My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 321: Airport video of the first encounter with Cobra

"Geer?" He got up, whispered, and when she turned to look at him, his slender eyes were deep, "Do you know your USB drive, what kind of USB drive is it?"

Bo Yan was betting.

He bet that she has nothing to do with the BT organization, even if the USB disk will be in her hands.

An Ge'er was startled at first when she heard the words, then she chuckled in her heart as expected.

Sure enough, my uncle knew about this USB flash drive, and some even suspected that she had anything to do with this USB flash drive before.

It seems that there are really enough people who want this USB flash drive.

An Ge'er knew everything in her heart, but she scratched her hair on her face and said in confusion, "I just watched it look good, in fact I don't know what it is. I accidentally found it in my bag today. , Haven’t had time to see what it is."

She said this deliberately, because only in this way will my uncle know that she is'innocent' and will not be suspicious of her.

Sure enough, Bo Yan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "What did you say, that USB drive is not yours? Did you discover it by accident?"

An Ge'er nodded slightly, "I'm going to school tomorrow. I packed my bag, but a USB flash drive fell out. I guess it might be the 13th sister who put it inside."

Hearing all this, Bo Yan felt relieved in his heart, but at the same time, he still planned to observe her secretly before he found any definite key evidence.

Because no one knows better than him.

An Geer is definitely a...good actor.

Bo Yan got up and sent her back, asking her to rest as soon as possible, and pityingly left a kiss on her forehead, "Little girl, promise me that she must be safe every day."

An Ge'er nodded under the quilt with a small face.

She was sleepy, but when she looked at the USB flash drive on the side table before going to bed, An Ge'er raised her brows slightly.

She confirmed that my uncle had taken the USB disk before, but when did he send it back?


But Bo Yan successfully cracked the real U disk password in the study, and after opening it, he saw the file of the TT8 virus poisoning stock solution. This was beyond his expectation. At the same time, when he saw this, he did not continue to click in.

This kind of thing has always been carried by the cobra, how could it stay in city a, and how could it be in the hands of An Geer! ?

In this case, he had to think more.

Of course, at this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Bo Yan glanced at it, Leng Jue.


"Bo Yan, there is news about Cobra, and at the same time, I have to say, you have to pay more attention to that little girl in your house."


Bo Yan was shocked, and his heart was inexplicably grabbed.

"I sent you a video. You will understand after watching it. This is the purpose of Cobra's coming to market A. I mean you must protect your little girl." Leng Yue finished speaking and hung up the phone.

At the same time, a video came from the phone.

Bo Yan opened and played with some difficulty.

It's just that when he looked at it, his expression suddenly became a little weird.

It was at the airport. It was the surveillance camera at the airport.

Bo Yan instantly recognized that this was the day An Ge'er left and boarded the plane.

Xin hangs up inexplicably, he is waiting, waiting for what will happen in this picture.

After a while, first came the figures of Adong and his two men, and then he saw An Ge'er's slender and white figure appearing under the camera...

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