My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 699: I'm the only one who treats you sincerely

 Chapter 699 I am the only one who treats you sincerely

"I'm doing it for you! As of now, I'm the only one who is really good to you. Look at the Qiao Ling you like. Now that you've worked so hard for the Ye Group, she hasn't shown up even once!"

“I’m afraid I was just pretending to take advantage of you!”

Mrs. Ye insisted that everything she did was not for personal gain. The three words "for you" were like a thousand pounds weighing on Ye Xichen, becoming a shackles of imprisonment.

By the way, I would like to compare Ye Yiwei.

Ye Xichen was slightly moved when he heard the word "Qiao Li", but the meaningful look in his eyes was fleeting.

“Mother, I have my own arrangements for the company. You should just enjoy your own generous life as usual.”

 The implication was that he did not want to see Mrs. Ye involved.

 But Mrs. Ye was very unhappy when she heard this.

"Chen'er, what do you mean? I am your mother. Everything I do is for your sake. I will not harm you!"

 “I appreciate my mother’s kindness.”

Just from the change in his name to Madam Ye, we already knew that many things would be irreversible once they happened.

Mrs. Ye worked step by step, and finally pushed him, who had no blood relationship with the Ye family, to the position of the leader of the Ye family!

 As for the only night...

 Since the day Ye Hantian was imprisoned, they had indeed not seen each other again.

 Some people think that he is taking the opportunity to fight for this position, just like Ye Hantian and Madam Ye.

 As for Ye Ziyi’s thoughts at the moment, he couldn’t be sure.

 At least, Mo Si didn’t believe it either!

“That kid clearly knows that he is not Ye Hantian’s son, but he still occupies that position. What else is he doing than coveting the Ye Group’s property?”

“You see, that girl Qiao Qiao hasn’t seen him recently either. She must be extremely disappointed in him.”

Hearing Mo Si's thoughts, Pei Yichen touched his nose awkwardly.

Although he had a lot of opinions about Ye Xichen before, he felt that Ye Xichen was not the kind of person who was greedy for power.

"Mr. Mo Si, it's too early to draw a conclusion now. As for the lady's question, it's not convenient for me to ask more."

But he thought that according to Ye Weiwei's thoughts about Ye Xichen, he would not give up so easily.

Ye Weiwei stood behind the wall and heard the conversation between Mo Si and Pei Yichen clearly.


 In the dead of night.

 The security guard guarding the gate is on duty in rotation.

The secretary took a nap outside and continued to make coffee.

 There are three layers of lights on the tall building that stay on all night.

 The secretary glanced at the president's office and shook his head helplessly.

 He also changed his job to two places before meeting Ye Xichen and being appreciated.

 He has never seen a boss as hands-on as Ye Xichen.

Ye Hantian was imprisoned. On the surface, Ye's Group was still so glorious, but in reality it was seriously damaged.

·When the percentage point decline in performance exceeds the previous lowest point, crisis after crisis increases the burden on the company.

 There are other big families who are eyeing the Ye's Group's fat piece of meat and want to take advantage of the opportunity to annex it, just like the Ye's Group did not hesitate to eat the Qiao Family.

Ye Xichen is indeed capable, but he is still young and lacks experience.


 The secretary could only sigh deeply when he saw this.

 As a secretary, although he has been assisting the president in doing things, he is unable to access some confidential matters.

Just as the secretary lowered his head and sighed, he suddenly heard footsteps approaching from far away.

The footsteps were very light, but in this quiet night, he heard them very clearly.

Haha, who is coming?



 (End of this chapter)

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