My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 924: Would you rather give up Yaoyao or Yu Anran?

Chapter 924 Would you rather give up Yaoyao or Yu Anran?

 “Kidney? What’s wrong?”

"This kidney...the man named Bei Ye said he would look for it for you, but in the end he couldn't find anything. It's all thanks to someone trying to find Zi Mu this time, otherwise your little life will be gone!"

 Yimama just distorted the truth.

Yi Xueyao did not doubt what Mama Yi said, but she would not blame Brother Bei. Instead, she said good things for him, "Mom, Brother Bei is also working very hard to help me find it. Didn't Zi Mu also say that the manpower and material resources this time It was arranged for him by Brother Bei. Without Brother Bei, how could I live in such a good ward? "

Yi Xueyao tried her best to defend Beiye, but her mother's persuasion was ineffective, and Xiang Zimu was too embarrassed to speak.

Bei Ye, who had been standing at the door for a long time, finally couldn't help but show up.

He looked at the three people in the ward with cold eyes, and the hatred in his eyes could make him bleed!

Yi Xueyao, who still didn't know the truth, naively thought that Beiye came for her, "Brother Beiye, you finally came to see me."

Bei Ye clenched his fist tightly, and the veins in his fist became a little deeper.

"Zi Mu also lied to me and said you weren't coming, but I didn't believe it. I thought you were just delayed because of something."

Yi Xueyao was delighted to find a perfect step for Kitano.

Not only that, Yi Xueyao also deliberately said to Xiang Zimu: "I told you not to lie to me. Brother Bei still came to see me."

Yi Xueyao sat talking to them and seemed to be in much better spirits.

Thinking about Yu Anran, who was originally fine, lying lifeless on the bed due to their kidney removal operation, he really wanted to... kill someone!

As Bei Ye got closer step by step, Yi Xueyao found his eyes to be weird more and more, and there was an inexplicable feeling of guilt in her heart.

 Xiang Zimu deliberately stood in front of Yi Xueyao.

At this time, Beiye stopped, looked at Yi Xueyao and said, "It seems that you are recovering well."


Yi Xueyao suddenly didn’t know how to answer his words.

 Want to thank you? Kitano looked like she didn't need to say thank you.

 I always feel that Kitano like this is a bit scary.

When Yi Xueyao felt uneasy, Xiang Zimu protected him.

Beiye's eyes left Yi Xueyao, and suddenly grabbed Xiang Zimu's collar and dragged him out.

 “Hey…what are you doing!”

This unexpected scene caught both Yi Xueyao and Mama Yi off guard.

Bei Ye used all his strength to drag Xiang Zimu out and push him out, causing Xiang Zimu to fall to the ground without any resistance.

 Because I was beaten by Kitano two days ago, my whole body was bruised, and now it’s even more painful!

"Brother Bei! You're crazy!" Unable to resist, Xiang Zimu just wanted to run away, but Bei Ye held on to him and wouldn't let go, and every punch that landed on him was hard.

"Xiang Zimu, what did I warn you before? If you dare to touch her hair, you will pay the price!" If it makes Yu Anran lie on the bed, even after being brothers for several years, he will never show mercy. !

"Bei Ye, she can live well without one kidney, but Yaoyao must have that kidney. So what if you take your anger out on me now? If no one is found in the end, you won't save Yaoyao. ?"

 Xiang Zimu is not the kind of person who takes things easy. He didn't ask for mercy when he was pressed to the ground and beaten. Instead, he was clever and put all the problems on Kitano.

“Beiye, you should thank me for my prompt decision, otherwise you would have to go to Yu Anran in person to get the kidney in the end!”

 (End of this chapter)

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