My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 741: a little itchy

Chapter 741 A little itchy

The first person she saw when she was most critical and frightened was Ye Xichen. At that time, his white and smooth cheeks looked particularly beautiful against the slanting sunlight.

 “Just like the prince in the fairy tale!”

Ye is the only one who relies on this belief and keeps pestering Ye Xichen for a hug.

Ye Xichen refused, so he turned his back to her.

At that time, the only person in the night was a ghost elf. She thought: Wouldn’t you hug him? Then carry it!

The moment this thought flashed through his mind, Ye Weiwei took the opportunity to climb onto Ye Xichen's back.

 In fact, Ye Xichen, who just wanted to rest, lay down his gun innocently, and was stuck by the little guy for a long time.

 So, the first time they met, it was considered acquaintance, they carried each other, hugged each other, and then...

Ye Xichen walked with Ye Weiwei on his back, his steps were heavy but steady.

Ye Weiwei leaned on his shoulder and felt very at ease.

After a while, she felt a little itchy on her face.

I scratched it with my hands and thought it was summer mosquitoes that were causing trouble.

“Brother, please put me down. Let’s walk faster. There seems to be a mosquito biting me here. It’s very itchy.”

After listening to Ye Weiwei's words, Ye Xichen put her down as expected.

Ye Xichen's body is not suitable for strenuous exercise. She can walk with her on her back, but it is not possible for two people to walk as fast as flying together.

Ye Weiwei was tickling while walking on the road. Originally, one of her hands and Ye Xichen were holding each other, but after a while, her hands began to have no time to scratch.

 At first, she didn’t see any traces of mosquito bites on her face, but gradually, she felt itching more and more.

When she used her two hands to scratch the itch again, Ye Xichen tightly held her hands tightly, "Don't scratch the itch, you will scratch your face."

 “But it’s so itchy.”

“Just be patient, we’ll go down right away.”

There is no cable car in the middle of the mountain road, and they have already walked most of the way. Going back would be a longer journey, so they can only continue going down.

 Because of the itching on their faces, the two of them sped up and quickly arrived at the parking spot.

At this moment, through the street light, I could see red marks gradually appearing on Ye Weiyi’s face, especially around her nose, which looked a bit serious.

Ye Xichen frowned and told her cautiously and seriously, "Xiao Lingdang, I'll drive, but you have to promise not to scratch your face, okay?"

"Hmm..." Ye Weiwei nodded. It could be seen from the tangled expression on her face that she was really enduring the pain.

Because he was anxious, Ye Xichen didn't dare to stay too long, so he started the car and drove away in the dust.


 Adopting the principle of proximity, Ye Xichen's car drove to the nearest hospital.

Ye Weiwei clasped her fingers completely behind her back, because she was afraid that she would make a move if she couldn't help it!

The car stopped in an open-air parking lot near the hospital. Ye Xichen held her chin with one hand and took a closer look.

Originally I thought it was a mosquito bite, but there were no pink pimples on her face at all. Instead, it looked like red spots due to allergies.

 “Brother, what’s wrong with me?”

"Don't be afraid, it's okay." Ye Xichen comforted her.

After getting out of the car, Ye Xichen held her hands to ensure that she could not scratch them at will.

Just after they left, a woman wearing black clothes and a peaked cap slowly walked out and stood next to where they parked.

She turned her left hand over, and there were several nails of medium and small sizes between her fingers.

 Hands down on the peaked cap, the woman's face was filled with a smile of success.

This mysterious bad woman definitely didn’t appear for no reason, think about it?



 (End of this chapter)

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