My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 551: Princess hug at ball

Chapter 551 The princess hug at the ball

The lights dimmed and the beam of light turned and turned. Most of the people were very excited, except Ye Weiwei who stared closely at Ye Xichen.

 Suddenly! The light was fixed on the head of the night.

“Wow, our lucky dancer has been chosen today.”

The host personally stepped off the stage, activating the atmosphere as he walked.

The crowd also dispersed voluntarily, as if only Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen were standing still.

  But the two people who had heard everything knew roughly the reason.

 The host came over and invited the lucky dancer Ye Weiwei to come on stage.

 Just for a moment, Ye Weiyi had another plan in mind.

 “Can I please give this young lady her name?”

 “My name is Qiao Lian.”

She cooperated very well with every question asked by the host, until the key point, "Does Miss Qiao Ling have a dance partner?"

 “Without a dance partner.”

There were inevitably different voices in the crowd, faintly heard, "Dancing, are you kidding? I just saw that her feet were lame."

“It’s because I was selected, so I can’t help it. I also said that I don’t have a dance partner. Who would be willing to dance with a person with a disabled foot? Wouldn’t that be embarrassing for me?”

The lucky one who was selected did not have a dance partner, which was quite embarrassing.

However, Ye Ye’s only next sentence directly resolved the host’s embarrassment.

 “I would like to invite a dance partner on the spot, is that okay?”

 Although it is a rhetorical question, it does not reject the answer.

The host quickly responded, "Of course, this is even more exciting than our preset session!"

 Although a gentleman would not refuse a girl's invitation, in this case, if it is not a specific dance partner, it is easy to refuse the on-site invitation, because everyone comes with their companions.

Everyone focused on Ye Weiwei, wondering who she would invite.

 I saw Ye only taking out his left foot, and his right foot was obviously defective.

 She took one step, two steps.

 Everyone was watching the excitement, and at the same time they also saw her face clearly.

Some men couldn't move their eyes away from her delicate appearance, "She looks so beautiful, I'm moved."

 For that face, some men are ready to do anything.

 But when Ye Xichen took the third step, he stopped in front of Ye Xichen and stretched out his hand to him, "Can I invite you to dance?"

 When she extended the invitation to Ye Xichen, everyone was in an uproar.

Ye Xichen has been developing in G City in the past few years and has prospered. Most people know him.

Although this "Buddha" is handsome, has a great figure, and has extraordinary abilities, he...he is so inhumane!

 Especially when it comes to rejecting women, I never know what a gentleman is.

 Seeing that everyone attended the double dance today alone, it means that they have no intention of dancing with others.

Ms. Qiao’s invitation to him, isn’t it tantamount to seeking death?

 That’s what everyone thinks.

Ye Weiwei reached out and received no immediate response after sending out the invitation.

But she is not afraid of embarrassment.

She dared to be lame in front of so many people, just waiting for Ye Xichen's response.

When Ye Xichen was silent, she took the fourth step forward.

 I never knew that a distance of less than half a meter could be walked for such a long time.

On the fifth step, she stepped on the right foot and threw herself directly into Ye Xichen's arms!

 Ye Weiwei has firmly grasped Ye Xichen's hand.

 “Can you dance with me?”

Just when everyone thought Ye Xichen would push him out mercilessly, he directly carried the princess onto the center of the stage!


Most of the people present were young people, and they were excited by Ye Xichen's actions.

   Thanks to "Xi Yan, I am hard to coax, Lian Mu" for the tip



 (End of this chapter)

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