My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 768: Motorcycle rushed over, injured

Chapter 768 Motorcycle rushed over and was injured

 “Get out of the way!”

When the crazy motorcycle rushed behind him, Ye Weiwei made a decisive decision and pushed the two people around him away, and turned around in the opposite direction.

 All this happened within seconds, and by the time everyone reacted, the motorcycle had already driven away.

 One of the twins who was pushed away fell to the ground, Mo Ruoxue, and his elbow was scratched.

The agile Ye Youyi was lucky enough to escape, but the cake in his hand was smashed to pieces.

This unexpected episode was really exciting.

Sister Mo Ruoyu pulled her sister Mo Ruoxue up, and the two came to thank Ye Weiwei again, "Thank you so much, sister-in-law. Fortunately, you reacted quickly."

Ye was the only one not to take credit. She saw Mo Ruoxue covering the other hand with one hand, which was injured.

"Are you seriously injured? Let's go find a place to treat the wound quickly." Ye Weiwei was the first to care about her sadness and sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry, I blame me for not using my strength and not paying attention, which caused you to be injured."

 But the twins couldn't blame her.

“Second sister-in-law, please don’t blame yourself. If you hadn’t reacted so quickly, the motorcycle would have run over us, and the consequences would be unimaginable!”

"Yes, Second Sister-in-law, we should thank you very much. If you apologize to us again, you will really make it difficult for us."

 The twins are sensible and considerate.

Especially Mo Ruoxue, who had just experienced a thrilling experience, knew what it was like. She would rather suffer a minor injury than be knocked down by that motorcycle!

 Because that’s really scary!

After treating Mo Ruoxue's wound, the three of them went home directly. Mo Ruoxue's wound was discovered, which attracted a lot of questioning.

 The twins told everyone what happened, and the people involved were all frightened.

 Old Mrs. Mo, who cared about her granddaughter, felt very distressed about Mo Ruoxue's injury.

Situ Xiao had not left the Mo family at that time. After caring about Mo Ruoxue's wounds, he also pretended to praise Ye Weiyi, "Qiao Qiao is so powerful. Not only did she push Ruo Yu and Ruoxue away, but she also ensured that she remained unscathed."

She chose the words very deliberately, not just to remind everyone: Ruoxue was injured, but Ye Weiwei was unscathed.

 Although this sentence does not have much effect, it is enough to make people feel uncomfortable.

Ye Zi drank a cup of tea calmly. When the tea was finished, a slight look of panic appeared on her face.

“I was so scared at the time, but I thought I couldn’t let Ruoyu and Ruoxue get hurt, so I pushed them away first. Fortunately, the motorcycle rushed forward, otherwise I would... I would..."

 It’s really hard to say what I want to buy later.

But it’s enough for everyone to circle the key points.

The mother of the twins held Ye Youwei's hand and kept comforting her, "Don't be afraid, Qiaoqiao, the matter is over. Thanks to your kindness, you child, you even thought of pushing those two children away at that critical moment. It's really very special." Thank u!"

"Auntie, it's okay. Ruoyu and Ruoxue treat me very well, so of course I will save them. I just feel bad that Ruoxue was injured."

 Ye Weiwei did not deliberately claim credit, nor did he avoid Mo Ruoxue's injury. He just told the truth.

 But compared with minor injuries, everyone knows that saving lives is more important!

Comparing this, the twins thought that Ye was only blaming herself, and began to persuade her not to take it to heart. The twins' mother also tried to comfort her and gave her something to express their gratitude.

The wind direction changed suddenly, and Situ Xiao took a deep breath!

 “She...did you offend someone?”

Our little bell is very powerful! Not only agile, but also eloquent

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 (End of this chapter)

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