My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 568: The man you love is lying to you

Chapter 568 The man you love is lying to you

"Ye Weiwei, you are crazy! What does it matter to me if grandma is dead!" Li Moer was about to explode.

Ye Weiwei wrung his hands and could hear the bones cracking.

“Stay strong! Both nurse Zhang and the housekeeper have confessed to us that you caused grandma to fall down the stairs, threatened the housekeeper to conceal the truth, and bribed nurse Zhang to drug grandma while she was lying in the hospital bed!”

Li Mo'er's ability to lie is much better than others.

Even if it was pointed out, before there was any evidence, she denied it without blushing, "I didn't! I don't know what nonsense you are talking about!"

It was her skillful lying and acting skills that fooled everyone for a long time.

Although Li Mo'er was scared, she kept calming her inner emotions. She warned herself to stay calm and not to be tricked by Ye Weiyi.

 “I don’t want to stay here with you and talk about weird things, I’m leaving!”

Li Moer turned around and wanted to run away, but found that Pei Yichen was behind the door, completely blocking the entrance and exit.

Li Mo'er couldn't get out, so Ye Weiwei continued to press, "Then do you dare to confront them?"

Li Mo'er said stiffly, "Of course! I, Li Mo'er, have a clear conscience. Just find those people you mentioned."

"Come here? I think you have misunderstood." Ye Weiwei curled his lips slightly and sneered, "Of course you have to go to the police station for such a serious matter. It would be better to go to court and explain it clearly."

 Police stations and courts!

Such sharp words made Li Moer have to pay attention.

  She objected, "I won't go to any police station! Don't slander anyone."

Ye Weiwei pressed him hard: "Since you haven't done anything wrong, why don't you dare to go?"

Li Mo'er's mind was spinning very quickly and he rambled on, "I'm nominally Miss Yejia. How could I go to a place like that? If word spread, it would have a great impact on my reputation. I won't fall in love with someone like you." It’s the villain’s fault!”

Pei Yichen felt particularly annoyed when she showed herself to be protecting her own interests.

Pei Yichen blamed himself when he thought that he had allowed Li Mo'er to stay with Mrs. Qiao for so long.

"Li Mo'er, we have obtained the witness and physical evidence. If you repent and apologize now, maybe I can be merciful when the time comes."

“Bah, I don’t need you to look at me with that charity look on your face. I’m not wrong about anything and I won’t admit it!”

Li Moer insisted that those things had nothing to do with him.

 Ye Yiyi was not in a hurry at all.

She suddenly took out a pen and pressed the button on the top, and the pen started to make a sound.

 There is something that nurse Zhang and the housekeeper said.

There are also voices from some people who were carefully interrogated in the hospital, "Actually, when I was taking care of the old lady, I found bruises on her body, as if she had been pinched."

“I didn’t take it seriously when I saw it for the first time, and I was a little suspicious the second time. But then one time the old lady made an unclear sound, and I was sure that those marks were done intentionally.”

 After listening to a recording, Li Moer knew that Ye Weiwei had indeed obtained the evidence.

At this moment, Li Moer was not angry but smiled, "Okay, I admit it."

"You are finally willing to admit it! Li Mo'er, I won't let you go this time!"

“Are you going to sue me? I can tell you that the things I did before went so smoothly thanks to someone’s help.”


“Ye Weiwei, do you know that the man you love the most has actually been cheating on you?”

                               gyous governments are addicted to being addicted to the love of bamboo horses.

“You are my future wife, so I should kiss you!”

When she was 4 years old, he bit her on the mouth and kissed her for life.

Shi Zhan, who is cynical, is good at fighting and resisting. What he is best at is crawling through Yan Weixi's window, "Daughter-in-law, I am afraid that you will be lonely alone, so I will warm your bed."

In Shi Zhan’s eyes, Yan Weixi is just a soft rabbit, someone who makes him want to pet him just by looking at him.

In Yan Weixi’s eyes, Shi Zhan is just a wolf: a ruffian and a pervert!



 (End of this chapter)

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