My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 828: be my mistress

 Chapter 828 Be my mistress

Chu Sui was stepped on hard, but Yu Anran was obviously too distracted to notice.

Ch Sui saw Yu Anran staring closely at his boss, as if he had met such an extraordinary person.

 “Alas.” Chu Sui lamented in his heart, another woman came to his door.

Yu Anran’s eyes widened when she saw the person coming!

  It was not because of infatuation or fright. Her mood at that time could not be described well no matter what words she used.

 She would never have imagined that she would meet her ex-boyfriend, Kitano, at this time and place!

Has this kind of one-in-a-million luck happened to her?

I really don’t know why God made this joke on her.

Yu Anran didn't speak until Beiye asked himself: "Miss Yu, don't you plan to let me in?"

He smiles with the corner of his mouth, which is different from the gentle gentleman who likes to smile. It’s like Yu Anran once described Beiye: There is always a certain evil spirit hidden in his smile.

 Beiye used to be very flamboyant, like a big devil.

Bei Ye is still flamboyant now, but has become a dazzling king.

His majesty and aura are full, and his heroic appearance can constantly add points to him.

 Yu Anran’s heart that had originally convinced herself to calm down began to be unable to calm down again.

 But serious things always have to be talked about.

Yu Anran no longer remembers how Kitano called her Miss Yu just now. She now introduces herself again, "Hello, my name is Yu Anran."


Bei Ye did not follow those strict rules. Even when Yu Anran extended his hand when introducing himself, he did not hold it.

Yu Anran was very embarrassed.

Chu Sui and Yu Anran's secretaries were standing next to their bosses. The considerate Chu Sui always had to explain to them, "Our boss doesn't like to have contact with others..."

After Balabala said a lot, Yu Anran’s secretary expressed his disgust just like Yu Anran himself.

 But they all whispered it, and no one could spread it.

Yu Anran asked how Yang could prevent the tragedy of the Mo family from happening?

Bei Ye replied: "I am a person who does things as I please. As long as we can talk, the Yu family can come back to life."

Yu Anran roughly understood what he meant.

“Bei Ye, let’s show that regardless of our old friendship, let’s talk about my company in front of us first.”

"I know the situation about your company, and I know what should be said and what should not be said. I can also tell you frankly that I don't need to annex the little Yu family, I have the ability to help you."

Yu Anran couldn't help but feel excited when she heard Bei Ye's words, but her expression was unstable and she couldn't see the mood swings caused by her words.

Yu Anran asked back: "So Mr. Bei, what benefits do you want to get from us?"

Bei Ye waved his hand and asked Chu Sui to go out.

Seeing this, Yu Anran also asked his secretary to escape temporarily.

 When all the distracting light bulbs disappeared, Beiye took a step in the direction of Yu Anran.

Every time he took a step closer, Yu Anran subconsciously took a step back.

 One step at a time, as if chasing.

Yu Anran has never been so uncool in the past five years!

 “I only have one condition, and that is that you be mine…”

  Just when Pei Ye said three words, Yu Anran's heartbeat was already beating as fast as a drum.

 The atmosphere between the two was rising, and Yu Anran felt that the hand he was holding was sweating.

 She didn't know what Kitano was going to say next, she was a little scared and somewhat looking forward to it.

Bei Ye laughed evilly in her ear, "Be my mistress!"

 (End of this chapter)

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