My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 796: Xiaomo has no amnesia

Chapter 796 Xiaomo has no amnesia

When she saw Situ Yan appear, Xiao Mo looked away, bit her lip and said nothing, looking like she had been greatly wronged.

Situ Yan rushed over to protect her and asked Situ Xiao, "Is this why you came to my villa to say this?"

“Brother, you protect me very closely. It seems that this mistress is different from the previous ones.”

Situ Xiao was talking to Situ Yan, but his eyes were fixed on Xiaomo.

Seeing Xiao Mo's hurt expression, Situ Yan felt protective in his heart and scolded Situ Xiao, "If you came to my villa to cause trouble, go back to Situ's house by yourself."

When Situ Xiao heard that her brother was going to drive her away because of an inconspicuous woman, she immediately felt unhappy, "Brother, I am your biological sister, but you have to protect an outsider here!"

"Do you know that when I went to Mo's house just now, I got angry when I saw Qiao Ling's arrogant look! It would be best for her child to be aborted like An Ruan!" Situ Xiao was blinded by jealousy and blurted out vicious words. , I can’t hold it back even if I want to!

Situ Yan immediately scolded her, "Situ Xiao! How could you have such evil thoughts!"

I always thought that my sister just had a bit of an arrogant temper, but I never thought that she could say such vicious words.

Situ Xiao also realized that she had made a mistake. She did not continue to curse, but she felt disgusted when she saw Xiao Mo clinging to her brother's arms.

Situ Xiao is unhappy, so he has to find someone to vent to, right?

 Isn’t Xiaomo the best venting bucket?

"Brother, you really like Qiao Li, right? I just joked about her, and you are so anxious. Oh, that's right. After all, she has a face that will make a country beautiful. If you look away from my prejudice against her, , I might also be fascinated by that face!”

Situ Xiao deliberately flattered Gao Yewei and hit Xiaomo **** the face.

 Seeing the changes in Xiao Mo's expression, Situ Xiao felt happy in his heart.

“Xiaoxiao, shut up and stop talking nonsense!”

"What are you talking nonsense about me? Do you dare to swear to God that you have not had any thoughts about Qiao Lian? You just don't dare to show it."

Situ Xiao will stop when he sees good things, and run away if he causes trouble, "I won't stay here to hinder your eyes, brother. I'm going home. As for you..."

Situ Xiao looked at Xiao Mo and laughed twice, "I wish you happiness."

 This last sentence is so ironic and ironic!

 But Situ Yan didn’t dare to do anything to his biological sister.

 At the moment I can only coax people.

But Xiang Xiaomo pushed him away, ran back to the room and locked the door.

Situ Yan apologized outside the door, but Xiao Mo refused to open the door.

The knocking on the door continued for a while, then Xiao Mo slowly opened the door a crack and said to him: "Brother Yan, please stop knocking. I want to calm down. I'm sorry."

“Xiaomo, don’t listen to Xiaoxiao’s nonsense.”

“Xiao Mo, let’s ask Brother Yan, are your feelings for that Qiao Lian just Xiaoxiao’s nonsense?”

Situ Yan’s hands froze in mid-air and he really didn’t continue.

 Xiao Mo locked the door behind her, and her sad expression immediately turned into anger and jealousy.

She frantically threw the pillows on the bed on the floor. If she hadn't been afraid of making a fuss, she would have wanted to destroy everything in the room to vent her anger!


 “Just because of that face, everyone likes you!”

 “How come you have had such good luck since you were a child?”

  "Ye Weiwei! I will never let you have an easy time!"

 (End of this chapter)

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