be him!

How could this Xiaoya be related to Xiao Ran? I remember that Xiaoya and he had only appeared on a few programs together, so we probably weren't very familiar with them.

Xu Xiaosha couldn't help but have some doubts and worries in her heart. Xiaoya's career was now at a critical stage, and it was not a good thing to be associated with someone like Xiao Ran.

"Hello Sister Sha, my name is Xiao Ran. We met several times backstage when we were on the show before." Xiao Ran smiled and stretched out his hand.

Xu Xiaosha ignored the right hand he handed over, obviously not planning to shake hands with Xiao Ran and say coldly, "I am Xiaoya's agent, come with me."

After that, turn around and leave!

Xiao Ran's right hand was awkwardly placed in the air, and he took it back calmly after a while.

I really hate people and dogs now!

Xiao Ran suddenly laughed at himself.

He still remembers the first time he met Xu Xiaosha backstage at the show, and his enthusiasm for him was like meeting a long-lost relative.

All kinds of polite greetings were exchanged, and the smile on her face never stopped. She even spared no effort to promote Fang Qinya's WeChat account, saying that she could contact her more when she had time.

After seeing Fang Qinya successfully add Xiao Ran's WeChat, she couldn't stop the surprise and smile on her face.

In the blink of an eye.

Everything is yesterday's news.

"It's no wonder, after all, I'm almost like a street rat now." Xiao Ran said to himself.

He still maintained a calm smile on his face, as if nothing had happened, but only he knew what he was thinking.

Follow Xu Xiaosha all the way and enter Xingyao Media.

On the way, whether they were company staff, contracted artists or trainees, they all looked surprised and confused when they saw Xiao Ran.

"Xiao Ran! Why did he come to our company?"

"Is it possible that the company poached Xiao Ran from Jiale Entertainment? Darling, this is big news!"

"What are you talking about? You think the company is stupid!"

"The above just issued a ban list for Xiao Ran last night. Now he is out of the entertainment industry in despair. The company will sign him because they are crazy."

"Then why does he come to our company?"

"Who knows!"

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