My Hogwarts Day

Chapter Forty-Seven: Firenze And Ronan (Asking For Flowers)

Seeing Hermione reprimanding Harry and Ronald like a naughty son, Richard felt shuddering. If they were together in the future, would she reprimand herself like this.

A picture of San Niang teaching her son unconsciously appeared in his mind, which was terrifying.

And Harry, who saw Richard and Hagrid, ran over quickly as if seeing a savior.

Even Ronald, who had always been at odds with Richard, looked at Richard gratefully.

Let me wipe, this wave is called misfortune? When did these two become so smart.

"I'm here to deliver medicine, what are you doing here?" Richard asked.

"We originally wanted to ask Hagrid if he knew what happened last night, but since you are here, can you tell me what you mean to Harry?" Hermione spoke first

"Last night? Wasn't Filch confused by the little wizard last night?" Hagrid was not very clear about this matter either.

Richard thought for a moment, then asked Harry the question again, this time Hagrid spoke first, after all he had been at Hogwarts the longest.

"No, never, even when that person was at the school, he never attacked anyone at the school."

"Then it's clear, who, except Voldemort, dared to attack the teaching staff in the school."

"Yes, it must have been him, he must have ordered Snape to do it." Harry felt as if he had been slapped with chicken blood when he heard Voldemort's name, and his spirits rose instantly.

But what are you doing staring at Snape with all your high spirits?

"I can be sure of this, I was with Snape last night." Hearing Richard's words, the three of them were stunned, and an atmosphere that turned out to be a traitor like you with thick eyebrows and big eyes was heightened.

"I made a potion for unicorns with Snape yesterday." Seeing the expressions on the faces of the three, Richard knew what they were thinking with his ass.

The three smiled awkwardly at Richard.

"Come on, there's another Death Eater at Hogwarts besides Snape." Well, Snape can't get through this.

Ignoring the three people's self-imagining, Richard planned to go to the dormitory to catch up on sleep and wait until the evening.

Just when Hagrid proposed to leave, Hermione and Harry disagreed again. What they meant was that Richard hadn't seen the true face of Snape, and they had to make it clear to Richard, so that Richard should not get too close to this insidious villain .

In this way, the whole afternoon was spent in the noisy atmosphere of several people, and finally it was time for dinner, and Richard and the three little ones returned to the auditorium for dinner.

After Richard quickly finished eating, he returned to Hagrid's hut. Originally, Harry and the others wanted to follow, but they were persuaded by Richard. Richard had already felt a headache all afternoon. If this continues, he will explode on the spot. ?

But the noise in the afternoon also relieved Richard's tense nerves. He said it was good but he didn't want it in the future.

After returning to the cabin and drinking some tea prepared by Hagrid, Richard urged Hagrid to summon Firenze.

It should be that Hagrid also wanted to see the unicorn, so he readily agreed, took the bone flute given by Firenze, and ran into the Forbidden Forest to play.

Soon, three dark figures ran over from the Forbidden Forest.

"Hi Firenze, why are you here, Ronan?" Hagrid greeted the two centaurs, while Richard ran towards the unicorn.

At this time, the state of the unicorn was much worse than yesterday, and it was haggard visible to the naked eye. Seeing Richard approaching, the unicorn slowly fell to the ground, and weakly put its head in front of Richard, rubbed it, and then retracted.

"Poor little guy, hurry Richard to try Professor Snape's potion." Hagrid also saw the weakness of the unicorn, and hurried Richard.

Richard took out his wand, first cast the Cleansing Charm on the unicorn's wound to clean up the leftover blood, then poured about a third of the potion that Snape had given on the wound, leaving the rest Let the unicorn drink it, and the next thing is to wait for the potion to work.

During the waiting period, the two centaurs came to Richard. Firenze carefully observed the unicorn, and Ronan also observed the unicorn at the beginning, looking at Richard from time to time, and then staring directly at Richard endlessly.

This made Richard feel a little shocked, and stared back fiercely, but it didn't work at all.

Firenze also noticed Ronan's performance, and looked at Richard curiously. Isn't he just a white and cute human pony?

"A meteor that was supposed to be fleeting, hung on the night sky for some reason, suddenly burst into dazzling starlight, and then dimmed. Even though it was dim, it was still fixed there, free from fate." Suddenly in Luo After Nan observed Richard, he said something inexplicably to the sky.

Hearing Ronan's words, Firenze was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Richard and the starry sky, as if he needed something.

Richard followed Ronan's direction and looked at the starry sky. Well, there are many stars and the sky is very dark.

Hey, why did I always feel that the sky was filled with smog when I was in the Muggle world? Richard knew that it was a manifestation of air pollution. After all, it was the city of smog, especially now that the pollution of the city of smog had not been resolved in the 90s. But after arriving at the Wizarding World, why the air has become better and the stars can be seen at night is really amazing.

No, I was thinking wrong, what did the centaur just say, am I the shooting star that hangs in the starry sky forever?

"Firenze, there should be nothing wrong with the unicorn. I'll go first and bring the unicorn back later." Then Ronan left without looking back.

Seeing that Ronan was gone, Richard hurriedly asked Firenze

"Firenze, what did he mean by what he just said?"

"Ronan's divination ability is much higher than mine. He can see many things that I can't see. I don't quite understand what he said just now. I can ask for you when I go back."

It turns out that you are a scumbag, so forget it and it's not difficult for you.

Firenze suddenly took out the bone flute for Hagrid and handed it to Richard.

"You take this flute. If you encounter danger in the Forbidden Forest in the future, you can blow it, and all the horsemen who hear it will rush over."

"Other than Firenze, other centaurs generally don't care if they see humans," Hagrid interjected.

Yes, as far as Richard knows, it is also described in the original work of the previous life. Most of the centaurs are full of aversion to wizards, which are equivalent to villains, while Bane and Ronan are neutrals. They think that the responsibility of the centaurs is to act A bystander, an observer, there is no distinction between good and bad wizards, only Firenze is close to human beings, he is not so repulsive to human beings, and he does not hesitate to lend a helping hand. Therefore, the Firenze and other three horses are also aliens among the horses, but the horses are very united, and even these three aliens live happily.

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