My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 953: Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law attended charity gala

Chapter 953 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law attend charity party

 After three months of training, Ye Xichen took Ye Weiwei back to S city.

This time, I went directly back to Yejia's villa to see Mrs. Ye.

 Because Ye Youwei was pregnant, Madam Ye's attitude towards her was a 170-degree turn. Because she didn't dare to let the pregnant woman suffer, she could only coax her and pamper her.

 As for the remaining ten degrees, it still comes from the unsolvable grudge between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

The servant cut the fruit plate and usually put it in front of Mrs. Ye first. Today, Mrs. Ye directly signaled, "Ask the young lady what she wants to eat. Everything will be according to her preference."

Ye Weiwei thought silently in his heart: The four words "mother is more valuable than son" are really reflected vividly in front of Madam Ye.

“By the way, there is a charity party held by the industry the night after tomorrow. You can go with me.”

"Charity gala..." After a slight hesitation, Ye Weiyi nodded happily, "Okay."

Now both Madam Ye and Ye Xichen prohibit her from working in the company, but things like charity galas have more meaning than just donating.

As expected, she should also receive an invitation letter, but since Madam Ye took the initiative to invite her to come with her, of course she would not refuse.

There is no need to dwell on things that have passed. What's more, no matter what kind of person Mrs. Ye is, she can't erase the fact that she is Ye Xichen's biological mother, and... she has been kind to her for seven years of raising her.

Because her pregnant belly has swelled a bit, Ye Weiwei can no longer wear the slim-fitting skirt she used to wear. However, her appearance in loose clothes will definitely not affect her beauty, and in the upper class circles, pregnant women have always been enviable. .

Mrs. Ye took her out, and Mrs. Ye's "good sisters" praised her one after another, and they were really envious in their hearts.

“Mrs. Ye is so lucky to have such a daughter-in-law.”

 “Chen’er has good taste, and Qiaoqiao is also a girl with benefits.”

 In front of outsiders, Mrs. Ye was particularly close to Ye Wei.

Both of them acted like they had a good relationship with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which attracted the envy of others.

 The ladies from the Gong family and the Nangong family also came.

These three families have always been on good terms, both elder and younger, because Gong Qianli and Ye Youyi have been friends since childhood, and the Gong family's wife treats Ye Youyi as half a daughter.

“Qiaoqiao, I heard from Liuli that you went to G city to study for three months, and now you have achieved success in your studies. Congratulations.”

“Thank you, Auntie, Liuli also mentioned you to me recently…”

Faced with those people, whether they are acquaintances or strangers, Ye Weiwei can communicate with them normally, be polite and considerate, and speak well.

Mrs. Ye was very satisfied with her performance today and kept the smile on her face.

 At the auction, each family took the initiative to donate their treasures for auction, and Madam Ye and Ye Yiyi belonged to the same family.

The things donated by these people are of the highest quality, because no one wants to lose face to the family.

 After all the superficial work, Madam Ye suddenly took a fancy to a jade bracelet.

  According to the host, the jade bracelet is warm in winter and cool in summer. When worn on the hand, it also has the function of accumulating energy and nourishing the spirit.

The lady sitting next to her understood what Madam Ye meant and asked tentatively: "Is Concubine Ya interested in that jade?"

Madam Ye nodded calmly, "People support jade, and jade protects people. It's a good thing."

“That’s what the Nangong family donated just now. It’s said to be very good.”

 When the bidding started, there were several companies vying for it.

 “Two hundred thousand.”

 “Three hundred thousand.”

 “Fifty thousand.”


Mrs. Ye remained calm and suddenly raised the sign when there was only one person left.

Madam Ye wants a bracelet, who should she give it to?

Ye Weiwei knows that Madam Ye wants the bracelet, what will she do?



 (End of this chapter)

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