My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 771: She lost her memory

Chapter 771 She lost her memory

 “Go down and take a look!” Situ Yan felt a little panicked when encountering a life-threatening situation, so he got out of the car to take a look himself.

 She turned out to be a woman in her twenties.

 “Master, she is still breathing!”

 “Send to the hospital quickly.”

Not daring to delay any longer, Situ Yan and the driver worked together to lift the young woman into the car and rushed to the hospital immediately.

There was no surveillance on the way they came. Since the woman's life and death could not be determined, Situ Yan did not truthfully confess that his car hit the woman.

 After an emergency operation, the doctor left them with good news.

 The good news is that the woman's life is safe.

 In this case, Situ Yan was finally relieved.


The doctor added, "Although her life is fine, the young lady seems to have a serious illness and needs to be treated with other drugs."

Situ Yan waved his hand and said, "Treat her and the cost will be charged to my account."

But thinking that the matter was related to him, Situ Yan took the initiative to bear all the trouble and even gave the woman the best room to let the doctor give her good treatment.

  Anyway, their Situ family has a big business, so they don’t lack the money for medical treatment.

 The next day, Situ Yan received a call from the hospital, saying that the woman woke up, but... something unexpected happened.

That woman has lost her memory!

 This news caught Situ Yan off guard.

Situ Yan went to the hospital with bad intentions. When he opened the ward door, he saw the woman wearing sterile hospital clothes sitting on the bed, her head lowered, wondering what she was thinking.

Situ Yan himself is not the kind of indifferent person, plus he feels guilty for bumping into someone yesterday. When he sees someone here, he doesn't know how to speak for a moment.

“Miss, please excuse me.”

Situ Yan doesn’t know her name yet.

Although the woman had lost her memory, she could understand the words. When she raised her head and saw Situ Yan's unfamiliar face, she hid back as if she was frightened.

 But behind her was the back of the bed, so where could she hide?

The woman stared straight at him with misty eyes, her tightened look was more like a lost lamb, innocent and harmless, which made people feel pity.

Situ Yan’s heart seemed to be hit by something at that time.

When he saw Ye Ziyi a few days ago, he was also attracted by her beautiful appearance, especially her beautiful eyes, which were full of aura and particularly attractive.

Looking at this strange woman now, although her appearance is much inferior to that of Ye Yiyi, the same thing is that both of them look like a weak type, which can easily make men feel protective!

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person." Situ Yan tried to clear his name, "It rained heavily last night and the road was slippery. An accident happened. My driver accidentally hit you. I'm very sorry for that. But I, Situ Yan, Yan is definitely not someone who evades responsibility. If you don’t believe it, you can ask the doctor. We sent you to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. I paid for your medical expenses without leaving. "

 Seeing the woman's eyes turning, she seemed a little shaken.

Situ Yan added: "I'm just saying this because I hope you know that I have no ill intentions towards you. Miss, do you remember where your home is? I'll take you back."

 The man on the bed shook his head and refused to speak. He was like a frightened bird, full of vigilance against everything.

Situ Yan asked the doctor about the situation. The doctor said that it was possible that a blood clot had formed from the impact on his head, causing his amnesia.

"You can't remember anything at all? Including your own name, do you have any impression?"


 (End of this chapter)

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