The next seven projects.

Jing Ya switched back and forth between “surgical fruit” and “vector operation” capabilities, but it was like a fish in water.

Amazing results in various test items.

Standing long jump: the first place, make vector operation, easy jump, are tens of meters away, this is still he tried to suppress, otherwise it will be farther.

Fifty-meter run: 1st place, use the surgical fruit ability, directly teleport to the finish line.

Endurance Run: First place, two abilities switch back and forth, teleportation plus extreme speed, quickly completed, no one can catch up.

Softball throwing: 1st place, throwing distance: 1462.7 meters.

Grip strength: 1st place, almost crushed grip strength tester.

Repeated horizontal jump: the first place, because he can borrow power, so after he calculates once, he can apply the formula, which is extremely easy.

Sit-ups: First place, stick to the back, only Bakugao wins himself and Boom Frost can keep up with his rhythm.

Sitting body forward bend: sixth place, his body is generally flexible, the top three are actually girls, respectively, they are all frog blowing plum rain, eight million hundred, Ashido Sanna.

Aizawa stared at the report card this time, and the corners of his mouth smiled helplessly.

“Got seven first places…”

“Jing Ya’s personality is very strange, there are actually so many abilities.”

Just tested the project.

Keiya Aizawa’s performance is excellent.

It is…… A bit of a problem.

It seems that as long as Jing Ya wants to win the first place, he can basically succeed!

Even if it is the final sitting body bent forward.

Aizawa wondered if Keiya was releasing water.


He integrated the comprehensive results of all the students, came to the students again, and said in his mouth.

“Then I’ll quickly announce the results.”

“It’s too much trouble to explain verbally, you guys watch for yourselves.”

Finish speaking.

Aizawa took out a mechanism similar to a remote control and clicked the button on the top.


Blue-white fluorescent screen, directly erected in the air.


All students stared at fluorescent screens and observed their grades.

Top five.

First: Keiya Aizawa.

Second place: eight million hundred

Third place: scorching

Fourth place: Explosive heroes win over themselves

5th place: Tenya Iida


Last place from the bottom.


There are actually two students with the same grades!

It was actually tied for the first place from the bottom.

Kiko Furuzawa: Twenty-first

Midoriya Idehisa: Twenty-first

“I just said…”

“The student who is the last student will be expelled from me.”

“Now there are two students from the bottom, and their grades are tied.”


Aizawa’s face was cold, and he said unceremoniously: “The result is obvious!” ”


Midoriya Izuku was a little weak, gritting his teeth, but did not dare to speak.

He had tried his best, but he didn’t expect this result.

Really…… To be expelled?

“It should be fine, Jing Ya won’t lie to me!”

Kiko Furusawa thought of Jingya’s words before, and her face was calm.

Her various grades are countdown, and because of her personality, she can’t help at all.


Aizawa said in a relaxed tone.

“By the way.”

“Expelled from this, I just lied to you.”

“Can you really believe it? Too young! ”

“It’s just to deceive you and make you show your motivation!”

Class A students were confused and looked at each other.

“What? Fake? ”

“Thanks to me just so nervous, I have tested desperately! It’s just the fear of being expelled! ”

“Whew… I’m also the last few, scared to death! ”

This class teacher… It’s too much!

Obviously, on the first day of school, it was so exciting!

Aizawa Keiya looked at this scene and said secretly in his heart.

“Just kidding? My brother is not that kind of person! ”

“It is estimated that I also think that the students this time barely meet the standard, so I will withdraw what I just said.”

If this group of students is clear….

His brother Aizawa Mita has expelled more than a hundred students, and the most ruthless expulsion of an entire class, I don’t know what to think.


“Great, it turned out to be a joke.”

Midoriya Izuku had tears in the corners of his eyes, he had just thought he was going to be expelled.

If really expelled.

He really did not dare to face his mother, did not dare to face Olmet.

It is clear that they are so optimistic about him, and the result is at this level.

“I must master the personality! It must be mastered! Not worthy of Olmet! ”

“To be a hero… How can you lose so badly! ”

Midoriya Izuku shouted in his heart, and the whole person’s will seemed to be ignited by flames, burning wildly.

The other side.

Aizawa packed up the report card this time and put it in his arms.


Expressionless, he shouted directly to the students.

“This is the end of this quiz, there are no classes today, everyone have a good rest.”

“Tomorrow there are practical lessons… Just an appetizer for today! ”

“I hope you are ready.”

“Dissolve ——!”

After Aizawa finished shouting these words, he came to Aizawa Keiya’s side and said in a low voice.

“Brother… Come with me. ”

Jing Ya’s face was stunned, but after he said hello to Kiko Furusawa next to him, he quickly ran over.

He came to the back of the building.

“Brother, what’s wrong?” Jing Ya was a little puzzled.

Aizawa took out the report card and began to look through it, saying as he flipped through it.

“You should know that I don’t usually lie, do you know why I just withdrew my expulsion?”

Jing Ya frowned, as if thinking of the result, he couldn’t help but say, “I think that group of students can be cultivated, right?” ”

Aizawa was not surprised and continued.

“Indeed… The main thing is that Midoriya Idehisa guy, but it makes me feel that I am not so stupid, if he doesn’t think and directly scraps his arm, I will definitely fire him on the spot. ”

“Mainly… Kiko Furuzawa’s personality, in this time, was completely unable to help, causing her to also become the last. ”

Jing Ya’s face was surprised, and he said a little helplessly.

“Kiko’s personality is similar to the auxiliary system, there is really no way, plus uncontrollable reasons.”

Aizawa nodded and took out the information sheet of Kiko Furuzawa.

The above reads:

Kiko Furusawa: Soft personality, extremely intelligent, once solved world problems, personality is a precognitive dream!

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