My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 604: Being severely interrogated!

At this time, if Bo Yan himself went on the road, what would he do? If he really kills, he can still be in front of everyone, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, can he cover it? !

This is no longer something he wants to save.

He broadcasted the number and quickly notified Fu Jiu, Rong Bei and others.

They are all still in city a, and many of their subordinates are here, and no one knows who they are, so this kind of thing, they come, the best.

And now, what they have to do is not blindly save people.

To find out what exactly this is.

If they really kill people, then they will save them and leave the country overnight, if not, then they don't have this need yet.

So first figure out what's going on.

And this time to settle down.

Received a video tape.

The old man received it, but after reading it, he suffered a heart attack and was sent to the hospital.

The first time Bo Yan received the news that the old man was hospitalized in an emergency, he rushed over.

And the police station at this time.

An Geer was taken to the interrogation room.

When An Ge'er left, she deliberately didn't bring the schoolbag behind her. There were indeed some light weapons in it.

If you search, you will be found.

But on her body, after they searched, they did find a pistol.

They have now been taken away.

But what they didn't know was that there were a few chewing gum bombs in her pocket.

Such high-tech, such as police officers, basically can't notice it.

However, these are only used at critical moments of necessity, and they will not be used easily, because if the distance is too close, it is easy to take your own life in.


The door of the interrogation room was suddenly kicked open.

Two male police officers and a female police recorder came in for interrogation.

The male policeman who came in and sat in the middle looked a little arrogant, threw his police cap on the table, sneered at An Ge'er, and looked up and down, "What's your name?"



"18 years old."


An Ge'er twisted her eyebrows when she heard the words, but still spit out two words faintly, "Female."

The police officer stopped the sneer in his mouth at this time, knocked **** the table, and drank her low, "I really can't see it, I'm not too old, I can actually do things like killing people with a gun!"

An Geer was sitting on the chair quietly in handcuffs. After they asked these words, her calm and plain face finally revealed some other meanings. The corners of her lips were slightly hooked, as if indifferent. Smiled, "Excuse me, do you police convict people without evidence?"

The words fell.

But he didn't want the police officer to slap the table suddenly, "Absurd! Now that the human evidence is conclusive, you know what you have done yourself. You originally thought you had been silent by acquiescence. I didn't expect that at this moment, I would still want to argue!

What the police officer said was awe-inspiring, as if she had done something unforgivable!

An Ge'er didn't get annoyed by what he said.

Only the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, looking at him quietly, and suddenly said, "But how much benefit you have received, do you know very well in your heart?"

Upon hearing this, the policeman glared with anger.

But the smile on An Ge'er's lips deepened, because she did see a flash of shock and panic in his eyes.

An Ge'er was thinking at this moment, who is the person behind him?

It's definitely not just Xu Wei, she doesn't have the ability and ability yet.

However, at this moment, the police officer glanced at the other police officers, and the others suddenly understood and stood up and walked out.

In an instant, he and himself were left.

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