My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 959: love assist

Chapter 959: Love Assistance

“Yes, the wedding will be held in half a month, and the invitations will be sent to your respective homes later.”

 If it doesn’t move, it’s enough; if it moves... it will make a big splash.

  Half a month later, the child was five months old, and the belly was already obvious by then. They actually wanted to hold a wedding.

Yu Anran stared at her belly and asked, "You look like this, wouldn't it be inappropriate to hold a wedding?"

Gong Qianli has quickly imagined a lively scene, "Is it a particularly gorgeous grand wedding?"

Facing the questions raised by his two friends, Ye Weiwei shook his head.

She patiently explained to them, "Actually, we have already taken wedding photos and received wedding photos. I don't have high requirements for the wedding. As long as relatives and friends are present to bless me, I will be very happy."

 She is not the kind of person who likes to be in the limelight, and she does not want to become famous through her wedding.

As for the wedding photos, they were taken after Ye Xichen successfully proposed. At that time, her figure and face were impeccable, and it took three full months to edit the photos.

 Hold a wedding in the hope of receiving blessings from relatives and friends.

“Can you understand what I mean? It will be great if you are here by then.”


Yu Anran nodded, "Everyone has their own choice. I wish you the best. You are very lucky and you will be very happy in the future."

Gong Qianli echoed, "Yes, yes, no one in our circle doesn't know that you are the daughter-in-law of the Ye family. Holding a wedding can only make those who are curious feel itchy and envious."

“Okay Liuli, you must always remember that you are still a patient. Go back to the ward to rest. I am going home too.”

 She couldn't keep her promise when she promised to spend the night with her.

Gong Qianli is not clingy, she just waved her hand and let them go about their own business.

“There are so many people in the hospital, I’ll be fine, you go and do your own thing.”

 “Okay, I’ll see you again tomorrow.”

 “No! Let me pretend to be pitiful.”

 “Well, I wish you success.”

 Ye Weiwei and Yu Anran left the hospital together.

 The two of them happened to go home in the same direction.

“It’s been a long time since we last met, and I think you’re in much better spirits now than before.”

 “Always follow the doctor’s instructions carefully and don’t dare to mess around.”

She no longer dares to work like a restless robot like before. She now pays special attention to taking care of her body.

Furthermore, since Beiye learned the truth five years ago, he has tried his best to help Yushi Group and now has a stake in Yushi.

“You have returned to Yu’s house to stay now?”

 “Stay with my mother.”

"and you…"

 The only time Ye wanted to ask anything else, Yu Anran's cell phone screen lit up.

Yu Anran made a pause gesture and answered the phone in front of her without any scruples.

The voice was very low, and Ye Weiwei couldn't hear it clearly. He only knew that the other party was a man's voice.

I heard Yu Anran ask again: "Are you having a party?"

“OK, send me the address.”

Yu Anran really cherishes words like gold. The whole phone call consisted of the above two sentences!

Yeye Weiwei blinked, "Are An Ran going to the party?"

“My former friends from the same department include those who live in S city and those who come to work.”

 “That’s not bad.”

"I do not want to go."

 “But you have already agreed.”

 “Just building connections.”

Yu Anran held the phone face up.

Ye Weiyi lowered his eyes, and his eyesight was very good to clearly see the meeting place that had just been sent to him.

 (End of this chapter)

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