My Healing Game

Chapter 200: Strangle the neck of death

Huang Ying was lying on the bed in the bedroom, very tired, and it was very difficult to move.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, and the surrounding is full of darkness. At this time, a figure walks out of the kitchen.

The scene in front of Huang Ying is very similar to the last scene played in the video just now. The ghost seems to have really come out of the video, and even the way of killing seems to be exactly the same.

Fear rushed to the brain almost instantly, occupying every nerve.

This is different from the horror in the game. Huang Ying knows very well that now in reality, there is no option to quit the game.

The body is so tired that Huang Ying's eyelids are hard to open. He wants to get up from the bed, but his hands and feet are a little unwilling.

At this time, his brain seemed to be manipulated, and the most terrifying and desperate scenes flashed in his mind constantly, and he seemed to have unintentionally accepted some kind of psychological cues.

"The house is not safe now!"

The constant sound of footsteps triggered Huang Ying's body's stress response, and he didn't think that the scene in the video just appeared in his mind.

In the first video, the neighbor banged on the door desperately. The man didn't believe him, but the ghost had actually entered the house.

Ghosts seem to be hiding in a corner of the house, and they may appear at any time.

Horror and depressing, when the figure outside the house approached, the scenes in the second video kept flashing in Huang Ying's mind.

Ah Xin was awakened by the abnormal sound. She dimly opened her eyes and saw her best friend who was once a close friend, who was practicing chopping in the kitchen with a kitchen knife like a sleepwalker.

When she wanted to escape, she found herself trapped in this room.

The home that was once at ease has now become a prison.

If the ghost does come out of the video, it may be staring at itself somewhere, and there is probably more than one ghost.

An indescribable sense of fear filled my heart, and the footage in the video was intertwined with reality.

Huang Ying's current state is extremely poor, and his spirit is at its limit, as if his heavy consciousness is suspended on a very thin line.

He tried his best and just got up from the bed. There was a voice in his mind urging him to leave the house quickly. The longer it was, the more likely he was to die in the house.

Grabbing the crafts beside the bed, the expensive crafts seem to be much heavier than usual, as if they were stuffed with some kind of meat.

His fingers were white, and Huang Ying felt strange and fearful when everything in the room was put on Huang Ying. He seemed to have decided that the room was not safe.

"Can't stay here anymore."

Chest tightness and shortness of breath, and the lights that can be controlled by voice cannot be turned on. Huang Ying is like a drowning man struggling in the dark.

He couldn't make a sound, his body became heavier and heavier, and the temperature around him also kept dropping, getting colder and colder.

Moving, Huang Ying saw a figure in the dark approaching her, holding something she had just taken out of the kitchen in her hand.

go away! run!

The memory in his mind was triggered, Huang Ying forcefully smashed the handicrafts at the shadow walking in the house, and then rushed towards the door of the living room.

Something was approaching in the dark, and Huang Ying pressed his hand on the latest security door.

The three-layer encrypted anti-theft door could not be opened by outsiders at all. After Huang Ying identified the fingerprint, he began to enter the password. At this time, the shadow was only a few steps away from him.

Fingers trembled, fear filled his eyes, Huang Ying exhausted his last effort before opening the code lock.

He grabbed the doorknob and pushed it out!

But as soon as he pushed the door through a gap, a gloved hand reached into the house from the outside, and the other party firmly grasped the opened door panel.

With a kick, the weak Huang Ying was kicked aside, and the triple-encrypted door was completely opened.

A man in black clothes, black gloves, carrying a black box entered the house.

Something was smeared on his face, his facial features were covered, and the surveillance was unable to perform facial recognition lock.

"There is one minute left."

Open the black box, there is a small unknown machine in operation. The small display screen is marked with various operation options of the Huangying home intelligent system. The man in black seems to have invaded the system of the residential district in some way.

It should not be the first time that he did such a thing. After adjusting several options, he took off all the clothes of Huang Ying and Smart Butler.

Then he grabbed the arms of the smart housekeeper and let the smart housekeeper pinch Huang Ying's neck.

"You will die in the worst possible way, ruined, and your family will be ashamed of you."

Slowly using his hands, Huang Ying's eyelids rolled up, and the opponent's strength was outrageous. In addition, he was exhausted and couldn't struggle at all.

His neck was distorted and Huang Ying's face turned purple. He could no longer breathe, and his strength was getting weaker and weaker.

"Your soul will be carried to the other shore by that butterfly. You must know that this is not death, but liberation."

The man continued to use his force, Huang Ying had now stopped resisting, his eyes lost the light, this was the first time he was so close to death.

When Huang Ying gave up his resistance, there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the originally quiet corridor!

The sudden sound of footsteps disrupted all the plans of the man in black, and he turned his head and glanced at the door that was half palm wide.

Huang Yingjia’s anti-theft door is set with a triple password lock. Once the door is closed, it needs to be authenticated by fingerprint, password and voice.

In other words, if the person in black closes the door at this time, he is likely to be locked in the house and unable to leave for a short time.

He just hesitated for two seconds, and the unlocked door was pulled open.

A plainly dressed, panting young man stared into the room with bloodshot eyes.

Five fingers gripped the door, and blue veins appeared on his arm. After seeing the scene inside the house, the young man hardly hesitated directly hit the whip leg and swept the black man's cheek!


The man in black squatted on the ground evaded the danger and danger. As for the delicate and gentle smart housekeeper, he was not so lucky. Its body hit the wall hard and its shoulders were twisted and sunken.

There was a huge sound, and Huang Ying, who was a little confused, reluctantly opened his eyes. He saw the young man standing at the door. When death came to him, that figure strangled the neck of the **** of death. !

"Han Fei..."

His mouth opened, but there was no sound. Huang Ying's neck was bleeding. He tried his best to reach out, but he couldn't catch anything.

The man in black realized that it was not good, and there was a trace of sullenness on his face smeared with something.

He no longer cares about Han Fei, but takes a non-metallic knife from his clothes and stabs Huang Ying directly.

The man in black didn't know what instructions he received. In his opinion, it seemed that Huang Ying was more important than Han Fei.

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