My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 964: Drag into the woods

Chapter 964 Dragging into the woods

“Driver, you are going the wrong way.” Yu Anran suddenly cheered up.

 But the driver didn’t stop or answer at this time.

“Stop the car, I want to get out.” Yu Anran knocked on the car window, “Stop the car!”

At this moment, the driver said, "We'll be there soon, don't be in a hurry."

The driver's tone sounded a little strange, but Yu Anran couldn't think too much about it at this time.

Yu Anran hurriedly took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call. The driver suddenly braked, causing her to lose her center of gravity and hit the back of the chair in front of her.

 The phone fell to the ground, Yu Anran lowered his head to pick it up again, and the car stopped at this moment.

Before she could pick up the phone, the driver had already opened the door and dragged her out.

The screen of the mobile phone that was left in the car suddenly lit up, but Yu Anran could no longer see it.

 Yu Anran was roughly dragged out by the driver. When he got closer, Yu Anran could smell the slightly obvious smell of alcohol on the driver's body.

 “Let me go.”

 A woman's strength is still not as strong as a man's, and Yu Anran can't break free from the man's hand.

 “Don’t shout! Otherwise I can knock you unconscious!”

 The driver’s threatening words made Yu Anran shut up.

She can't break free now. If the driver really gets crazy and knocks her out, she will have no chance and will have no choice but to be slaughtered.

The driver dragged her forward. The road was very narrow, and you could tell when you stepped on the ground that it was not a smooth road but a dirt path with some bumps.

There were woods next to her, and the driver kept dragging her into the woods. If she couldn't resist, you can imagine what terrible things would happen!

Her heartbeat fluctuated violently, and Yu Anran kept telling herself to calm down.

 Only by being calm can we come up with a solution.

Seeing himself being dragged into the woods, Yu Anran did not struggle anymore, but took the initiative to stop the driver, "Wait a minute! The woods are so thorny, don't you want to do something here?"

When the driver heard her unreasonable words, he suddenly laughed obscenely, "Does this beauty know what good thing we are going to do? It's interesting."

Yu Anran avoided his gesture of taking advantage as quickly as possible and pretended to talk to him to delay, "There are only two of us here. Since I can't escape, why make myself suffer more."

"Such a sensible beauty, of course I can't bear to let you suffer. So what does the beauty want me to do?"

 “Let’s get back to the car.”

 Perhaps she can take the opportunity to escape.

The man looked at her obedient look and nodded in agreement, "It turns out that beauties like cars."

Yu Anran felt nauseated and nauseated at the words of the wretched driver, and almost vomited.

She was pulled by the driver's hands and walked back. When she was about to reach the roadside, the driver suddenly came to his senses and changed his face, "You are stalling for time. You want to go back and get your phone, right?"

Hearing the harsh words in his ear, Yu Anran raised his foot and kicked the driver decisively. The driver said "ouch" and stopped his hand in pain.

Yu Anran wanted to run back to the car and close the door. When she walked around to the driver's seat, the driver was already chasing her.

Yu Anran immediately ran to the woods. This dark place was the easiest place to hide people.

 But she was not familiar with the terrain, and she didn't expect that there was a forest in this direction. She stepped forward and fell down.

 “You stinky bitch, you still dare to play tricks on me.”

 “You run, I let you run!”

The driver stood on the roadside and looked at Yu Anran condescendingly.

Yu Anran reached up and the driver jumped down to restrain her.

  Ah ah ah, my little beauty Ranran is really in trouble.



 (End of this chapter)

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