My Healing Game

Chapter 292: Disaster level increase, fastest promotion speed

The eight large-scale grievances were besieged to death by neighbors in the happy community. Yingyue’s consciousness was taken into his eye sockets, and the large amount of yin in his stump was divided up. The resentment accumulated for several years was absorbed by Jinsheng’s head teacher.

Except for the eight songs, this is a happy situation for everyone.

The monster's huge body just disappeared, Bai Si-nian stayed in place in a daze, with an unbelievable feeling.

He was even more surprised when he looked at Han Fei standing on the edge of the pit. On the surface, Han Fei, who was shy and bookish, faced a large resentment at the end, with hideous ghost patterns all over his body, and he held a knife in his hand. Falling, decisively is like a professional butcher.

"Sure enough, people can't look good." Bai Si-nian walked behind Han Fei and said cautiously: "What are we going to do next?"

"Go inside the sea of ​​flowers to check." Han Fei killed the large grievances, but the F-level mission was still not completed, indicating that there were secrets hidden in the security company.

"There were security guards who entered the sea of ​​flowers before. Once they fall into it, they will be manipulated and lose their self-awareness. This place is very dangerous. I advise you not to try it lightly." Bai Si-nian was out of good intentions, but he watched Spreading joy in the sea of ​​flowers, like the evil devil in the world, his eyelids began to twitch lightly again.

This group of people are all monsters.

In fact, Han Fei was also observing Da Nie, without eight blocks, Da Nie jumped directly into the blood puddle in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, and took a bath in the blood puddle that did not know how long it took to accumulate.

You must know that before the security guard is sent to the death building, only a small sip of blood is enough. That thing is very dangerous.

Under the constant toss of Da Nie, the blood in the blood puddle began to drop, and a blood red pattern slowly appeared on the surface of Da Nie's body.

But it was as if it was deliberately against the butterfly. The pattern on the butterfly is weird and charming, and the pattern on Da Nie's body is domineering, hideous, and hideous, and the style is completely different.

"What happens after the blood of the whole corpse mountain is absorbed by Dagui?"

As the blood in the blood puddle continued to drop, the safflower that was full of Shishan began to wither in large numbers.

Beneath the bright flowers are criss-crossed black blood vessels, and in the lower area are layers of "people".

The rhizomes of flowers grow out of their brains, and memory and human nature have become fertilizers. The more unforgettable the past, the brighter the blooms and the brighter the drops of blood.

When the red petals fell, the black rhizomes began to wither, and the net that held the "human" mind seemed to loosen.

Talking in the pit sounded as if the corpse was talking in sleep.

At first there were only one or two. Gradually, all the corpses thought of something.

There are various expressions on their numb faces, most of which are related to pain and despair.

"Captain? Master? Master!" When the sea of ​​flowers faded, Bai Si-nian's gaze suddenly stopped somewhere. He froze in place, and ran directly to the edge of the pit.

"Don't go there!" Han Fei wanted to stop, but the guy called the coward had already jumped into the pit along the chain left by Han Fei.

His body was trapped in the black rhizomes, and his legs were caught by the corpse, as if he had fallen into a mire.

But instead of trying his best to escape, he tried his best to crawl towards the center of the quagmire.

The withered black rhizome seemed to have come alive again after sensing the approach of the remnant soul. They instinctively clung to Bai Si-nian's body, trying to drag him into the pit.

Severing the surrounding rhizomes, this seemingly courageous resentment exploded with great strength, as if no one could stop him in this state.

With more and more rhizomes on his body, Bai Si Nian's final fate should be surrounded by black rhizomes, but while his body sank, he also crawled to the center of the pit.

"Master?" He didn't care about the more and more rhizomes on his body, but with both hands tore off the entangled rhizomes on a certain corpse, and pulled it out from the surface of the stacked corpses.

The flowers bloomed in the crevices of the soul, and the corpse had no breath, only the habitual and weak remnant thoughts remained.

After Bai Sinian grabbed his hand, he pointed at the blood puddle in the center of the pit with pain and sadness on his face.

Drinking the blood in the blood puddle is destined to become the toy and puppet of the dead building, but if you don't drink it, you can't get out of the pit at all.

The blood in the blood puddle contains insect eggs, and those rhizomes hate insects. With such a delicate balance, the dead building built such a corpse under the security company.

Normally, the security guard who was forced to jump into the pit had no other choice but to drink the blood in the blood puddle.

If you don't obey, you will be left forever.

But now that Han Fei is here, new rules have emerged, and everything that was bad will be abolished.


Yinglong put the chain of the pet shop to Bai Sinian's side. In desperation, he saw the people next to the pit.

Unlike butterflies that only bring disaster and death, that group of people always seems to bring hope.

Hugging the master's body in one hand, and grasping the chain covered with animal hair with the other hand, Bai Si Nian was dragged outside the pit by Yinglong and Li Biao.

Seeing Bai Si-nian being dragged away, Da Xie chased him for a certain distance, as if mocking or swearing sovereignty. This place was the place it fancyed.

When Bai Sinian crawled out of the pit holding the corpse, Han Fei also received a new reminder in his mind.

"Please pay attention to players with number 0000! Bai Si-nian's friendliness is increased by ten, and you have initially gained Bai Si-nian's trust. You have assumed office as a colleague."

"Bai Si-nian (coward): Special resentment. He is the coward of the security company and the object of everyone's ridicule, but he is the only one who survives in the entire security company! Don't underestimate him. When the coward is no longer timid, he will change. It's terrifying!"

The information of the system surprised Han Fei a little. Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the case. Bai Si-nian lived to the end, and the boss did not kill him easily, but trapped him in his memory, repeating the past over and over again. There must be something extraordinary about this resentment.

Just staying in the pit for a while, many black rhizomes have penetrated into Bai Si-nian's body, but he does not regret his decision.

Constantly thanking the people around him, this guy is so polite that he doesn't look like a ghost.

The changes in the deep pit are still going on. The Great Sin is worthy of being the incarnation of a disaster star, and its small body just upset the huge mountain of corpses.

It sucked up the special blood accumulated in the blood pool, killed the pupae and worm eggs of those who were warmed in the blood pool, tore up all the flowers, and cut all the rhizomes.

Seeing Daxie's free and happy look, Han Fei felt a trace of envy.

After tossing for half an hour, when all the flowers withered, Da Nie jumped into the deepest part of the black rhizome.

At the bottom of the blood puddle, Da Nie bit out a small piece of human skin with a butterfly pattern, which seemed to be the core of Shishan.

The rhizome connected to the human skin was cut off, and all the corpses in the deep pit began to make a sound, but the sound did not come from the mouth, but directly resonated through the soul.

Without restraint, the remnant soul, who was no longer numb, recovered his true feelings.

The corpse mountain collapsed suddenly, their brains were full of gaps, and there were traces of butterflies in their consciousness.

Seeing this environment, Han Fei also thought a lot.

Butterflies seem to be born in the depths of human nature, but I don't know whether the butterfly used the original person, or the person himself became a butterfly.

The other party spent a lot of time building so many things and doing so many crazy things in reality. In addition to looking for a black box, it seemed to be to create another butterfly.

It’s just that it has never succeeded. The spider was made last time when it was the closest to success, and this time it made a big evil.

After confirming that all the rhizomes were destroyed, Han Fei jumped into the deep pit under the protection of the Yinglong. He looked at the corpses buried in the rhizomes. He really didn’t know why the head of the office had put a healing system on the helmet. label.

Seeing Han Fei coming, Da Nie ran towards him with the slap-sized human skin. If Da Nie changed to a plush body and wore a non-human skin, it would look ~ Is this for me? "

Han Fei accidentally discovered that after absorbing all the blood stains in the blood puddle, Da Xie became more humane and seemed to be smarter.

Reaching out to remove the human skin, when he touched it, several system prompts sounded in Han Fei's mind.

"Attention player number 0000! You have been poisoned! Please treat as soon as possible!"

"You have successfully obtained the skin of hate, and the human skin retains the breath of hate, which contains the curse of the same origin! Please keep it carefully. If you take out this human skin at will, it is likely to be detected by hate. !"

"Your pet Daxie has drawn enough blood from natural enemies to successfully break through and enter the second stage of the larvae! Increase your loyalty by ten! All basic abilities have been enhanced, all attributes have been doubled, and the larva talent ability-the culprit has been added."

"Dagui (F-level cursed worm): The disaster is brewing, and you didn't even notice it. The faster he grows, the heavier the intention of death on your body. No one has ever been able to harvest adult sins as pets. Because no one can live to that time."

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