My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 929: Harassment of mistress, mother and daughter

Chapter 929: Trouble with Mistress Mother and Daughter

Yi Xueyao and Mama Yi were kept in the small house for two whole days.

Ye Ziwei was very "considerate" in giving them plenty of water and food, but did not let them come out to use the toilet.

 “Mom, my stomach hurts…”

Yi Xueyao and Mama Yi resisted the urge to defecate, but the physical reaction drove them crazy.

Yi Xueyao came two days before Mama Yi. She didn't eat much before, but now it's been three or four days and she can't bear it anymore.

Mama Yi grabbed her daughter's hand and said, "Yaoyao, those people are clearly deliberately trying to embarrass us and want to see us make a fool of ourselves! If you keep patiently, maybe someone will come to save us by then."

Yi Xueyao clenched her teeth tightly, feeling as if her lips were about to be bitten.

 “Mom, I can’t help it anymore.”

 She couldn't help but let go of Mama Yi's hand and squatted in the corner.

 Not long after, an unpleasant stench began to fill the room.

Yixue was ashamed.

The window is very small, and the smell in the room lingers for a long time. Both mother and daughter cover their noses, and they don’t even want to say anything now.

Secretary Zhao said a few words in Ye Weiyi's ear, and Ye Weiyi laughed on the spot.

“When I think about that scene, it’s really funny.”

 “Madam, you’d better stop thinking about it, it’s so disgusting.”

 “It’s quite disgusting, keep it closed.”

 After all, punching and kicking is not the only way to retaliate. When dealing with the evil-minded mother and daughter, Ye Weiwei has no intention of reasoning with them.

Yi Xueyao and Mama Yi didn’t dare to yell in the room. They ate food and water if they could, and drank if they could.

But Ye's only purpose was to delay the time, and only released the dying person when they were both incontinent.

Yi Xueyao and Mama Yi had little strength because they were hungry, so they lay down directly on the ground after being dragged out.

 “Hey, so ugly.”

Hitting his nose with his hand, Ye Weiwei took two steps back, with expressions of disgust on all faces, including Secretary Zhao's.

Yi Xueyao and Mama Yi saw clearly that the person holding them captive was Ye Weiwei.

Yi Xueyao didn’t know the reason, but Yi’s mother knew it all. Because at the door of the operating room that day, Yi's mother slapped Ye Youwei and witnessed Ye Youwei's anger towards Bei Ye, which shows how important she is to Yu Anran.

To this day, Yi’s mother still clearly remembers the cruel words that Ye Weiwei put in her ears at that time, saying that she would definitely settle the score with them, but she didn’t expect that bad times would come so soon.

Yi Xueyao's body is not completely recovered. Although she has a life left, she is not healthy. After all this trouble, Yi Xueyao has no strength to struggle and her spirit is also very poor.

 Only Mama Yi still has this strength left.

Yi's mother was able to assess the situation. Knowing that she couldn't resist Ye Weiwei, she bowed her head directly to her, "Miss Qiao, you locked us here just to vent your anger on your friends. Now that Yaoyao and I are like this, you can let us go." Are you leaving?"

  Ye Weiwei nodded, "Of course, I won't lock you up anymore."

The voice of this sentence is so gentle, as if chatting with someone in a gentle laughter.

Seeing that her face did not have the angry expression at that time, Mama Yi really thought that Ye Weiyi was angry in her heart and laughed, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Mama Yi then reached out to help her daughter up, "Yaoyao, come on, let's go home."


Ye Weiwei suddenly said, "Don't be anxious, just meet someone before leaving."

 (End of this chapter)

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