My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 672: Two people have sex

Chapter 672 Two people have a relationship

 Mrs. Ye gave birth to a child for Mo Si, but no one discovered the truth, and there was not even the slightest suspicion. This means that when the two had a relationship, Mrs. Ye and Ye Hantian were already together.

"By the way, according to Ye Xichen's birthday, he should have been conceived when Ye Hantian and Madam Ye just got married."

  Meaning, not long after Ye Hantian and Madam Ye got married, Madam Ye had a relationship with Mo Si?

 The truth of this matter seems to be more interesting than they imagined.

Pei Yichen raised doubts, "Mrs. Ye's feelings for Ye Hantian began when she was in college. She really liked her. Why did she cheat on her in the early stages of marriage?"

The only thing Ye knew without thinking was, "Their union at that time was not due to mutual love, but unrequited love."

 It is Mrs. Ye who likes Ye Hantian, and Ye Hantian likes her mother Hua Qianhui.

 Unrequited love is the most painful.

 The marriage between Mrs. Ye and Ye Hantian is not necessarily a harmonious and beautiful life.

So Mrs. Ye couldn’t bear the loneliness and had an affair?

"Mrs. Ye, she is a person who pays great attention to status. Since she is married to Ye Hantian, even if the relationship between the couple is not good, she will not let outsiders know, and she will not let herself down."

No matter whether Mo Si's status is better than that of Ye Hantian, it is called depravity for Mrs. Ye to hang out with him under the guise of a "married woman".

This is not a good thing in the first place and would be embarrassing.

Pei Yichen tested Mo Si, and Ye Weiwei tested Mrs. Ye. The two of them really didn't show any guilt.

Ye Yiwei and Pei Yichen asked, "Is it because our hints were not obvious enough for them to understand?"

“It’s impossible. If you do something bad, even if others don’t mean it, they will think about it.”

 This is strange!

The two of them seemed to have lost their memory and showed no memory of "having sex".

 But Ye Xichen is indeed the child of two people.

“Could it be that they had a relationship but didn’t know it?”

“What circumstances would allow two people with family backgrounds who are not promiscuous to do such a thing..."

They didn’t even dare to guess.

Pei Yichen really wanted to tell Mo Si directly: Ye Xichen is your son, his own flesh and blood.

 In this case, maybe Mo Si will tell him the truth about that year.

 But every time the words came to his lips, he couldn't ask.

Pei Yichen could only urge Ye Weiwei to agree to let him reveal it to everyone.

"Miss, I really can't stand it anymore. If we continue to investigate like this, there are so many limiting factors. Relying solely on calculation may not necessarily be the truth of the matter."

 “You’re right, but we still can’t say it.”

Pei Yichen thought about it over and over, and an idea came to his mind, "Miss, since you insist on this, I have another idea."

Ye Weiwei snapped his fingers at the same time, "What a coincidence, I also have an idea."

"You speak first."

 “It’s better that you speak first.”

The two of them were humble, and Pei Yichen said with a faint smile: "If your identity is not revealed, wouldn't it be better to wait until Ye Xichen gets the Ye Group and then let Ye Hantian know that he actually has no heir?"


This is of course good!


 “But time waits for no one.”

Ye Hantian is now in his prime. When he completely hands over the company to Ye Xichen, will he have to wait until the Year of the Monkey?

“Miss, please tell me if you have any good ideas.”

"Let Mo Si meet Madam Ye directly. Then we will know what their relationship is."

 Ye Yiwei decided to do something cruel!

 She can be decisive and resolute in matters that won't harm Ye Xichen anyway!

   So sleepy, I finally got home from school



 (End of this chapter)

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