My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 705: stay innocent

Chapter 705: Keeping Innocence

"Help me, Qiaoqiao, come and save me, wuwuwu...I'"

Xia Xiyun cried twice on the phone, and then the call was hung up.

 “Yunyun, yunyun!”

Suddenly, she remembered that Xia Xiyun said she wanted to go out to meet her boyfriend after studying in the evening. She also thought about calling Xia Xiyun and asking her when she would return to the dormitory. Unexpectedly, Xia Xiyun's call came faster and more coincidentally. , but he came to ask for help!

"Xuexue, Luoluo, come out quickly, something happened!"

 The only voice in the night turned the eyes of Leng Ruxue and Luo Yuxi.

The two people hurriedly poked their heads out of the bed to ask what was going on, and then climbed down the railing of the bed.

Ye Weiwei is contacting Ye Xichen at the moment, hoping to find someone quickly with the help of the contacts Ye Xichen has established in G City for four years.

“Yunyun called for help. I don’t know what happened to her. Let me find her location.”

Xia Xiyun will give them her address when she goes out, but just in case, Ye Weiwei has to check her current location.

 “Let’s go out first!”


 The three of them set out together.

 Ye Weiwei had learned something about electronic software tracking systems before, and it came in handy now!

 Finding a taxi at the school gate, Ye Weiwei also accelerated his search for Xia Xiyun's location.

Xia Xiyun had only been out for a few hours and could not call the police to file a case. They had to rely on themselves.

"I found it!" Xia Xiyun's last call came from near a hotel.

She always does things according to her ability. She brought Leng Ruxue and Luo Yuxi with her just to deal with unexpected factors and make as many preparations as possible to ensure safety.

Urged the driver to speed up and quickly arrived at the hotel.

How can she check such a big place?

At this moment, Ye Xichen called and told her a specific room.

That night, the only one who rushed over with two other roommates saw that the door was suddenly pushed open, and a man walked out of the door holding a long-haired girl.

Ye Weiwei rushed over and saw that it was Han Xingye!

 The girl in his arms was the Xia Xiyun they were anxious to find.

 “What did you do to Yunyun?”

Combined with Xia Xiyun's previous distress call, the first thought that came to Ye Weiyi's mind was of course what happened between Han Xingye and Xia Xiyun.



 Xia Xiyun was talking about dating her boyfriend before.

Ye Weiwei's mind was spinning very quickly and he reacted instantly. Instead of embarrassing Han Xingye, he looked at Xia Xiyun anxiously and asked, "What's going on?"

Han Xingye explained concisely, "I was drugged and knocked unconscious by me."

This sentence probably means that Xia Xiyun was drugged, so Han Xingye knocked her out?

 “Send to the hospital quickly.”

Without any time to explain, the group rushed to the hospital with Xia Xiyun, who was knocked unconscious.

 After being sent in, Ye Weiwei finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Han Xingye.

 In any case, Han Xingye's character is still trustworthy.

“Han Xingye, what’s going on? Why are you with Yunyun? Who drugged her?”

Han Xingye explained in a low voice, "I don't know why Xia Xiyun's call came to me. After I answered it, I heard some strange noises. When I rushed to the hotel, I saw...she was being pressed by an old man. Underneath..."

 The words that follow are hard to say.

 Ye Weiwei was in a state of confusion.

 “So she…”

 (End of this chapter)

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