My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 850: Yu Anran committed suicide by cutting his wrists

Chapter 850 Yu Anran commits suicide by cutting his wrists

Mrs. Yu seemed to be afraid of hearing what Kitano was about to blurt out, and her breathing was unsteady at that time.

Beiye snorted lightly, "It's your daughter's body that threatens me. There's no way I can watch my ex-girlfriend slit her wrists and commit suicide in front of me."

Beiye was just an excuse, but he didn't expect Mrs. Yu to react strongly when she heard the news that "Yu Anran committed suicide by cutting her wrists."

 “I have something else to do, so I’ll take my leave now.”

Mrs. Yu could no longer calm down to talk to Bei Ye about things, and she herself was in a mess.

Bei Ye found a clue: Why did the woman have such a big reaction when she heard that sentence?

 What he didn't know was that this sentence brought back Mrs. Yu's past memories.

  At the beginning, she forced Yu Anran to get engaged. Yu Anran held an engagement ceremony in order to protect the name of the Yu family, but she cut her wrists and committed suicide in the room that night, in order to blackmail the two families into breaking off the engagement.

That incident really frightened Mrs. Yu, and she did not interfere with Yu Anran's affairs for a long time.

Mrs. Yu believed Bei Ye’s words and felt that her daughter had been wronged for protecting the Yu family.

 But Mrs. Yu kept it in her heart and didn't say it, because she knew that what her daughter needed was more than a moment of repentance.

Mrs. Yu is more cooperative with the doctor’s treatment and wants to return to the company as soon as possible to help Yu Anran.

However, at this time, the number of door-to-door matchmakers gradually increased.

This is all because Yu Anran's stunning appearance at the banquet last time attracted the attention of many people in the upper class circles. However, at that time, many people were worried that the Yu Group might go bankrupt and did not dare to make a clear attitude towards Yu Anran.

Now we know that the Yu Group is gradually recovering, and Yu Anran is beautiful and smart, and has become a popular goddess.

 The threshold of the Yu family has almost been crossed.

Mrs. Yu also took the opportunity to find a partner for her daughter, but she also thought that these people never took action in times of crisis, and now they are here just because of her daughter's appearance.

Mrs. Yu was a little confused. She read a few, dismissed many, and finally left the contact information of a few outstanding people.

 “Butler, what do you think of these people?”

"Madam, with all due respect, these people are not worthy of the eldest lady!" The housekeeper was very upright.

The housekeeper was an old man who followed the Yu family, and his words had some weight. Mrs. Yu nodded after hearing this, thinking that what he said made sense.

“Then look, which family in city S is suitable for young people of the same age as An Ran?”

The housekeeper dare not speak nonsense.

Mrs. Yu thought about it over and over again, and what finally came to her mind was Kitano’s face.

Mrs. Yu quickly shook her head. That man was very dangerous. Yu Anran was not Beiye’s opponent at all. He would eat him to death!

 What's more, what they did back then...

 It can never be erased.


 Because there have been a lot of collaborators recently, Yu Anran worked overtime until eight o'clock in the evening before returning to the community.

 My stomach was growling as soon as I got out of the car. I touched my stomach and it felt really empty.

She took the elevator upstairs, went straight to the floor, went out, turned a corner and arrived at her small home.

 When she lowered her head and took out the keys from her bag, she suddenly heard movement behind her.

Yu Anran immediately became vigilant. While holding the key, he listened in all directions.

 She glanced back slightly, but saw no one.

 Insert the key into the hole immediately and twist it open.

 At this time, the people behind him suddenly jumped out.

Repeat tweet: "Green plum in hand, bamboo horse without worries"

 "Cute Baby 1v1: Cold Husband, Take the Move"

 (End of this chapter)

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