My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 67 It's Up To You (Please Support)

After Richard and Hermione said goodbye to Professor Flitwick, they headed straight to Hagrid's cabin.

When he came to the hut, Hagrid was still sitting on the steps of the house playing his flute quietly.

What's the matter, is Hagrid thinking about spring? It's no wonder that Hagrid is not young, but he has never met the right person. The main reason is that his body size is too different from normal people. It is not suitable to go to the tribe, after all, Hagrid has the thinking and IQ of normal people, and giants are low-intelligence creatures. Now Hagrid and giants should actually be counted as two species. Of course, the most important thing is that Hagrid's body size is comparable to that of giants. For dwarves, they will be bullied.

Forget about it, remember that in the original book, Hagrid will meet a female headmistress who is also of the blood of a giant. Hagrid has helped him a lot, and he will definitely not let him die alone.

"Hi Hagrid, do you have time now, I have something to ask you." Richard said to Hagrid.

"Richard, Hermione, why are you here?" Seeing someone coming to him, Hagrid first showed a happy smile, but when he saw that it was Richard, he immediately asked

"How can you run around Richard, has your body recovered yet?" Hearing Hagrid's concern, Richard still felt warmer, which strengthened his decision to help Hagrid get out of the single

"It's okay, I'm fine now, can we talk?"

"Of course, come in quickly, your body just needs to drink more hot water."

In this way, the three walked into Hagrid20's hut.

After catching the cup that Hagrid handed over, he couldn't wait to explain to Hagrid the reason for coming this time.

"Kirin!!!" Hearing the unicorn, Hagrid immediately stood up excitedly. This is a unicorn. Hagrid, who is obsessed with magical animals, has only heard of unicorns in rumors, but he has never seen one before. Qilin was immediately excited.

"Of course there is time. Even if you don't have time, you must squeeze it out. This is a unicorn. Most wizards will never see a unicorn in their lifetime. Professor Dumbledore should have seen a unicorn in Hogwarts. one."

Suddenly Hagrid seemed to think of something, and asked Richard.

"The Foley family? Is it a pure-blood family? Why haven't I heard of it? Are they welcoming me?"

"Of course welcome, I just heard from Professor Flitwick that although the Foley family is a pure-blood family, they are very low-key and do not reject non-pure blood wizards.

Hearing what Richard said, Hagrid also felt relieved, but what Richard said next made him a little nervous again.

"However, Hagrid, Yanhuang has a saying that I think is very good, that is, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others. This time they suddenly invited me to go, to be honest, it is a bit strange

But I really want to see Qilin so much, so even if it is a trap, I want to try it. This time I am looking for you mainly because I want you to protect me. "

"Why don't you just forget about it and go later when you have a chance?" Hearing Richard's words, not only Hagrid, but Hermione became even more nervous.

"Don't worry, I understand, Richard thank you for trusting me, Hermione, you don't have to worry, I will protect Richard." Hagrid thinks he understands Richard best, after all, it is a unicorn, how can he refuse?

Seeing that she couldn't stop Richard, but having Hagrid by her side reassured Hermione a lot "After all, Hagrid's general grid gives people a sense of security.

Then Richard and Hagrid set a time, at 8:00 am on the first Sunday in August, Hagrid went back to Richard's ranch to pick Richard up and go to Foley's house.

Afterwards, Hagrid originally planned to stay with Richard and Hermione for dinner, but considering that it was too late and Richard had to go back to the infirmary, the three of them went directly back to Hogwarts for dinner.

In fact, to Hagrid Filch, the Hogwarts staff, especially Hagrid as Dumbledore's confidant, they all have seats on the professor's chair, but Hagrid thinks he is not a professor, and Hagrid actually likes to cook by himself , especially dessert Hagrid is also good at, like the birthday cake for Harry, and rock cakes are all Hagrid's proud creations, but most people can't accept it. It can be said that Hagrid is the representative of the dark Hogwarts culinary world figure.

Seeing that Richard came back to eat, the little wizards of Ravenclaw welcomed them very much. Seeing that there were girls sitting very close to him, Richard quickly said 1, he is not fully recovered now, so he can’t eat too many.

Hearing this, the female wizards of Ravenclaw showed disappointed expressions. They all fed this cute little boy just like last time. It's not that these female wizards have any unreasonable thoughts about Richard, it's just a beautiful Everyone likes things, Richard himself looks like a jade carving, and with the foil of other crooked little wizards

It looks even cuter.

When Richard was about to finish his meal, he saw that there were already young ladies ready to move, so he hurriedly speeded up the progress, finished it quickly, and then returned to the infirmary after saying hello to Hermione.

At this time Ronald was already there, it was really affectionate, he was carrying a lot of things and put them next to Harry's bed, and Richard's bed was even more exaggerated, the whole bed had been covered with various small gifts.

Seeing Richard coming back, Ronald squeezed out an ugly smile, and then said in a disappointed tone.

"You're back Richard. I just received a reply from my mother, saying that dealing with pure-blood families is more complicated. We have to sign some kind of agreement if we want to communicate with families like ours. Although we don't care, but The Foley family must care about this, so they won't let me go.

"It's okay Ronald, I will take you there when I have a chance, and this time the timing is not very good, I don't know what they are looking for me for, maybe there will be some danger, I am not asking Hagrid to go with you of."

Hearing what Richard said, Ronald didn't worry about it. After sorting out Harry's presents, he came over to help Richard sort out the presents he had received, but there were too many, so the house elves had to come and take them all back to Richard. dormitory.

In the next two days, Richard's life was very leisurely. He mainly ate and slept, and then ate and slept again. Richard felt that he had gained a lot of weight.

Finally on the afternoon of the third day, Harry also woke up.

"You woke up Harry." Seeing that Harry opened his eyes, Richard said proactively.

At this time, Harry was still immersed in the battle that night and heard Li Xian's words, and slowly woke up from his daze.

"Where is this place?"

"This is the school's infirmary."

"Quirrell, how's Quirrell, and Voldemort, where's the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Relax Harry, Quirrell is dead, you burned him to death, and Voldemort escaped. Dumbledore said he destroyed the Philosopher's Stone, and there will be no more Philosopher's Stone in the future."

Hearing Richard's words, Harry also relaxed a little, but there was something in it that he couldn't understand.

"Burned to death by me? What do you mean?" Harry asked puzzled.

"Yeah, you burned him." Then Richard repeated what he had said to Dumbledore, adding the reasons why Harry should live with his uncle.

After listening to everything, Harry was silent for a while, probably thinking about his parents, but soon he recovered.

Looking at the things at the head and end of the bed, he asked curiously.

"What are these things? Why are there so many?"

"These are all gifts from your admirers, you are now a big star in Gryffindor." Richard joked

"Why?" Harry was even more puzzled, he was obviously beaten in that room, how could he be a big star?

Richard saw what was on Harry's mind, and then said to Harry.

"Don't pay attention to those things, you have to know that a little wizard at your age dares to face Voldemort is already very remarkable, but you can still refuse Voldemort, especially after Voldemort proposed to revive your parents, you can still firmly refuse , Harry, you are really amazing, even if I put myself in your situation at that time, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to refuse him." This is the truth, an 11-year-old wizard can do it for the wizarding world This level, no matter what he thinks, is very remarkable.

Hearing Richard's praise, Harry couldn't help but blush, and hastily refused, especially when he saw that there was no present beside Richard's bed, he was even more ashamed.

Seeing Harry's gaze, Richard guessed what Harry was thinking at once.

"Don't think too much about it. My gift is not comparable to yours. I can't let it go for a long time. Let the house elf take it back to the dormitory. You should see what gifts you have received."

Hearing this, Harry finally let go, happily unwrapping various presents, and continued to ask Richard while eating a snack.

"Hermione and Ronald, are they all right?"

"They're fine, there's nothing wrong with them, and if you see an empty box don't be sad, it's not a prank, it's all eaten by Ronald, it's just that too many people have come to visit these days, so Madam Pomfrey forbids Any little wizards coming to visit again, so they're out now."

"By the way, how many days have I been in a coma for the Quidditch match?"

Quidditch was just a newcomer, and Richard really couldn't figure out whether it was so fun, but Richard still explained the current situation to Harry.

"It's been three days. You've been in a coma for three days. The Quidditch match is over long ago. In the end, we won, or won by a big score."

"It's all because I'm not here. If I played, I would definitely catch the Snitch, and Gryffindor would definitely win the game." Speaking of Quidditch, Harry's fighting spirit was unexpectedly aroused.

Seeing Richard's half-smiling eyes, Harry remembered that the other party was a Quidditch insulator, and talking to him about these things was all about playing the piano to the cow, and he immediately lost interest in continuing the conversation

Focus on the dessert in front of you. .

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