My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 85 The Magical Book Of Spells (Seek All Data Support)

Just when Richard was about to throw the book on the table, he suddenly thought about it and put it in the storage.

Lying on the bed with his eyes closed, Richard suddenly remembered, why he forgot the crown, why don't he let the crown take a look.

But what should the crown look like, forget it and ask him.

Thinking about it, Richard took the ring off his hand and rubbed it twice.

"What's the matter?" Suddenly a voice rang in Richard's ear.

"I have a book here, but I can't understand the words and patterns on it, can you read it?"

After a moment of silence, Guan Mian said.

"The soul in the horcrux has no way to directly see the outside world, only by tempting wizards, invading their minds, and watching the outside world through their souls, but now I have no way to observe your soul, so I have no way to see something outside."

Not to mention that Richard himself has no way to touch the protection of the storage, even if he has him, he can't do it.

Then the crown suddenly spoke again.

"If you can provide me with enough magic power, it would be a pity for me to realize the temporary manifestation of the soul and watch the outside world." Speaking of this, Guan Guan carefully controlled his eager tone, and even added a sentence that was superfluous.

"Of course this consumes soul and physical strength, so I don't really want to do it, but I can try it if you insist."

Hearing that Guan Guan said that, Richard knew that there must be something tricky, Guan Guan could not be so kind.

"Since this is the case, let's forget it, anyway, I'm not in a hurry." Hearing what Richard said, Guan Dian's mood instantly fell to the bottom, but Guan Dian did not give up and continued

"Why don't you describe a few characters to me first, and I'll see if I know it."

The crown is planned, no matter how Richard describes it, he will say that he knows it is a very ancient text, which contains huge power, so as to induce Richard to continue, I believe that soon Richard will not be able to withstand the temptation or give himself Infuse magic power, or find a wizard to let yourself invade, so that you can regain your freedom.

After hearing what Guan Guan said, Richard also felt that this was a better way, so he randomly picked a few and described them to Guan Guan.

Guan Dian didn't take it seriously at first. He felt that if a little Muggle wizard encountered any ancient characters, he must have been deceived. He just had to make up a good lie.

But following Richard's description, Guan Guan felt familiar with these characters. By the way, he seemed to have come into contact with it when he was making Horcruxes. It should not be that Richard was deceived, but he really found a book that recorded ancient texts, but these characters Guan Guan Not sure of the implication, but does influence the crown to weave lies.

In this way, on the one hand, Richard is selecting characters, and on the other hand, the crown is carefully weaving lies.

Richard was very excited at first, but gradually he realized something was wrong, why after he arranged the words in the book in order, it didn’t make any sense

I don't know if the sentences in the book are meaningless, or the crown is lying to myself.

So Richard decided to test Guan Mian, and deliberately asked a few characters that he had asked before. Since Guan Mian accurately said the same answer before, he also enthusiastically told Richard that these words were repeated.

Is there no problem with the crown? Richard intends to try again.

"The following character is quite peculiar. It is like this: first it is a square square, and then there is a square inside. This square is attached to the bottom of the outer square. There are two oblique lines on the top of the inner square. One to the left, one to the right. That's the whole thing."

Guan Mian was taken aback after hearing this, what kind of thing is this?

"This is a magical character, but now its pronunciation has been lost. It is rumored that as long as you read this character correctly, you can trap people in place and cannot move."

It turns out that [囧] can explain it like this?

Richard suppressed his anger and described another word [Lin] to Guan Guan again.

When Richard heard that the crown explained that it has the effect of fascination, he didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh. In the middle of the night, he first knew that he was cheated, and then he believed in the crown so much in the meeting and got this result?

Richard took out his wand with a blank expression, and waited silently for the crown to remove the [explaining layer.

In the ring, Crown was overwhelmed by his own wisdom. He was so smart. He could even make it up, let alone a little addictive. When Crown was waiting for Richard to write a character, he realized that Richard had already There is no sound.

At this time, Guan Mian also realized that something was wrong, and said cautiously.

"Is there any other words? I can only roughly remember the previous ones. I'm not sure. If there are mistakes, it is inevitable." Before the crown could finish speaking, a bolt of lightning shot from the top of Richard's wand to the ring. .

In an instant, Guan Guan felt extreme pain, as if his soul had been torn apart, and couldn't help but howl.

But this time Richard was so angry that he didn't stop until the crown yelled that the shape of the ring could not be maintained if it continued.

You dog, you dare to lie to me, just do it this time, and I will never let you go next time.

Listening to Richard's words, Voldemort also knew that he was revealing his secrets. It should be the last two characters, so he just said, how can there be such a strange character, and made a mistake.

Guan Dian, who knew where he was wrong, hurriedly said to Richard.

"I haven't seen the last two words, but the first ones." Richard interrupted Guan Guan before he could finish speaking.

"How dare you say that the previous one is correct?"

"No, no, I mean I should have seen similar characters before."

"Where did I see you?" Richard, who knew that Guan Dian dared not lie to himself, asked hastily.

"It was when Ontology was making horcruxes. At that time, he consulted a lot of information about Haierbo. There were several such characters in one of the documents at that time, but it had nothing to do with Horcruxes, so Ontology didn't do much. After research, it can only be determined that this kind of script and runes should have a certain inheritance relationship, it should be rune script, but this language has been extinct for a long time, and there are not many people in the world who know this name alone. At the beginning, Ontology didn’t know that the document was meaningless, and asked many people to explain the meaning of those characters, but they didn’t know. There was a memory later that I didn’t have, but Ontology knew that the document and the Horcrux were not. I also know that those characters are runic characters. If your books are all in this language, I can only say that it is of great significance.

0 for flowers...

Hearing this, Richard was both happy and disappointed, and also worried. The happy thing is that these texts seem to be ancient texts, and they are not made up. A lot of time and effort, most likely not for nothing.

This is when Richard suddenly noticed something in Guan Guan's words, and continued to ask.

"Does your memory have faults? Why do you suddenly have no memory for a period of time.

After a short while, Guan Dian answered Richard's question.

"I just recalled that from the time when the main body had memory until I was born as a horcrux, the memory has always been coherent. Only when the main body was looking for the meaning of those characters, there was a gap, but before the discovery of that document , My memory began to blur, I need some time to recall it well, and I also need evidence from the memory later.”


"Okay, then you should remember well, think about where Voldemort went during that time, and everyone you met, and I will ask you again in a week. If you don't give me an accurate answer, I will definitely make you look good."

Hearing Richard's threat, Crown immediately agreed.

Seeing that the crown is generally more obedient, Richard did not continue to make things difficult for him and let him retreat first.

Lying on the bed with his eyes closed, Richard began to think about how to get revenge on the bookstore owner.

That's right, he wanted to take revenge on the bookstore owner. Although he knew that the book should be very precious, but the boss definitely didn't know it, so he sold it to him with the intention of cheating Li Lao.

I found this book useful, it is my own ability, what has it to do with you, but you dare to cheat me, then I must have a good time playing with you, yes Richard is such a person, he was a social animal in his previous life Being bullied by the boss, how can a bookstore owner be tricked by coming here now? Even Voldemort had to pay a miserable price after beating Richard, what do you want a small bookstore owner to go to heaven for?

Richard tossed and turned in bed, racking his brains, but couldn't come up with a better plan, and fell asleep.

The next morning, seeing that it was getting late, and Richard still didn't get up, Olivia had no choice but to go up and wake Richard up in person.

Richard changed his clothes with sleepy eyes, came downstairs in a daze, finished breakfast under Olivia's constant urging, then took the lunch prepared by Olivia and got on the car.

There was no traffic jam on a weekday morning, which is very rare in London in the morning, so when we approached Diagon Alley, it was just past 8:00 or 10:00.

And Richard finally woke up, there was no way it was too late last night, so he didn't get up, but Richard didn't think about it, since the holidays, he didn't get up before noon in the two days he was with Harry except to pick up Hermione Pass.

Say goodbye to Wilson and make an appointment to wait for Richard in front of the video store at 5 pm (Muggles can't see the Leaky Cauldron, only the audio store next to the bar). .

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