My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 76 Shopping And Lodging (Seek All Data Support)

Founded by Charles Henry Harold in 1834, Harrods has a history of nearly 160 years and is now a shopping paradise for the whole of Britain. It covers an area of ​​4.5 acres, with 330 departments providing diversified products and services, and contains the most complete British local brands, Harrods own brands and all international first-line luxury brands.

Facing this magnificent shopping mall, Harry was shocked. What Hermione said had been here before, so it wasn't that shocking. Needless to say, Richard had been there before, and it wouldn't be that great in his previous life. ox.

"Hermione, what are you going to buy?" Richard was a little curious. You must know that the things here are not cheap. Although Mr. Granger's income is no problem at all, Hermione is not the kind of child who just takes parents' money and squanders it.

"I don't know, I just saw that my parents often bought gifts here, so I bought them here. Besides, there are so many things here, let's take a stroll."

Hearing this, Richard felt that his eyes were a little dark, and it was terrible to wander around casually. Seeing Harry, he actually nodded in agreement.

Alas, the young man is young, I believe you will know the seriousness of the matter after today.

In this way, Richard and Harry followed Hermione non-stop in the "743" Harrods shopping mall, shuttling through various stores. Harry was full of interest at the beginning, then became exhausted, and finally became insensitive. He followed Hermione and Richard with blank eyes, and because Richard had previous life experience, he would sit down and rest whenever he had the chance, while Harry stood the whole time, so Richard can still persist now.

"Hermione, didn't you like the necklace just now? Why did you buy it?" Li couldn't help asking

"That necklace is pretty good, but I don't think it's suitable for my aunt."

"Then why did you look at it for so long?"

"Because that necklace is beautiful."

This is why Harry is confused. It is so good to see why it is not suitable. If it is not suitable, why does it take so long to watch.

Seeing Harry's stunned look, Richard knew that he still couldn't understand the magical logic of women or girls at this age, in fact Richard didn't understand either, but Richard would keep silent, don't ask anything, just rest when you have the chance up.

Seeing that it was already noon, the three of them were hungry, especially Harry, who was brought out without much breakfast.

So the three found an Italian restaurant and went in for lunch.

After lunch, Harry was too tired all morning and he ate a lot just now, so he couldn't walk anymore. Hermione also mercifully let him go and let him move around freely

But Richard still has to follow.

Richard didn't panic at all, he asked Hermione who was still about to rush into the shop.

"I've been looking at it all morning, have you decided what to buy? If you just look at it like this, you won't be able to buy it tomorrow."

Hermione frowned upon hearing this.

"But I really can't think of what to buy."

"First of all, there is no need for these accessories, and the high price has no representative meaning; secondly, there is no need to look at the clothing that needs a size. You probably don't know your aunt's size, and lastly, I won't tell you about those dolls. You should know who wants to see that.

Hermione became furious when she heard Richard expose her thoughts.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, what do you say to buy?"

"I think the scarves in the store I saw before dinner in the morning are good, so I'll just buy a scarf. Although it's not as meaningful as knitting it myself, but time is running out, so let's go now, and you can just pick a color. After finishing speaking, Richard went directly to that store regardless of whether Hermione agreed or not. In fact, girls don't need to discuss it in many cases. You just need to tell her your choice firmly, and she will most likely agree. Of course, there are prerequisites. I understand. I understand.

When he came to the store door, Richard asked Hermione to pick it out first, he wanted to go to the bathroom.

When he saw Hermione walk into the shop, Richard immediately went back to the shop where Hermione went, there was a cartoon otter doll in it, Richard could see that Hermione liked it very much, but because it was something from a luxury store, the price was high It was a bit outrageous, and Hermione didn't buy it after thinking about it, but she still couldn't forget to look at it for a while when she left.

Although Richard didn't say anything at the time, but now he's back, he just pays without saying a word.

After buying it, Richard put it directly in the storage while no one saw it.

Then I went back to Hermione, Hermione had already chosen the scarf, it was a gray wool scarf, it felt very nice to the touch, but there were still some blue wool balls in the handbag.

"Let's go, since we've bought it, let's go find Harry" Richard suggested.

"Don't you have anything to buy?" Hermione asked

"I originally wanted to buy some medicine, but the quantity is relatively large, and I don't know how to buy it. But I suddenly thought that Uncle Granger is a dentist. It would be better to ask him to recommend some merchants for me than to search here."

"Harry is definitely still not feeling well, let's take a stroll." Hermione said.

Hearing Hermione's words, Richard thought of Harry, with a full stomach, struggling to walk to the lounge, and nodded in agreement.

Just like that, the two of them wandered aimlessly in the shopping mall, but they didn't know why the distance between them was getting closer and closer. In the end, they didn't know who took the initiative, so the two little hands pulled together.

While walking, Richard saw a coffee shop and suggested to go for a drink. Mainly, Richard felt that he couldn’t walk anymore, but how can a man say he can’t? He’s not Harry.

So the two of them came to the coffee shop, ordered two cups of coffee casually, and chatted casually. They talked about everything from childhood to elementary school, and how to receive the notice. Just like this, the chat could not stop.

It wasn't until the two thought at the same time that someone had come with them, they hurried back to the lounge, but before leaving, Hermione packed a cup of coffee.

When they came to the lounge, the two saw that Harry had already fallen asleep on the sofa, and seeing that it was getting late, Wilson said that he would come to pick them up at 4:00 p.m.

Richard went to rudely shake Harry awake, seeing that it was Richard, Harry said in a daze.

"Richard, why are you in the Gryffindor's lounge?"

Seeing that Harry hadn't woken up yet, Richard was going to give him a big fight, but fortunately Harry woke up at the last moment, and then spoke in a crying voice.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting here for a long time, but you didn't come back. I was afraid that you wouldn't find me when you came back, and I didn't dare to go out to find you. I fell asleep while waiting.

Hearing this, both Richard and Hermione couldn't help laughing, but seeing the wronged Harry, Richard decided to make up for him, so he said

"Harry, my dad is coming to pick me up and Hermione later, why don't you come with us to my house and ask my dad to take you back tomorrow?"

"Ah? Is it okay? I mean, can your father agree? And I'm afraid Vernon may not agree..0"

"It's definitely possible. As for your uncle, ask my father to call him. If it doesn't work, let his boss tell him." In fact, Richard didn't say a word, as for Harry's uncle, he hoped that Harry would not go back when he was outside. But Richard knew that Harry actually yearned for family and hoped to have family. Harry could say some things himself, but others should not.

Hearing Richard's words, Harry was very happy. A child of his age would like to play with others, but no one in the Dursleys' house would take care of him, and would just keep bullying him.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the three of them quickly felt that they were waiting at the entrance of the mall.

After a while Wilson came. This is because the traffic flow is relatively heavy, and the three of Richard just got into the car.

After getting in the car, Hermione handed Wilson the packaged coffee.

Holding the coffee that Hermione handed over, Wilson was very happy, looked at Hermione with the eyes of his daughter-in-law, and kept nodding to express his satisfaction.

"Dad, this is Harry, my classmate with Hermione, can he stay with us tonight?"

"Hello, Mr. Harris." Harry greeted stiffly.

"Hello, Harry, you are welcome to visit our house, have you told your parents, as long as they agree, there must be no problem with Richard's mother.

Seeing that Harry was squeaking and unable to speak, Richard winked at Wilson, and Wilson didn't continue to ask, he knew that Richard would definitely give him an answer, and it wasn't too late, at worst, after dinner It’s okay to send it back. Richard has never had any friends of the same age. Even when he was in elementary school, Richard always stood alone. Now that he has friends, Wilson is still very happy. Of course, the happiest thing is that Jicha also has a little girlfriend. .

At this time, the traffic jam in London has already begun, and the car finally returned to Harris Farm after the stop and go. After arriving at the farm, Richard asked Hermione to take Harry first and go to his home at 4.6. He had something to say to Wilson, and then He gave Harry a reassuring look.

After both of them left, Richard explained Harry's situation to Wilson in detail.

After learning of the tragic life experience of the boy with the scar on his head, Wilson sighed endlessly, and immediately expressed that he wanted to talk to Gronning and give that Vernon some color.

But was stopped by Richard.

"Dad, Harry has to live in his uncle's house for a while for some reason, so we don't need to intervene too much, or his life may be worse, and he is also a little wizard now, and I believe he can handle it Well, we have to respect everyone's fate."

Hearing Richard's words, Wilson didn't say anything. Since his son said so, of course he has no problem. After all, he was just a plain child. What he said just now was not just because he thought this child was pitiful, but more importantly, he He's Richard's friend, so he's so outraged.

After the father and son walked into the room, Wilson called Groning and told him that one of his subordinates was called Vernon, and that his nephew was staying at his house for a day, and he did not have his phone number, so please inform him One sound, and asked Vernon to call himself back. Groning readily agreed. .

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