My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 996: Goodbye, my Princess Liuli

Chapter 996 Goodbye, my Princess Liuli

“Can you give me a chance to take care of you and be my girlfriend?”


Seeing Nangong Luo holding flowers in his hands and kneeling on one knee in front of him, it seemed like a man proposing to his beloved woman.

 There was no one on the red carpet, but many people gathered around to watch.

Gong Qianli stretched out a hand to block her face, "What, today is the only wedding, even if you want to play tricks, it's not now!"

Gong Qianli refused to believe it, or it could be said that she did not dare to involve her and Nangong Luo in terms of "love", so she resisted everything she did.

 Ke Nangongluo was determined.

“Liu Li, do you think I would make a joke about something like this? I... am confessing to you.”

"We have known each other for many years, and we have enough tacit understanding when doing things on weekdays, but there is only one thing that you never knew about. Today, I will use this happy wedding to express my love to my beloved girl. If you are willing, Please accept this bouquet of flowers."

 The delicate roses represent love.

 Accept it, she will immediately have a new title, that is, Nangong Luo's girlfriend.

 But all this happened so suddenly. Normally, Gong Qianli would have thought he was joking. Now she saw that he didn't look like he was joking. The look in those bright eyes was so serious, and there was a kind of emotion that she had never seriously discerned.

Gong Qianli shook her head and took two steps back.

Just as she was about to be pushed to the edge of the stairs, Ye Weiwei came a little closer and pulled her with his hand.

Gong Qianli realized that she seemed to have lost her soul just now.

He opened his mouth slightly, and the almost whispering voice could only be heard by himself and Ye beside him.

Gong Qianli asked: "Is he forcing me?"

Ye Weiyi told her, "No, he is not forcing you, he is forcing himself."

 The relationship between the two of them has not been explained clearly, but Nangong Luo can actually see it clearly.

 Watching her wholeheartedly and caring at any time and anywhere is obviously a very close relationship.

 But it was precisely because he was so close that he noticed everything Gong Qianli did.

Nangong Luo probably still had some confidence in his heart, knowing that he would be rejected, but he was unwilling to do so and wanted to take a gamble at this time.

 He was very happy when he won, but when he lost...

 If you lose, it means learning to let go.

Many people in this world are persistent, but their identities may not allow them to do so.

 If he loses, he is forcing himself and has to give up.

“Liu Li, we used to like to joke around, but what I, Nangong Luo, said today was absolutely not false. I am confessing to you, sincerely.”

"I do not believe."

"Liuli, you just need to answer whether you are willing or not. If you are willing, just step forward. If not..." If not, he really couldn't say it.

But Gong Qianli didn't come forward for a long time. Her eyes wandered around and had nowhere to rest. Finally, her eyes moved slightly forward and settled on a certain place.

Looking for her gaze, Nangong Luo turned his head slightly and saw the man standing at the back, standing out from the crowd.

Nangong Luo looked away, chuckled coolly, lowered his head and sighed.

 He stood up immediately and hugged the person when he was not prepared.

 But after just a hug, he let go, holding the flower in one hand and putting his other hand on Gong Qianli's shoulder.

He only said one sentence to her:

 “Goodbye, my Princess Liuli.”

  Some feelings can be protected until the end without persistence.



 (End of this chapter)

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