My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 662: The two have a parent-child relationship

Chapter 662 The two have a parent-child relationship

"I think you misunderstood the employee's dismissal. She left because of her own mistakes. I have never even seen that woman from beginning to end. But somehow the rumor spread."

"Of course, rumors stop at the wise. My explanation is very clear, and a smart person like Madam Ye should be able to understand it."

Ye Weiwei was the first to finish the battle with two sentences, and his explanation was clear. If Madam Ye was still doubtful, she was a fool who believed the rumors.

Mrs. Ye was speechless by Ye's only two sentences.

 She used to think that the weak and easily bullied Ye Weiwei was useless, but now his changed appearance gave her even more headaches.

"If you don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If you have a clear conscience, why do you need to tell me so much?"

 “I’m just explaining the reason, I don’t have any other ideas.”

  She has said everything she needs to say. If Madam Ye still doesn't want to believe it, what can she do?

Now being able to talk to Madam Ye calmly on the surface is for Ye Xichen's sake.

 By the way... Ye Xichen!

Pei Yichen almost forgot about sending her the results!

She took out her phone, lowered her eyes, and quickly clicked on the photo that Pei Yichen sent her. She slid her finger to the place where the results were displayed: According to the DNA result analysis, without considering the interference of multiple births, close relatives, and external influences, the two people had There is a parent-child relationship.

Although she had speculated, when she actually saw the result, the shock in her heart was like a chill that instantly hit her whole body.

The hand holding the phone shook. Mrs. Ye looked at her dissatisfiedly, as if she had said something rude.

 Ye was the only one who couldn't listen.

Such an exciting truth was suddenly revealed, and I’m afraid it’s unbelievable even to say it.

 She raised her head and glanced at Madam Ye. She saw Madam Ye's gorgeous and noble clothes and her arrogant and confident look, which was the aura that the hostess of the Ye family should have.

  When I lived in the Ye family, I had always heard Mrs. Ye say that Ye Xichen was the only heir of the Ye family group. I didn't expect that there was a big secret hidden in it.

Mrs. Ye happens to be here, why don't she take the opportunity to test a few words?

“Mrs. Ye, you always say that Ye Xichen is the only heir to the Ye Group. Is that true?”

 She carefully observed Mrs. Ye's expression. If there was any sign of guilt, she should be able to detect it.


  When Mrs. Ye heard her question, she could only sneer and feel proud of herself.

 Taunting her for asking a stupid question and not bothering to explain at all. Because for Madam Ye, Ye Xichen is her pride.

 Indeed, there is no guilty conscience or any other abnormal reaction.

If it was just pretending, it would be too powerful.

Or maybe her question was not clear enough and Madam Ye still couldn't understand the meaning?

“I mean, are you sure that Ye Xichen is Ye Hantian’s son?”

"Qiao Li! Although you have a grudge against our family, I have always felt that you are somewhat sincere towards my son. What do you mean now? What unpleasant words do you want to say to slander my son's identity? You are such a person It’s simply ulterior motives!”

 Mrs. Ye is really angry.

Ye Weiwei took in her series of reactions, raised the corner of her mouth and smiled slightly, "Since the wife of the chairman of the Ye Group does not welcome me so much, there is no need for me to stay here."

She passed by Mrs. Ye and put her fingers on Mrs. Ye's shoulder.

What did the little bell do in the end?



 (End of this chapter)

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