My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 926: She wants to protect Kitano

Chapter 926 She wants to protect Beiye

 Yi Xueyao is missing.

 Hang Zimu and Yi’s mother couldn’t be contacted by mobile phone, and even after walking around several times they couldn’t find anyone. Xiang Zimu and Yi’s mother were very anxious.

 “Otherwise we ask Brother Bei for help and find someone.”

"No, that Bei Ye is still angry and will definitely not agree to us."

 “But what can we do?”

That's right, without Kitano's help, Xiang Zimu still had subordinates at his disposal to find people and things.

Yi’s mother felt sorry for her daughter, but in the end she couldn’t hold on. After listening to Xiang Zimu’s words, she went to Kitano for help.


 Ye Weiwei went to the hospital to visit Yu Anran again, each time bringing a bouquet of flowers to represent fresh vitality.

"An Ran, I see your face looks much better."

 “Dr. Gu has excellent medical skills.”

"Hey, you can just say this in private, but don't praise it in front of him. Don't look at Gu Chengxi's cold appearance, but he's really upset inside."

 Ye's only few words subverted Gu Chengxi's image again.

 But actually, Ye Weiwei was not speaking ill of Gu Chengxi behind his back.

After all, they are acquaintances who have known each other for so many years. She and Gu Chengxi have seen that all their grievances have become history. Now they can still smile and say hello when they meet. In short, she and Gu Chengxi are also old friends.

“In short, I can feel relieved when I see that your health is gradually getting better.”

 “Xiao Li, you are pregnant.”

With just such a reminder, you can understand the rest of it without even having to say it.

As a pregnant woman, you have to have a lot of worries and maintain a happy mood.

Yeye Yiwei heard others recite those words thousands of times, and his ears almost became calloused.

 Pregnant women tend to have explosive tempers. When it comes to her, she is pretty good and usually loses her temper.

But she is in a good mood today and can handle anything.

"I will keep everything you said in mind, and I promise to be obedient."

  It can be seen from her rich language and relaxed expression that she is in a good mood today.

Yu Anran asked along the way, "Are you happy today?"

Ye nodded unequivocally and said with a smile: "I caught a fish that fell into a trap."

 Catching fish that have thrown themselves into a trap saves a lot of effort, so she is naturally happy.

Yu Anran heard something in her words, but she didn't know what it was about.

The only time Ye found this suitable moment was to whisper to Yu Anran, "Anran, what are you going to do after you recover?"

 “Go back to Yu’s house.” Visit your mother and protect the company…

Ye Weiwei didn't expect Yu Anran to answer like this.

If this matter were brought to her, her first thought would definitely be to take revenge on Xiang Zimu and Yi Xueyao! And it’s the kind of revenge that involves doubling the pain!

But Yu Anran didn't say anything or do anything. Maybe she never thought about how to deal with those three people decisively.

How could Ye Yiyi be willing to do this?

“An Ran, what are you going to do to the three people who killed you?”


 She had not thought about it and could not say it out loud.

Ye Weiwei seemed to be aware of her thoughts, and he felt a little resentful, "What? Are you going to let it go?"

 “Can’t control it.” Yu Anran finally expressed his opinion.

Ye Weiwei asked: "Why can't you control it?"

Yu Anran hesitated for a moment and told her, "Xiang Zimu, do things in Beiye's name."

The people and money he sought from Zimu were all in Beiye's name. If he sued him, Beiye would not let him get involved.

 So, “can’t control it.”

Ye Weiwei sighed heavily.

 “How can you be so kind?”

   However, this little beauty is very gentle at heart.



 (End of this chapter)

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