My Healing Game

Chapter 711: First Healing Personality

The aura emanating from Da Nie is so terrifying that everyone thinks that Han Fei is a soft eater, and he is just a dog.

Han Fei didn't care about other people's eyes. He waited until the dean was completely paralyzed before calling out the blade of the dead!

The dazzling light flashed across in an instant, like a ephemera blooming in the abyss, and like a meteor traversing the night sky, the characteristics of the slaughtering knife to kill all evil are enough to make any thugs with blood on their hands fear.

The Dean's body was easily penetrated, and before he could react, the layer of protective skulls fell off to the left and right, and the worm cocoon embedded in his mind was also chopped up.

Although the big evil is very terrifying, Han Fei has the sharpest butcher knife. He only needs a suitable opportunity to kill all the ghosts under his hatred.

The dean who lost the ability to resist was swallowed by the big evil, and those monsters with cracked stomachs were slowly suppressed. Han Fei fought steadily and pushed inward little by little. He not only wanted to become stronger, but also to teach those special citizens to be here. The way to survive in this city, let them become the new kind of fire.

Ghosts wake up, the deep world merges, and there must be new rules in a new era.

It only took three hours for Han Fei to take down Meng's organ factory. He found all the patients' information in the dean's office. Meng sewed his body into some patients' bodies and let them hide in the whole. Every corner of the city wants to hide themselves in the sea of ​​people in this way.

It is really difficult to kill Meng completely, but Han Fei also has his own countermeasures. He distributed the materials and information to all the survivors, and let the hidden water ghosts in the big lake dispatch their nests to complete the treatment of those patients.” cure".

"Water ghosts and survivors can cooperate with each other, and the coexistence of humans and ghosts is also possible."

After inspecting the organ factory, Han Fei entered the delivery room directly below the mortuary. The mothers of the babies all looked at Han Fei with great vigilance. They could do anything to protect their children.

"I know him! He's a wanted prisoner in the city!" A pregnant woman who was sent underground a few days ago pointed at Han Fei and shouted. She looked terrified and even picked up a fruit knife next to her.

Han Fei didn't deny it, he looked at the big lock on the door of the delivery room.

These pregnant women were sent to give birth here several weeks in advance. The dean provided them with the most comfortable environment and the most advanced various auxiliary equipment. The entire delivery room and the living area of ​​pregnant women were built very well.

The organ factory outside the door is constantly producing evil and blood, but the place where the pregnant women and newborns are located is warm and comfortable, like a man-made paradise.

If it wasn't for the deep world beginning to merge with reality, and various visions appearing, they might not realize how dangerous it is here.

"I came to save you, but you pointed a knife at me? Is that how you treat your benefactor?"

Time was limited, and Han Fei didn't make much excuses. He entered the house with a butcher's knife and used the secret that touched the depths of his soul to examine every baby.

"Dream has taken away all the beautiful memories of the patients for so many years. It should have made the body it wants." After checking the entire room, Han Fei found nothing unusual.

Glancing at the mothers' faces, when Han Fei looked at a certain mother, she unconsciously glanced at a certain place.

"Wardrobe?" In Han Fei's mind, the wardrobe is a very special piece of furniture. All Butterfly's childhood was buried there. His best friend Huang Ying also died in the wardrobe countless times under the persecution of Butterfly.

Walking towards the wardrobe, Han Fei just took a step, and a mother who was recovering well stood in front of him: "What do you want to do?"

"Save all of you, that's all."

Seeing that the conflict was about to break out, Uncle Ying, who was buried deep in the organ factory, staggered over, his body was covered with scars, but it was strange that those wounds were healing at an extremely fast speed: "Don't get me wrong! He really came to help us!"

Han Fei and Uncle Ying had not met before, but the other party was very enthusiastic to help Han Fei explain that Uncle Ying seemed to only want to be worthy of his conscience when he did things.

"The hospital is not protecting you at all. The dean wants to breed a flawless baby. Except for that baby, all of you are just tools in his eyes. Once you lose your use value, you will be locked in the next organ processing. Factory. Haven't you found that all the pregnant women who left have lost contact? They didn't leave the hospital, they left the world!" Uncle Ying handed a lot of evidence he found to the pregnant women, and the survivors also put them in the The clues found in the organ factory were taken out.

Even if the evidence is in the clear, some people still don't want to believe that they have lived in a false dream for too long, and it is difficult for them to accept it for a while.

"Get out of the way."

Han Fei walked to the front of the wardrobe and opened the door with a butcher knife. In the large wardrobe with clean clothes, there was a bloodless woman hiding in her arms. She was also holding a cute-looking baby in her arms.

Different from other children, when this baby was born, there were butterfly wings-like patterns on the back of his head, neck and back, which were magnificent and gorgeous.

The most perfect artwork in the world is less than one-tenth of his, and that innate perfection has also made Han Fei look at it for a long time.

"The butterfly pattern extends from the back of the head, like open wings, spreading to the back. What is the relationship between this child and the butterfly?" Han Fei stared at the woman, who was weak and pitiful, hugging his child tightly and protecting him with his body With him, the mother's selfless and pure love poured into the body, making the newborn feel the first warmth in the world.

"Dream collects the beautiful memories and happy pasts of all patients in order to create such a child? Judging from the results, he should have succeeded." Looking away from the mother and child in the wardrobe, Han Fei looked at the woman's feet A document on the side, the hospital wants to raise the child with the woman, they plan to send the child somewhere later, and call him number three.

"No. 3 is a butterfly? But the butterfly I killed was extremely ugly. It was born like a monster and was despised by everyone. But this child is handsome and very cute, but the birthmarks like butterfly patterns are a little scary." Fei recited the number silently. Fu Sheng's memory shrine buried the secrets of the past. Exploring the city was like sorting out the context of the world.

"This child is perfect and innocent, but after all, he is a body prepared by a butterfly for himself."

Han Fei knew about Butterfly's past. If the third child was a Butterfly, he should have all the perfection before Meng was resurrected with his body.

After the dream completes the ritual, No. 3 becomes that annoying monster.

The dream once took away all the beauty of the butterfly, and later the butterfly also followed the footsteps of the dream, to deprive others of the beauty, and to continue the sin and despair.

"The best thing to do now is to kill him."

The blade in his hand was raised upwards, and everyone including Uncle Ying hurried towards this side, trying to stop Han Fei.

"Hey! Don't be impulsive!"

"It's only a child!"

When the light of the sword fell, Han Fei had killing intent, but he did not use his full force.

The knife of rebirth finally slashed on the back of the newborn's head. The blade, which was completely composed of human nature, did not hurt the baby. What it slashed was only the butterfly tattoo.

The screams that did not belong to the baby sounded, the butterfly tattoo shattered on the baby, and the memory fragments containing people's various beautiful emotions splashed around, forming a pair of huge dreamy wings in the air.

Normally, Da Nie doesn't like the beauty of this world, but there are traces of dreams left in those memories. It habitually opens its mouth and swallows all the beauty that the dream prepared for itself into its stomach. .

The great evil in the past was the ultimate evil, and its existence was a natural disaster. Every day, I hoped that Han Fei would linger on the edge of death, always exuding a deadly and ominous atmosphere.

But when it shredded and swallowed the dreamy colorful butterflies in the air, it seemed to have a little color in its chaotic evil soul.

These beauties are not enough to change its nature, but make it more possible and become a more special existence.

When Han Fei dropped the knife, everyone's hearts were raised, and they didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they found out that the newborn was still alive.

Xiao He and other survivors came to take care of the pregnant women, while Han Fei stared at the newborns in the wardrobe.

In Fu Sheng's memory shrine, Han Fei destroyed the ritual of the dream, but in reality the dream was successfully revived, but he didn't know which ritual it chose.

Han Fei always had a bad premonition in his heart. The process of destroying the resurrection ceremony went smoothly. Although he also encountered dangers such as water monsters and corpse caves in plastic surgery hospitals, he used some unique things to save himself.

"These eight rituals don't feel like a resurrection ritual prepared for me by a dream, but more like some kind of force is driving me to experience them."

Called Yan Le, and Han Fei checked the other party again using the secret of touching the depths of the soul. He could be sure that Yan Le and all the dead souls on her body were all right. The other party was not deliberately arranged by Meng, but it was undeniable that Han Fei was initially attracted to the family of the Paradise by Yan Le.

From the first ceremony to the sixth ceremony, Han Fei got back a lot of things, some scenes only he could crack, such as letting Fu Sheng's remnant soul walk out of the mirror, or imprinting the map of the labyrinth in the back of his mind. The steps have become complete, and the memory unlocking has reached stage nine.

But the closer he got to completeness, the more uneasy he felt. The resurrection of the dream should not be that simple.

"Orphan No. 4 said that it has become an unspeakable dream. He has an unspeakable special ability, and he can even interfere with the normal operation of the shrine memory world through the impression of him in Fu Sheng's mind."

The unspeakable existence is very terrifying. As long as you pronounce their names, you can perceive them. Their strength is far beyond hatred, and the various methods are unimaginable.

Han Fei is now very suspicious that Fu Sheng's memory of the dream in the shrine has a trace of the real dream, and it is very likely that he will "fight" with Ineffable for the first time.

"Tell me the location of the last two ceremonies, can't wait any longer."

"I don't know the location of the seventh ceremony, but I know that a forensic doctor entered the park late at night and talked to Meng, and the seventh ceremony was probably where he worked." Yan Le's mother said ambiguous.

"There are many places for forensic doctors to work." Han Fei's adoptive father in this city is a forensic doctor. He recalled the trajectory of the other party's usual life: "The forensic medicine studio of the Criminal Police Brigade, the forensic medicine clinic of the brain hospital, the medical school of the medical school. The forensic autopsy room, and all the death scenes, as well as places in and outside the city that are suitable for hiding corpses."

"That's all I know." Yan Le's mother looked at Han Fei very frankly: "The eighth ceremony may be in the paradise, and Meng did not reveal any information about the last ceremony."

"It doesn't matter." Han Fei's eyes slowly changed: "I feel that all the resurrection ceremonies of Meng are carried out around me. I was brought into the deep world by Fu Sheng, and I am the person Fu Sheng values ​​most. Meng and Fu Sheng is a mortal enemy, if he knew of my existence, he would definitely destroy me by any means and cut off Fu Sheng's future."

If it was in the deep world, Han Fei could see that the only thing he could fight against was going offline at the speed of light. But this is in Fu Sheng's memory shrine, the dream body is thousands of miles away, and what Han Fei has to deal with now is just one of its thoughts.

After cleaning the grounds of the hospital, Han Fei called Uncle Ying to his side. He found a lot of strange things about Uncle Ying.

Uncle Ying, who has died, has the same warmth in his soul as the living.

Most ghosts are afraid of the sun, but according to Xiao He's description, when the sun came out yesterday, Uncle Ying walked freely under the sun without feeling any discomfort.

In addition, Uncle Ying was tortured to climb out of the organ factory. He was covered in wounds just now, and his soul was about to dissipate, but only an hour later, all the wounds on his soul were This The ghost has a powerful self-healing ability, and his soul seems to be able to repair its own injuries all the time.

"Uncle Ying, do you want to help more people?"

"Of course I do!" Uncle Ying nodded without hesitation.

"Then can you tell me why your soul is so special?" When Han Fei approached the old man, there was a resonance that was hard to describe. It seemed to be a kind of personal recognition.

"I don't know either. When I was detained in a mental hospital before, the doctor diagnosed me as an introverted healing personality. When I make up for the regrets and dissatisfaction of others, I will get a special pleasure..." Uncle Ying looked at his hands: "I never did anything deliberately, I acted according to my own heart. I spent my whole life in a trance like this, and finally became what you see now."

"You are also a healing personality?" Han Fei's eyes slowly moved away from the old man and looked at the patients behind him, who were similar to Han Fei to some extent.



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