My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 608: How long are you going to lie on me

Chapter 608 How long are you going to lie on me

  At such close contact, she almost felt like she couldn't breathe!

 “How long do you want to lie on top of me?”

Until the cold voice reminded her, Gong Qianli immediately stood up.

“Thank you, Doctor Gu, you helped me again.”

Ever since she changed her name to Doctor Gu last time, Gong Qianli feels that the word "Doctor Gu" is more interesting than "Brother Gu".

It seems that every time, she can fall into Gu Chengxi's arms accurately.

 No, it was Gu Chengxi who took the initiative to help every time!

Thinking about it this way, I feel a little closer to my goal.

Gong Qianli arranged her clothes and stared at Gu Chengxi with her chin in one hand, "Doctor Gu, do you think we are destined to be together? You can save me every time in the most critical moment."

This kind of topic is very emotional, and anyone with high emotional intelligence or someone with other thoughts will pick up the topic, but Gu Chengxi just said: "Next time, I can turn a blind eye."

  You are simply a typical example of being single based on your ability!

Gong Qianli liked his ascetic and cold tone. The more Gu Chengxi distanced himself, the more she wanted to conquer him, "No, no, if you turn a blind eye, I will suffer."

Gu Chengxi did not answer.

As soon as Nangong Luo stepped into the room, he saw Gong Qianli next to Gu Chengxi, with his body slightly sideways, talking to Gu Chengxi.

But Gu Chengxi was taciturn and almost ignored her.

But Gong Qianli was not discouraged. Instead, she became more and more courageous. She said: "Based on Gu Chengxi's good looks alone, his face is also a pleasing sight."

Nangong Luo did not say hello to them and sat alone on one side.

He was chatting with Gu Li on his cell phone, but he couldn't help but look in Gong Qianli's direction from time to time.

Gu Li was fighting fiercely beside him, "Brother Luo, someone is coming from the other side, please save me quickly, I haven't developed yet!"

Gu Li asked for help, but received no response. He just watched helplessly as his game character lay dead on the ground.


Gu Li stood up, looked down at Nangong Luo's movements, and found that he was killing the enemy one after another with great speed with both hands.

 “Brother Luo, 666.”

With his teammates so awesome, Gu Li plunged into a new round of battle.

Having played a game, I successfully pushed the tower.

Gu Li cheered with joy, but Nangong Luo lost his cell phone.

Don’t get me wrong, he just threw his phone on the seat next to him.

“Brother Luo, what’s wrong with you? We won. Let’s play again quickly.”

 “Children, let them play by themselves, don’t get addicted to games.”

Gu Li clicked his tongue twice and started a new game by himself. At the same time, he did not forget to complain: "I can't understand you adults."

"What do you think of my brother and Sister Liuli? Are they a good match?"

“A good match? Is there something wrong with your eyes?” Nangong Luo turned venomous in a second.

A few more friends came next to her. When they saw Gong Qianli, they teased her about why she didn't stay with Nangong Luo.

Gong Qianli explained that she and Nangong Luo had no special concern, but others laughed.

They saw Gong Qianli walking towards them and directly called Nangong Luo's name, "Nangong Luo, they still don't believe me when I tell them that we have nothing to do with each other. Please tell them."

 “What do you want me to say?”

"Just say that we are just serious friends, friendship, friendship is not love. Just tell them to stop making fun of us. I can't even fall in love properly."

Nangong Luo remained silent.

Gong Qianli picked up his hand with one hand and said, "Quick, tell me quickly, let's see if they dare to make fun of us in the future."

Wearing Hanfu to participate in the Dragon Boat Festival activities on Qixi Festival today, it’s super nice!



 (End of this chapter)

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