My Healing Game

Chapter 63: Paradise Cinema Work Permit

     "Then they did it now." Looking at the man on the ground, Xu Qin took the knife out of his ribs, and dragged the corpse on the floor towards the kitchen with one hand: "Do you want to watch me cook?"

Han Fei shook his head. He found that after the man’s body was disassembled, thin black lines emerged from the corpse. Those thin lines twisted back and forth in the man’s body as if they had life: "The black lines in their bodies. What is it?"

"These people who come in from outside the community have this black line in their bodies, which seems to be a curse." Xu Qin dragged the short and thin man into the kitchen. In the process of dragging, the short and thin man's body began to fog. Turning, those black lines turned into black smoke.

   "Curse?" Han Fei remembered a sentence once said by Chonglou. These outsiders seemed to have a cursed photo.

"Most outsiders have such black lines in their bodies. Their own consciousness has been wiped out. Under the stimulation of those black lines, they have become crazy, bloodthirsty, and full of thoughts of killing. So don't be merciful after meeting them. If you don't die them, then they will do everything possible to kill you." Xu Qin said and closed the kitchen door. It can be seen that she still takes care of Han Fei.

   After a while, there was a crippling voice in the kitchen, but after hearing this voice for a long time, it also had a special rhythm.

   "Sister, take your time to cook. I'll go to the sixth floor to take a look. There may be some good things hidden in the room where these outsiders live." Han Fei was worried that the things in the other party's house would be stolen by others.

   "You better not go out now, did you hear the footsteps just now?"

   "Is that the sound of jumping and jumping?" Han Fei remembered the last of the oppressive footsteps, and he was also a little bit confused: "What is it from? Is it the neighbor upstairs?"

   "I only heard this footstep, but I don't know who made it. I suspect that the owner of the footstep is probably living on the ninth floor."

   "The ninth floor? There are people living on the ninth floor?"

   "There should be." Black and red blood oozes along the kitchen door, Xu Qin's voice is a little excited, she is like a child finally found a beloved toy.

   "I want to go to the tenth floor to meet the supervisor, and I must pass through the ninth floor in the middle. This is unavoidable..."

"I advise you to dispel this idea, the eighth floor is already a restricted area, and the ninth floor is best never approached." The kitchen door was opened a crack. In order to warn Han Fei, Xu Qin opened the door and walked out, her eyes looked Scarlet is scary, it seems that the ninth floor is a place that can never be mentioned.


"You only need to know that the reason why the building manager can become the building manager is not because of how good others are and how much everyone loves him, but just because he is the only person who can freely pass through the ninth floor." Xu Qin is sick. Her eyes were staring at Han Fei, her tone was cold, she seemed to be afraid of Han Fei running over, so she stopped it so severely.

   "Don't worry, I will never run upstairs until I am fully prepared."

   As soon as Han Fei finished speaking, a pale arm stained with blood stretched out beside his neck, and his slender cold fingers were gently placed next to his cheek: "If you have to die, I hope you can die in front of me."

   Xu Qin's words sounded terrifying at first, but how to put it, Han Fei actually heard a trace of concern from such horrible words.

"I'm not going to die. I still have very important things to do, such as eating all the food you cook." In this dark and terrifying apartment building, Han Fei spoke warm words of healing. .

   After Xu Qin heard this, her bright red lips showed a smile, and she turned and went into the kitchen to get busy.

   A few minutes later, Xu Qin walked out with the made table mat: "It's a bit small, what do you think?"

   "It feels a bit monotonous, I heard one of the outsiders say that one of them has a tattoo of a butterfly on the human face..."

   "Human face butterfly?" Xu Qin was obviously interested.

   "When I have new clues in the future, I will inform you."

   Han Fei stayed in the room for a while, and it was not until four o'clock in the morning that he and Xu Qin left room 1052.

   The two dragged Chonglou's body out of Room 1051, Han Fei took Chonglou's clothes, Xu Qin dragged Chonglou's corpse, and they could say that they each took what they needed.

   Chonglou should be regarded as a relatively special one among the outsiders. Without Xu Qin's help, Han Fei estimated that he would not be his opponent even if he was upgraded to a fifth level.

   rummaged through the pockets of the insect building, Han Fei found two strange things.

   "Please pay attention to players with number 0000! You have found a work permit for Paradise Cinema!"

   "Paradise Cinema Work Permit (G-level ordinary item): One of the trigger conditions for the artist's career. With this permit, you can freely enter the Paradise Cinema."

   The introduction of the system only says that you can enter freely, but it does not say that you can go out freely.

  Han Fei guessed that something went wrong in the movie theater, otherwise the people in it would not all be cursed and become bloodthirsty crazy perverts.

"It's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out, but I'm also very interested in the profession of artist, but I don't know if it is the kind of artist I understand." There is no limit to the number of players' professions in the game of Perfect Life~www.readwn. com~ But if you want to practice a profession to the highest level, it takes a lot of time and energy. Normal players estimate that it is not easy to practice a profession.

   Han Fei had previously obtained a prerequisite for a hidden job. He was not going to give up that job. He just felt that he still needed a job that could be put on the surface.

   If you meet other players in the game in the future, when you introduce yourself, Han Fei can never say-hello, my name is Han Fei, and I am a midnight butcher. Such a profession is too easy to be misunderstood by others.

   In addition to the work permit for the Paradise Cinema, another special item that Han Fei found was the black and white photo with a total of 17 people on it.

   "Please pay attention to players number 0000, you have found a cursed photo!"

   "The cursed group photo (G-class blood-colored item): All the people in this photo are unhappy! This is my last wish!"

   Looking at the item introduction, Han Fei felt that the Paradise Cinema might be more dangerous than he thought, but that place was too far away for him.

   He hasn't even explored the apartment building he lives in now, and he has no ability and the courage to run outside the apartment building.

   After harvesting two special items, Han Fei came to the sixth floor alone.

   He entered room 1064 and saw a pool of blood stains and badly damaged bones in the room. There was still a pungent stench in the room.

   Looking carefully, Han Fei pushed open the bedroom door. This was the place with the most fishy smell.

"what is that?"

   The bed board of the bedroom was dug out, and it was piled with stinky residual limbs. Among the pile of residual limbs, Han Fei also saw a human pupa that had completely turned blood red.


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